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Facebook by the Numbers [INFOGRAPHIC]

Facebook by the Numbers [INFOGRAPHIC]
The Social Media Infographics Series is supported by Vocus' Social Media Strategy Tool, a free, six-step online tool that lets you build a custom social media framework tailored to your organization’s goals. You likely know that Facebook is the world's largest social network with more than 800 million users, but did you know that more than 250 million photos are uploaded every single day? Or that the average American spends seven hours and 46 minutes browsing her friends' profiles per month? Facebook has become an integral part of our lives — some people more than others. It's where we learn what our friends are doing, who they're dating and even what they're listening to. We wanted to dive deeper into the Facebook phenomenon, so we collected some stats about the social network and put them together in one infographic. Infographic designed by Emily Caufield.

Facebook : la mémoire cachée L'appétit vorace de Facebook pour les données personnelles n'est un secret pour personne. Régulièrement, son estomac numérique gargouille auprès de ses membres pour réclamer son dû. «Donnez-moi votre numéro de mobile, que je puisse renvoyer votre mot de passe en cas d'oubli !» «Expliquez-moi vos opinions politiques, que je puisse mieux cibler mes publicités !» «Dites-moi ce que vous lisez, ce que vous écoutez, ce que vous regardez, ce que vous cuisinez, que vos amis puissent en profiter !» Et la plupart des 800 millions d'inscrits, dociles, jettent leurs gros steaks de vie privée dans la gueule béante du réseau social. Les découvertes du jeune Max Schrems sont effarantes. «Statut : effacé» «Je ne cherche aucun gain financier ou personnel. Dégainant sa directive 95/46/CE qui garantit un tel droit à tout citoyen européen, Max Schrems écrit à Facebook pour réclamer l'accès à l'ensemble des données le concernant, via un formulaire très bien caché sur le site du réseau. «Shadow profiles»

Bret Taylor: “A Few Years From Now, Most Every Single Person At Facebook Is Going To Be Working On Mobile” Bret Taylor: “A Few Years From Now, Most Every Single Person At Facebook Is Going To Be Working On Mobile” How important is mobile to Facebook? Already, 350 million of its 800 million monthly active users are on mobile devices, and that number is just going to get bigger. “Fundamentally we view it as a really big shift for our company, as fundamental as the shift from desktop apps to the Internet,” Facebook CTO Bret Taylor tells me in the TCTV interview above (which was shot at the Web 2.0 Summit earlier this week). “Companies really need to redefine themselves in this world of devices rather than browsers on people’s laptops.” Taylor goes even further with this stunning prediction: “A few years from now, most every single person at Facebook who works there is going to be working on mobile almost exclusively.” Here is where Project Spartan may come in. “Where we can play a role in mobile is just helping app discovery and engagement,” says Taylor.

Facebook Timeline Launch Date: Unraveling the Mystery Ever since Mark Zuckerberg announced Facebook Timeline last month, the tech world has been busy trying to guess when the new profile layout — which focuses on users' entire lives rather than their most recent updates — will launch for all Facebook users. Would it be Sept. 29? Obviously not, since that date came and went. Oct. 6? Here's what seems to be happening: When users activate the Timeline feature, Facebook gives them a date when their personal profiles will publish. Anecdotally, the date when Timeline profiles go live seems to relate to when the profile was activated. Some observers have interpreted the multiple dates as evidence that Facebook has pushed back its public launch of Timelines, perhaps as a result of a trademark lawsuit that was filed by (nothing in the legal filing indicates that Facebook changed its Timeline launch date).

