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Top 10 Signs Of Evolution In Modern Man

Top 10 Signs Of Evolution In Modern Man
Humans Through history, as natural selection played its part in the development of modern man, many of the useful functions and parts of the human body become unnecessary. What is most fascinating is that many of these parts of the body still remain in some form so we can see the progress of evolution. This list covers the ten most significant evolutionary changes that have taken place – leaving signs behind them. Goose Bumps Cutis Anserina Humans get goose bumps when they are cold, frightened, angry, or in awe. Jacobson’s Organ Vomeronasal organ Jacobson’s organ is a fascinating part of animal anatomy and it tells us a lot about our own sexual history. Junk DNA L-gulonolactone oxidase While many of the hangovers from our “devolved” past are visible or physical, this is not true for all. Extra Ear Muscles Auriculares muscles Early humans ate a lot of plants – and they needed to eat them quickly enough that they could eat a sufficient amount in one day to get all of the nutrients they needed.

Humans and Chimps Evolved Lopsided Brains | Brain Evolution The two halves of the human brain are not symmetrical. This lopsidedness, which arises during brain development, may be a stamp of the adaptability of the human brain, a new study suggests. Researchers compared geometric differences between brain scans of humans and chimpanzees. They observed structural asymmetries in both human and chimpanzee brains, but human brains were especially asymmetric. The findings, published online today (April 23) in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B, suggest human and chimp brains evolved a high degree of flexibility during development. The human brain is known to be asymmetric — the "left brain" is involved in language processing, for example, while the "right brain" is where spatial reasoning takes place. Asymmetry and specialization of the brain's hemispheres were once thought be distinctly human traits, but primates and other animals possess them as well. Genetics is thought to play a role in the first two asymmetries. - Vijesti - Biologija - Evolucija vidljiva tijekom samo jedne generacije Idući puta kada se nađete u prirodi dobro se osvrnite oko sebe. Ne samo da uživate u aktivnostima izvan kuće već vjerojatno svjedočite i evoluciji koja vam se odvija pred očima. Novo istraživanje objavljeno u časopisu Science početkom ovog mjeseca, a koje se bavi utjecajem kukaca na populacije biljaka, pokazalo je da se evolucija može dogoditi puno brže nego što se prije pretpostavljalo, čak tijekom samo jedne generacije. Znanstvenici sa Sveučilišta u Torontu, zajedno a suradnicima, izveli su eksperiment koristeći dvogodišnju pupoljku (Oenothera biennis), tipičnu samooprašivajuću biljku koja producira genetički identične potomke. Biljke su posadili na dva polja od kojih je svako u početku sadržavalo 60 biljaka sa 18 različitih genotipova (biljke koje sadrže različite setove mutacija). >>> Istraživanja na algama mijenjaju poznatu evoluciju biljaka Rezultati pokazuju da bi evolucija mogla biti važan mehanizam koji uzrokuje promjene u cijelom ekosustavu. Izvor: e!

20 amazing facts about the human body | Science | The Observer The appendix gets a bad press. It is usually treated as a body part that lost its function millions of years ago. All it seems to do is occasionally get infected and cause appendicitis. Yet recently it has been discovered that the appendix is very useful to the bacteria that help your digestive system function. They use it to get respite from the strain of the frenzied activity of the gut, somewhere to breed and help keep the gut's bacterial inhabitants topped up. Practically everything we experience is made up of molecules. It is hard to grasp just how small the atoms that make up your body are until you take a look at the sheer number of them. It might seem hard to believe, but we have about the same number of hairs on our bodies as a chimpanzee, it's just that our hairs are useless, so fine they are almost invisible. But perhaps the most attractive idea is that early humans needed to co-operate more when they moved out of the trees into the savanna. Another quick test.

Homo erectus - H. erectus is a well known hominid IntroductionThroughout the early years of paleoanthropology, there were only two different species that were attributed to the genus Homo. These included the Neanderthals, and Homo erectus. In the early 1960s, this began to change, and human ancestry seemed to be populated by many different players. Accordingly, erectus is one of the better-known members of genus Homo, especially in terms of its well-established place in paleoanthropology. Some (e.g., M. The species was named by Eugène Dubois (it was originally designated as Pithecanthropus erectus) in 1894, after his 1891 find from Trinil, Java, in Indonesia (Trinil 2). The material was later associated with the Chinese material from Zhoukoudian, and renamed Homo erectus. Diagnostic Features The dates for erectus have become earlier and earlier, while habilis remains have been found in later and later deposits, making a lineage involving habilis ancestral to erectus increasingly unlikely. Bibliography Bräuer, G., and E.

10 Body Language Techniques to Make You Succeed in Business Every good businessperson knows that what you say has never been as important as how you say it. Even when you are not speaking, you are still communicating, even if you are not aware of it. By becoming aware of your body language and what you are saying with it, you can begin to control it and put forward the impression that will most help you in your business. By using these techniques you will save yourself time – and ensure that you succeed. 10. Meeting someone’s eyes has long been seen as a mark of honesty and good faith. 9. Hunching your shoulders forward or holding your arms in across your chest can make you seem defensive and intimidated. 8. Entire books have been written about the importance of a good handshake. 7. Looking upwards or to the side before you speak or as you’re speaking can make people suspicious of your integrity. 6. When you have established a position in the room, consider it to be your territory. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. More Popular Stories:

Replication Amy Cuddy: Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are TED and The Huffington Post are excited to bring you TEDWeekends, a curated weekend program that introduces a powerful "idea worth spreading" every Friday, anchored in an exceptional TEDTalk. This week's TEDTalk is accompanied by an original blog post from the featured speaker, along with new op-eds, thoughts and responses from the HuffPost community. Watch the talk above, read the blog post and tell us your thoughts below. Power. In her TEDTalk (above), social psychologist Amy Cuddy shares an easy way that anyone can change not only others' perceptions of them, but the way they feel about themselves -- spending two minutes "power posing" with their arms or elbows out, their chin lifted and their posture expansive. But for those who already project power and competence to the world through their bodies, there is another, perhaps harder challenge: communicating warmth. So I think it's more interesting, especially when watching leaders, to look for warmth and trustworthiness nonverbals.

Structure Try It: Hemispheric Specialization The left and right hemispheres of the brain have specialized functions for most people. The left hemisphere is a language center while the right hemisphere processes spatial information. These differences are most obvious in those rare individuals whose corpus callosum was surgically severed to help control a severe form of epilepsy. But are these differences apparent in the behavior of individuals with an intact corpus callosum? You will need a cooperative volunteer for this demonstration. Sit opposite your volunteer and note the direction of his or her gaze when you ask the following questions: Is Chicago north of Washington, D.C.? (for the curious, the answers are: 1.

Genome Reservoir
