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Differentiating Instruction

Differentiating Instruction
Differentiating Instruction ... One Size Doesn't Fit All Effective Strategies to Improve Student Performance ! We have students in our classrooms who struggle academically and others who learn at an advanced level and accelerated pace. Testimonials about the workshops -- Fran McAleer is a valuable contributor to our work, training to create a new and better workplace in our schools. More! Franny McAleer has been providing staff development for teachers in the Berwick Area School District for the last four years, including whole staff workshops with the Six Thinking Hats as well as focused workshops detailing best practices with instructional strategies for gifted and honors students. AWESOME! Franny did a tremendous job of inspiring and engaging participants in a one-day training session on differentiation. The presenter knew her topic and was open to all questions. Franny McAleer is a dynamic presenter. "This workshop got nothing but rave reviews." Teacher and parent links are blue.

resources Resources Here are several books and articles pertaining to literacy and learning regarding boys and girls which should be of interest to all who want to inspire youths to enjoy the written or oral word. Booth, David. (2002). This book examines many issues that pertain to the “literacy lives” of boys. Blair, H. and Sanford, K (2004). This journal article explores what literacy means to adolescent boys. Millard, Elaine. (1997). This book focuses on researching the different experiences that boys and girls have with respect to the reading and writing curriculum. Ontario Ministry of Education. (2004). This ministry document is designed as part of an initiative to support student success in literacy. Peterson, Shelley. (2004) “Supporting Boys’ and Girls’ Literacy Learning.” This journal article makes an attempt to probe into some of the reasons as to why a gender gap exists in literacy scores between boys and girls in elementary school. This link is for information about book on ERIC

The Differentiator Try Respondo! → ← Back to The Differentiator The Differentiator is based on Bloom's Taxonomy, Kaplan and Gould's Depth and Complexity, and David Chung's product menu. Try It In: French Dutch • Tweet It • Like Byrdseed • Pin It Students will judge the ethics of the [click to edit] using a textbook and create an essay in groups of three. Revised Bloom's Taxonomy adapted from "A Taxonomy for Learning,Teaching, and Assessing: A Revision of Bloom's Taxonomy of Educational Objectives" by Anderson and Krathwohl Depth and Complexity adapted from The Flip Book by Sandra N. Depth Big Idea Unanswered Questions Ethics Patterns Rules Language of the Discipline Essential Details Trends Complexity Multiple Points Of View Change Over Time Across the Disciplines Imperatives Origin Convergence Parallels Paradox Contribution Key Words Consequences Motivations Implications Significance Adapted from David Chung and The Flip Book, Too by Sandra N. Group Size One Two Three Four

Language Learning Strategies What impact do learning styles and learning strategies have on second language learning? The strategies a student uses to learn a second language depend greatly on their individual learning style. Some students are outgoing and will experiment freely and frequently while learning a new language. Other students are more introverted, preferring a more individual, private approach to the way they learn and practice the language. What is the difference between learning styles and learning strategies? The phrase ‘learning style’ refers to a person’s general approach to learning and is dependent upon that person’s cognitive, affective and behavioral characteristics(Oxford, “The Role of Styles and Strategies in Second Language Learning”, 1989). back to top How can the SILL (Strategy Inventory for Language Learning) Survey be useful? Who is most likely to use learning strategies most often? What types of learning strategies do students use?

Teacher Toolkits The Planning for All Learners Toolkit Planning for All Learners (PAL) applies UDL to planning and developing curricula in ways that promote access, participation, and progress in the general education curriculum for all learners. The PAL Toolkit provides specific planning steps, guidance, mentoring, model lessons, tools, templates, resources, and links to other educators using the PAL Model. The PAL Toolkit can be used as part of a face-to-face training session, to provide ongoing follow-up support, or to train others. Internet Inquiry Toolkit The Internet Inquiry Toolkit is a resource for language arts, content area, and special education teachers (grades 5-10) who recognize that finding information on the Internet has become an essential literacy task for today's students. SEEC Toolkit
