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Famous Paintings Art Appreciation Lessons for Kids

Famous Paintings Art Appreciation Lessons for Kids
These studies of Famous Paintingswere written on an elementary level, but will be of interest to all ages. They will help students become familiar with and learn to appreciate the works of famous artists. Teachers, for each lesson you will find a biography of the artist,a study sheet, a worksheet, a greyscale print of the picture,a jigsaw puzzle, a printable and online crossword puzzle, word search, and word scramble, links for further research, and links to art lessons for many of the artists. There are posters, books, and videos you can order. All the material at Garden of Praise is free without subscription. If you have benefited and would like to help maintain the site, use the button below. SUGGESTIONS for using the ART LESSONS How to Use Famous Paintings for Tutoring

Art & Science Curriculum Art & Science: A Curriculum for K–12 Teachers mines the treasures of the Getty Museum to explore the many intersections of the visual arts with scientific disciplines. The curriculum was developed by Getty educators with museum conservators, curators, and scientists and a teacher advisory group. Focusing on the science of art production and conservation and the scientific skills of investigation and experimentation, it supports student proficiency in science and visual art by exploring the fascinating territory in which the arts and sciences mingle. This online presentation contains nine out of the 36 lessons that are included in the Art & Science print publication. Science and art teachers are encouraged to collaborate when implementing these lessons to share resources and expertise. To purchase a copy of Art & Science: A Curriculum for K–12 Teachers, visit The Getty Store.

Incredible Art Department | Art Education Visual Arts Toolkit Collection Welcome to Visual Arts Toolkit This collection provides K-12 teachers with high-quality teaching resources that bring the excitement of the visual arts into the classroom. You’ll find lesson plans, idea cards, glossaries, and many special features. Award-Winning Resources! The Boxed Toolkit These online resources augment those included in the boxed Visual Arts Toolkit. E-Edition of the Visual Arts Toolkit The KET Visual Arts Toolkit is now available as an E-edition. To order, call (800) 945-9167. Contact Us! Request More Information Want more information about KET’s Multi-Arts Toolkits?

Using Cartoon Avatars in the Classroom There are many sites available which provide you with options to create avatars, which are comic representations of people. Avatars can have many uses in the classroom. Here are some suggestions.Make own avatar and use in a personal profile listing hobbies, interest and goals.Make own avatar with background and accessories which represent their interests. The students can explain what the visual images represent, eg. A guitar because they love to listen to music.Students divide into pairs and make avatars of each other.Make own avatars, print them out and collect them. Shuffle and distribute them. Face Your MangaRepresentation: head and shouldersDesign Options: some choicesHow to save image:do a screen capture or email it to yourself by adding a nickname, year of birth, country and email address. Portrait Avatar MakerRepresentation: full bodyDesign Options: many choicesHow to save image: Click on Alignment and choose the file type you prefer. Mess Dudes! Lunaii Doll Maker

PORTRAIT DRAWINGS step by step instructions Drawing a portrait of yourself, or of someone you know, is the most difficult of all subjects to draw in my experience as an Artist and an Art Teacher. To help you learn to draw a portrait I developed these mix and match sheets to make the process more interesting. I do not see these mix and match portrait sheets as an end in themselves but rather a more painless step in learning to draw portraits from life. I suggest that you follow the steps from this first page to get the right proportions. I always tell my students to draw a very light line for where the eyes, nose, and mouth will be and then draw the features over these guide lines. Eyes for mix and match portraits. Noses for mix and match portraits. Mouths for mix and match portraits. More difficult mouths for mix and match portraits. Page one of heads for mix and match portraits. Page two of heads for mix and match portraits. Page three of heads for mix and match portraits. Page four of heads for mix and match portraits.

Educational Software | Teaching with Comics | Bitstrips for Schools Art Fundamentals-The Elements and Principles of Art Quality art starts with the elements and principles of art. I like to explain to my students how the elements and principles of art work through the illustration of cooking. (I even speak like I am Julia Childs when I am explaining this concept to them. ) Difference Between The Elements and Principles of Art It's easy to get confused when discussing the elements and principles of art and group them all together as one big group of abstract terms. When you are cooking something, you have a list of ingredients that are organized by the recipe. The lines, shapes, forms, values, colors, textures, and spaces that are incorporated must all work to make your artwork great. So you must spend some time exploring them, understanding them, and learning how to use them together effectively. The recipe is the principles of art. The elements can be arranged in a work to produce balance, harmony, unity, rhythm, proportion, variety, emphasis, and movement. So you must explore the principles as well.
