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Teachers Love SMART Boards: Mathematics I was searching through my past blog posts and I'm quite surprised that I have not written a post about the amazing flash-based resources found on Crickweb. This site contains hundreds of quality interactive resources for children aged 4 to 11. For my U.S. readers, the activities are organized into three age groups: The Early Years (age 4 to 5), Key Stage 1 (age 6 to 7), and Key Stage 2 (age 8 to 11). The basic subject areas include Math, Science, History, and Literacy. Spanish, and even Design & Technology. The resources contained on this site are all interactive and very few of them require keyboard input. of the activities only require students to touch or drag objects. I've included a few screen shots but the best way to find what your looking for is to browse around and play with the activities. Sharing is Caring!

3D Functions Plotter - Graficas de funciones de dos variables y calculador de integral doble Functions 3D Plotter es una herramienta on line que permite hacer gráficas de funciones reales con dos variables, es decir, funciones del tipo f: R2 → R (x,y) → f(x,y) 3D Functions Plotter calcula la integral doble en formatos analítico y numérico. Functions 3D Plotter calcula también las derivadas parciales ∂ f/∂ x, ∂ f/∂ y. Input de la aplicación Simplemente, introduzca los elementos: 1) xMin: Mínimo valor de la x 2) xMax: Máximo valor de la x 3) yMin: Mínimo valor de la y 4) yMax: Máximo valor de la y 5) Funcion: la funcion de variables x, y por ejemplo x^2-y^2 ó e^(-x+y), etc ... Ejecución y output de la aplicación Para comenzar los cálculos simplemente pulse en "Mostrar Gráfico": Pasados unos segundos, se abrirá una ventana con el gráfico de la función en los intervalos introducidos Para calcular la integral doble, hagal click en el link "Integral Doble" y el formulario para el cálculo de la integral doble se abrirá. Comentarios finales

Game Theory, Behavioral Finance, and Investing: Part 1 of 5 | Portfolio Investing Blog: Portfolioist Watching the market this year has been like observing an exercise in game theory and behavioral finance, and the two fields are closely related. Game theory is the study of how a rational person makes decisions in uncertain situations. As the name suggests, game theory was developed with the intent of developing optimal strategies in games in which chance or the decisions of an opponent play a role in your outcome. There is a huge literature of both game theory applied to financial decisions and behavioral finance. Notice that in my description of game theory, I write that people act to maximize their satisfaction rather than their returns or their wealth. The games on Wall Street come in a variety of forms. In this five-part series of posts, I will explore a number of the challenges that investors face from the perspective of game theory and behavioral finance. Related Links: Folio Investing The brokerage with a better way. Like this: Like Loading...

Numbers= & programs for smartboards Number, Problem Solving A mathematical based puzzle for IWB, iPad and Android that requires some careful numeracy thinking and some informed trial and error. When the resource opens you will see that both multiplication calculations give the same result of 3634. The highest number that can be the answer for both calculations using each of the nine digits once is 5568. The challenge is to arrange the numbers until both calculations equal 5568. Tap one tile and then another to swap them. The resource requires a modern browser and will work on all platforms. Go to math puzzle. Investigations, Number, Problem Solving This resource was inspired by the Puzzle of the Month in the always informative newsletter by Andrew Jeffrey, also on twitter as @AJMagicMessage. The puzzle is easily played using counters or sticky notes but to alleviate the danger of rogue gust of wind or sneezes this resource lets it be played or demonstrated on computer or tablet, either iPad or Android. Go to Puzzle Resource

GraphFree Home Game Theory .net - Resources for Learning and Teaching Strategy for Business and Life Mathematics Fun, Fact, Fiction, Function, Fantasy Here is a collection of mathematical activities and curiosities...enjoy them! BRAND NEW 2008 Line of Fractal Imagery -- 594 Images -- Oh Wow! ---> Show me the fractals! Guess Your Birthday! Here's a fun trick to show a friend, a group, or an entire class of people. Step 1) Have them take the month number from their birthday: January = 1, Feb = 2 etc. Have them give you the total. How It Works: Let M be the month number and D will be the day number. Thus, if you subtract off the 165, what will remain will be the month in hundreds plus the day! By the way, if you wish to know how many minutes and seconds you have been alive and lots more about when you were born, you might like to try this website ==> Birthday Calculator Divisibility Rules! To find if some number X is divisible by a certain number, test the number by using the information in the table below. *A big thank you to Torsten Sillke for these rules! Do You Love "Alphametics?" Good Mathematical Card Trick Say the total was 23. Primes!

Online Scientific Calculator | EEWeb Community Download eCalc Scientific Calculator Windows VersionMac OSX VersionView More Downloads Online Calculator and Math Help eCalc is a free and easy to use scientific calculator that supports many advanced features including unit conversion, equation solving, and even complex-number math. eCalc is offered as both a free online calculator and as a downloadable calculator. Input Mode (Algebraic vs. The online calculator operates in either algebraic input (default mode) or RPN input. Algebraic Mode Algebraic input mode is commonly referred to as "infix notation" and is widely used by most handheld calculators. Graphical Button and Keyboard Support The online calculator supports data entry through either a graphical button or through the use of traditional computer keyboard keys. Stack The stack is a feature of the calculator that provides a way to view a history of results. Pallet Intro Basic Functions Addition The addition (sum function) is used by clicking on the "+" button or using the keyboard.

The Costs of “Good” Economics If there is a central argument to 13 Bankers, it is that politics matters. The financial crisis was the result of a long-term transformation of the financial sector and its place in the overall economy, and that transformation occurred because of—and contributed to—a shift in the political balance of power. Daron Acemoglu and James Robinson, authors of Why Nations Fail, take up this theme on a much broader scale in their recent article in the Journal of Economic Perspectives, “Economics Versus Politics: Pitfalls of Policy Advice,” burnishing their reputations as two of the most subversive thinkers around. People have always known that economics and politics are related: that economic power produces political power and that political institutions constrain economic policy choices. This is what Acemoglu and Robinson contest. One specific consequence of weaker unions is that “income will typically be redistributed from workers to the managers and owners of firms.” This all seems obvious.

The Math Forum - Ask Dr. Math Ask Dr. Math® Thank you for your interest in Ask Dr. Math. [Privacy Policy] [Terms of Use] Math Forum Home || Math Library || Quick Reference || Math Forum Search ChaosPro - Freeware fractal generator - Welcome What is ChaosPro - ChaosPro is a real time freeware fractal generator for MS Windows with support for many different fractal types (2D and 3D), true color support, animation support. Due to its integrated compiler it is quite fast even if you write your own formulas within ChaosPro. Is is suitable for me - Well, it depends on what you are looking for when visiting this site. The answer may be yes, if: you would like to create computer generated art you are interested in fractals you want to experiment with something new you want to know what your computer dreams at night Still unsure what it is - If you are new to this site you may have a look at: the Features page: It lists the main features from ChaosPro.
