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SlideShowPro: Slideshow publishing tools for your web site

SlideShowPro: Slideshow publishing tools for your web site - Annuaire d'artistes, création de books en ligne. DepthManager Alright, so I've been really hesitant to give this out... but I decided what the hell why not. This DepthManager is a little odd in how it works... so what I will do is post it and an example, then I will answer questions. ActionScript Code: fla Okay, so if you have questions ask away, I have to go out for a while tonight so I will start answering if there's any questions, when I get back. Take Care.

History of Cyanotypes from Blueprints on Fabric The information on this page is excerpted with generous permission from Christopher James’ book "The Book of Alternative Photographic Processes" - now in it's second edition! A Little History The cyanotype was the first simple, fully realized, and practical non-silver iron process. Discovered by Sir John Herschel (1792-1871) in 1842, a mere three years after the “official” announcement of the discovery of photography, the cyanotype provided permanent images in an elegant assortment of blue values. Anna Atkins: The First Woman Photographer Anna Atkins (1799-1871) is referred to sparingly by traditional photo historians; she made beautiful cyanotype images of algae, ferns, feathers, and waterweeds. Anna Atkins made thirteen known versions of her work entitled "British Algae: Cyanotype Impressions" (1843-1853).

10 Useful Flash Components for Graphing Data By Jacob Gube Flash is an excellent technology for dealing with data visualization. It being client-side, it can reduce the amount of work your server has to perform in order to generate graphs and charts. In this article, you will find ten excellent Flash components that will help you in building stunningly attractive, complex, and interactive data visuals. 1. Open Flash Chart is an open source Flash-based graphing and charting solution developed using ActionScript 3 and compiled using Flex. Its native data format is JSON, which makes it a breeze to work with for developers who know C-style language like Perl, Python, PHP, and of course, JavaScript. Live Demonstrations: Open Flash Chart 2. XML/SWF Charts is a powerful Flash component for creating interactive graphs and charts. XML/SWF Charts is free to download and use, and the Free license only has a few features unavailable to you, such no technical support. Live Demonstrations: XML/SWF Charts 3. zxChart 4. amCharts 5. 6. 7. 9. 10.

Flash Slideshow Maker - Create animated photo slide shows , flash banner and image scroller for website, blog, MySpace zenphoto - Galerie Photo Zenphoto vous propose de placer vos photographies sur un site web. C’est donc ce que l’on appelle communément une galerie photographique, et nous en avons déjà référencé quelques unes dans notre annuaire, comme par exemple Gallery Menalto, ou encore Coppermine. Celle-ci porte cependant bien son nom, comparativement à celles précédemment citées, dans la mesure où elle est effectivement épurée et aérienne (en admettant que le zen le soit !). « Simpler is better » dit-on, et si vous êtes sensible au look minimaliste de Google, il y a de fortes chances pour que vous appréciiez également zenphoto, dont la possibilité de laisser facilement des commentaires sous les images rappelle aussi le blog. Techniquement, c’est du PHP/MySQL avec un brin de sauce AJAX (la killer application du web et du moment). La dernière version (1.1) ajoute diverses fonctionnalités, dont les sous-albums, les tags, la possibilité de rechercher des photos, des flux RSS, le support des informations EXIF et IPTC.

Van Dyke Brown Photographic Process The Van Dyke process is a basic silver salt emulsion, is nicely stable, is easily applicable to many different surfaces and produces a nice deep brown color. Chemicals Needed Method Mix Stock Solutions Mix each of the chemicals separately in 250 ml of distilled water. Sensitize surface Paper or organic fabric such as cotton, linen or silk can be dipped in the stock solution or brushed on to coat as evenly as possible. Dry coated material Hang to dry. Exposure Contact print: 20 or more minutes under UV fluorescents; 10 to 15 minutes in sunlight; approximately 30 minutes with photo floodlights. Washing After exposure, wash for about five minutes in running water. Fix Now immerse print briefly in tray of water with small amount of regular photo paper fixer. Final Wash Wash about 15 minutes. Dry The print will darken as it dries.

Best 15 Places to Get Quality Flash Components A website is like your receptionist! They need to look good for making a good first impression on your client. Most of us like a dynamic partner and Flash websites are perfect partners for your business. Flash sometimes makes websites look cool, attractive at the same time professional. 1. Digicrafts is an excellent place to start shopping for your flash apps. 2. JumpEye really makes your eye jump! 3. The eBay of flash applications. 4. FlashLoaded is loaded with flash apps that can blow your brains out. 5. Advanced Flash Components (AF Components) is a site of advanced flash action scripts components to help make your website more awesome. 6. is an excellent online source for flash apps and now they are on sale! 7. FlashEff is an acronym for Flash Effects, it helps creates tools for flash applications without the trouble of scripting all together. 8. The Craig’s List of Flash applications. 9. This is Yahoo! 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Words! 15. 16.

Slide.Show Showing off your photos is a lot harder than it should be. Vertigo tackled this problem during our latest exploration of Microsoft's Silverlight technology. By design, Silverlight enables us to build very rich interactive applications that improve people's experience working with media such as digital photos. We're proud to announce the release of Slide.Show, a Silverlight 1.0 application open to the public — the source is available on CodePlex. Slide.Show shows off some of the latest Silverlight technologies while also providing an elegant and simple photo sharing user experience. Features Minimal setup and configuration required to embed in any page Can be sized to fit any design and is even resizable for fluid layouts Full-screen and embedded modes Slideshow data from XML, Flickr, or your own custom provider Auto-playback with multiple transitions (e.g. fade, shape, slide, wipe, etc.) The Goods Quotes

Piwigo - Galerie Photo Application de gestion d’albums photos en ligne, Piwigo, auparavant connu sous le nom de PhpWebGallery, disponible sous licence GPL et conforme aux standards du web, HTML 4.01, CSS2, écrite en PHP et nécessitant une base de données. Voici quelques unes des fonctionnalités principales : Ajout de photo. Plusieurs alternatives sont possibles : ajout direct depuis votre navigateur web, ajout avec pLoader (Piwigo Uploader) qui s’installe sous Windows, Mac et Linux, ajout avec Digikam, ajout direct depuis smartphone, ajout par FTP. Comparé à des solutions communautaires comme Flickr, vous maîtrisez l’apparence de votre galerie photo. Côté support, Piwigo est un projet d’origine française et le forum francophone est très actif. Tags: phpgaleriephotosinternetweblibrettoot Ajouter des tags (séparés par des virgules ou des espaces) : Attention: tous les caractères spéciaux sont interdits (sauf le .). << Mettre à jour >> :: lien mort :: orthographe :: nouveauté :: mise à jour ::

Oxalic Acid, 500g for sale. Buy from The Science Company Transparent, colorless crystals. Occurs naturally in many plants (wood sorrell, rhubarb, spinach). Once processed, it is corrosive and may be fatal if swallowed. A popular use for Oxalic Acid is wood bleaching and removing dark water stains from wood. Mix three parts oxalic acid with one part warm water to create a paste. Other uses include general metal and equipment cleaner, leather tanning, and bleaching textiles. Oxalic Acid only ships to destinations within the continental United States and Canada using UPS ground. Oxalic Acid is also used in the following patina formulas:

Jumpeye Flash Components minishowcase v09b142 Gallery | Your photos on your website

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