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Desert Fathers The Desert Fathers (there were also Desert Mothers) were Christian hermits, ascetics, and monks who lived mainly in the Scetes desert of Egypt beginning around the third century AD. The Apophthegmata Patrum is a collection of the wisdom of some of the early desert monks and nuns, still in print as Sayings of the Desert Fathers. The most well known was Anthony the Great, who moved to the desert in 270–271 and became known as both the father and founder of desert monasticism. By the time Anthony died in 356, thousands of monks and nuns had been drawn to living in the desert following Anthony's example — his biographer, Athanasius of Alexandria, wrote that "the desert had become a city."[1] The Desert Fathers had a major influence on the development of Christianity.

Taoist Music of the Wudang Mountain - China culture The Wudang Mountain was called Taihe Mountain in ancient times. Located in Shiyan City of Hubei Province, the mountain looks sublime and imposing, commanding the Danjiangkou reservoir and backing on Shennongjia forested area, with a continuous length over 400 km. It boasts 72 peaks. The elevation of its highest peak, Tianzhu Mountain, is 1612m. The other peaks are all inclined to Tianzhu Mountain, presenting a marvelous spectacle. Smertestillende medicin og penne til at formilde indfødte Peru Raya, un anciano nahua. Más de la mitad de su pueblo fue aniquilado tras la apertura de su tierra a la exploración petrolífera. © Johan Wildhagen Los indígenas aislados en el sureste de Perú están siendo “sobornados” con calmantes y bolígrafos coincidiendo con la llegada de los gigantes energéticos que quieren abrir sus territorios a la exploración de gas natural.

Secret plans for gas exploration in UNESCO World Heritage Site exposed Plans to explore for natural gas in the Nahua-Nanti Reserve threaten the uncontacted relatives of this Nanti man. © Survival International A report leaked to British newspaper The Guardian has revealed secret plans by Argentine gas giant Pluspetrol to explore for natural gas in an area inhabited by uncontacted tribes in southeast Peru.

Guardians of biodiversity By Diego Cortijo The jungle is a place too inhospitable to allow large human settlements, or that’s what we have always believed until now. New archaeological discoveries tell of highly developed cultures that have lived in the heart of the jungle. The myths of ancient cultures and places lost deep in the jungle may no longer be myths in light of these new discoveries. With this proposal I began my second expedition to the Amazon rainforest as a member of the Spanish Geographic Society, to try to learn about and document unknown places in the jungle. Interior Design Trends 2011 Are you curious to know what do the new trends for the 2011 look like? Have some brief impression from what I have found: According to Heimtextil Trend there will be four trend topics: Sobriety – a return to the essential and traditional

Verdensrekord: Svømmer 76 meter i badebukser under is For de fleste vil alene tanken om at stikke tæerne i en tilfrossen grønlandsk sø få kuldegysningerne til at bølge op gennem kroppen. Men for den danske fridykker Stig Serverinsen, er det aldrig nok, at holde sig til det, der er normalt. - Jeg har lige været i Grønland, for at slå en ny verdensrekord. Ideen var, at jeg skulle forsøge at lave det længste dyk i verdenshistorien under is. All projects are dedicated to assisting humanity with the transition toward becoming a sustainable, emissionless, waste-free, renewable energy, space faring, open, free, economically prosperous future society, or Type 1 Civilization. There are many steps towards becoming a Type 1 Civilization, and I am always on the lookout for any serious projects that are making headway towards this goal. The Council on Foreign Relations(Foreign Policy Advisory Board), Trilateral Commission(Financial Consolidation), and the Bilderberg Group (oil) are working towards a "New World Order" or "One World Government" with a world court, which is an oppressive, imperialist or totalitarian police state form of future Government. Every single war in history has been fought over riches, or natural resources. The only way we will ever see world peace is through the creation of (or transformation into) a completely sustainable society. We cannot have world peace without total sustainability.

NLP Terapi NLP - Terapi Behovet for terapi opstår I menneskers liv.... når der er en kompleks konfliktsituation, som vi ikke kan løse, med den tankegang og de ressourcer, vi har til rådighed, og her kan NLP Terapi så komme ind. Det at opsøge en terapeut er gavnende i forhold til afklaring, nye vinkler og at få gen- eller nyfundet ressourcer, vi ikke anede var til stede. Det er tit en personlig proces at gøre sig klar til at opsøge en terapeut; tit prøver vi selv at finde og skabe løsninger på problematikker, venner og bekendte involveres måske, men når de gamle mønstre smerteligt har gentaget sig over tid, vokser paratheden. NLP Terapi kan bruges inden for:

Radio 3Fourteen - Darrell Becker - Voluntary & Non Violent Communication Darrell Becker runs the blog Voluntary Visions which puts focus on the intellectual lenses of the Trivium method of critical thinking, Voluntary Communication, the Non-Aggression Principle, as well as other lenses, so as to create internal and interpersonal emotional and intellectual equilibrium. He'll discuss the skills of the Trivium Method of critical thinking in conjunction with the skills of using Voluntary Communication (NVC), in order to produce greater inner and interpersonal, intellectual and empathetic equilibrium. Darrell has written an essay on the topic, which we'll go over including, the the "4D's" of disconnected communication, using logic and grammar scans, removing personal cognitive dissonance, building bridges of empathy and understanding "emotional and mental splinters."

BloggEd! » Blog Archive » Jim Morrison is ALIVE! Jim Morrison, the famous lead-singer of ‘The Doors’, allegedly died on the third of July in 1971 at the age of 27. The news spread like wildfire around the globe, soon followed by an enormous amount of rumors. Jim died under mysterious circumstances. As with the passing of all great artists a lot of people can’t believe it is true and claim that Jim is still alive. The claims are often accompanied by statements like “Jim staged his own death to get away from the business” or “to get out of a record deal” and the list goes on and on and on… The King of Tyre & Babylon, Lucifer & Satan By Maria Merola © Copyright Double Portion Inheritance, September 2004 In Isaiah 14 & Ezekiel 28, we see prophecies that seem to be referring to the King of Babylon (Nimrod & Nebuchadnezzar) and also the Prince of Tyre. But even though in these two prophecies, an earthly king is being described, we know from reading Daniel 10:13-20 that for every “ground prince” there is a ruling demon prince (a principality) or a fallen angel. Hence, the fallen one spoken of in Isaiah 14 & Ezekiel 28 is indeed Satan who also possessed Nimrod, Nebuchadnezzar, and the Prince of Tyre.
