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Le Monde de Nalya ActuDoc - Information, documentation et technologies web Lemontree - University of Huddersfield How it works Lemontree automatically gathers information about your activities within the library when you link it to your library card. So when you visit library, when you bring books back or even when you log in to an e-resource, your actions — provided you’ve registered with us —will register on Lemontree and earn you points! During the week Lemontree will show your progress visually. The more you use the library, the hotter your library card gets! Grow your own Lemontree As you progress through your studies and use the library you will also progress through the levels in the game! You can also find your friends on Lemontree, things like checking in with them or recommending things to them earn you bonuses. About Lemontree Lemontree is a flavour of Librarygame™ that has been specifically customised for and licensed to the University of Huddersfield. Read more about their journey at Your privacy Please note

6 Best Reasons Why You Should Focus on One Thing at a Time If we do too many things at once, we become less focused and also it affects the productivity and the quality of the work. Being a multitasked is not a bad idea, but if you can’t focus on one thing at a time, is when you will lose the entire game. A wise man once said that excess of anything is injurious to the health of the person and the business. If you do too many things at once then how will you give the best and quality result? Multitasking Vs Single Tasking Multitasking slows down your work and makes you less focused on one thing at a time. The opposite of multitasking is single-tasking which the better option to get a productive result is. Jack of All Trades, Master of None “Jack of all trades, master of none,” is a famous phrase which refers to a person who has learned many things but not an expert in any. One Goal at a Time Successful people never take their work as a burden. Fear of Losing a Game Success never comes without a risk. Deep Thinking Plays a Great Role Bottom Line

Ressources | Institut de recherche et d'histoire des textes Une documentation très riche, fondamentale pour la recherche et connue des chercheurs du monde entier, est conservée et quotidiennement alimentée par les ingénieurs et chercheurs de l’IRHT. Notices de manuscrits et fichiers thématiques (auteurs, textes, bibliographies…) sont progressivement intégrés dans ses bases de données consultables en ligne. Les compétences des membres du laboratoire relèvent du domaine des sciences de l’érudition : Liber, libri, m. : livre Libraries and Cloud Computing There has been much written about Cloud Computing in recent months, and this presentation is a good resource to add to the mix; looking at what advantages, or disadvantages, can be expected for a library in the Cloud (I tweeted this presentation over the weekend but, after re-reading it, thought it worthy of a post here); Libraries and the Cloud I found the following statements struck a chord that I’ve already emailed them to a colleague who works in a library, along with the presentation; “The days of each library operating its own local servers have largely passed. This approach rarely represents the best use of library space and personnel.” Marshall Breeding (Slide 57). and perhaps the biggest quote, which can be applied to many elements of higher education, not just the library; “The biggest cultural component is that organisations have to become more willing to use platforms,. technology, and services that they don’t directly control.” Are you involved in any form of Cloud Computing?


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