Le wall of shame de Facebook Voici listées dans une infographie toutes les tentatives infructueuses du réseau social. Are We Too Obsessed With Facebook? [INFOGRAPHIC] Facebook profiles are like belly buttons: Everybody's got one. Perhaps that statement's still a bit of an exaggeration, but by the numbers, we (that is, Internet users around the globe) are becoming more obsessed with Facebook by the day. One out of every 13 Earthlings and three out of four Americans is on Facebook, and one out of 26 signs into Facebook on a daily basis. We could rattle off stats like that until the cows come home, but instead, we'd like to show you this fascinating infographic from SocialHype and Here, in a visual nutshell, are some highlights about Facebook usage, 2010 trends, adoption numbers and a great deal more. Take a good look at this information (or click here for the full-size version), and in the comments, let us know what you think about our global fascination with Facebook. Embed this Image on Your Site: Header image courtesy of Flickr, tsevis.

Facebook Timeline: 10 Stunning Designs [PICS] Plus de 600.000 tentatives de hacking de comptes chaque jour sur facebook La semaine dernière, Facebook dévoilait deux nouvelles applications censées augmenter la sécurité de ses utilisateurs. À cette occasion, le réseau social a édité une infographie assez complète contenant un chiffre qui était passé inaperçu jusque maintenant… Sur cette infographie, apparaît dans la partie consacrée aux spams : «0,06% du plus d’un milliard de connexions réalisées chaque jour (sur Facebook, ndlr) sont compromises ». Un chiffre qui peut être ramené à 600.000 connexions compromises au quotidien… Une preuve de plus de l’augmentation constante des cyber-attaques…

Anti-Facebook Social Network “Unthink” Launches To Public Scrappy outsider startup, which bills itself as the “anti-Facebook,” is opening up its doors today, allowing in its first round of beta testers. The Tampa-based company with $2.5 million in funding from DouglasBay Capital sees itself as a more open, more honest form of social networking – one where its users are the owners of their data, and not the product being sold to advertisers. Unthink is the kind of startup that could only come from outside of traditional tech hotspots like Silicon Valley or New York, as there’s a certain level of audacity, and perhaps even ignorance, that you need in order to think you have a shot at displacing social networking giant Facebook and all of its 800 million users. And taking down Facebook is the core of Unthink’s marketing campaign. She explained that the idea for Unthink came to her when her son wanted to sign up for Facebook and she read the terms of service. (Above: a profile after sign-up) On Unthink, user data isn’t sold to brands.

Рекламни трикове във Facebook (ама наистина) #3 Една от най-четените поредици в този блог няма как да не бъде продължена, след като след f8 Conference сме свидетели на множество промени и обещания около Facebook. Интересен е фактът, че колкото и да се говори, че Facebook се променя и реновира постоянно, предходните две статии с трикове за тази мрежа остават до голяма степен актуални и приложими. Сега ще ви разкажа за някой нови хитринки, които да впрегнете в рекламата и маркетинга си във Facebook: 1. FanGate Games + Social Plugins Това е „болна“ тема, защото провеждането на игри, томболи и всякакви други промоции във Facebook вече струва пари и всеки търси оптимални варианти за реализация. Сигурно сте чели или чували за fangate landing page. Та… какъв е конкретно сценарият на промоцията. Тук вече имате два варианта за участие: И двата варианта са много удачни. . 2. Директно на въпроса – много често се налага, когато някой сподели страница от сайта Ви във Фейсбук да му дадете възможността да избере измежду няколко картинки/снимки. 3. 4.

Facebook concentrera 72% des revenus publicitaires des réseaux sociaux en 2012 Le site eMarketer vient de publier une étude sur les revenus publicitaires actuels et futurs des principaux réseaux sociaux. Pour cela, le célèbre site spécialisé en marketing digital s’est basé sur des estimations en matière d’usages des consommateurs et des marketeurs, du prix des publicités, du trafic des sites, des estimations des chiffres d’affaires proposés par différentes sociétés et sur des entretiens avec des dirigeants. Il en ressort deux grandes conclusions. Le gagnant par KO est Facebook, et les revenus globaux vont exploser pour atteindre 10 milliards de dollars à travers le monde en 2013. Le réseau le plus impressionnant est bien sûr Facebook. Derrière Facebook, LinkedIn fait figure de petit joueur.
