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Receitas bimby/thermomix e tradicionais

Receitas bimby/thermomix e tradicionais

Chocolate & Zucchini O sabor da Primavera | no soup for you Primavera, onde andas que não te vejo? Procuro-te nos dias solarengos e encontro chuva cinzenta... Procuro-te nos braços de fora, jogados ao sol e encontro-os arrepiados dentro dos casacos... Sei que não são unânimes, é um amo-te ou odeio-te entre cujos extremos eu mesma já andei. Favas à grega Azeite 1 molho de ervas frescas (usei coentros e hortelã) 2 dentes de alho picados 300 g de favas cozidas 1 limão Sal e pimenta preta moída na hora Queijo feta Tape o fundo de uma frigideira com azeite, junte as ervas e salteie o alho em lume médio, cerca de 1 minuto. Adicione as favas cozidas e envolva para que ganhem o sabor do azeite. Polvilhe com mais ervas picadas, raspa de limão e tempere com sal, pimenta e sumo de limão. Sirva morno ou frio, com o queijo feta grosseiramente esfarelado.

up chef creek Microwave Potato Chips — Really! I like to think of myself as a glass-half-full kind of gal. I tend to have a sunny demeanor. I try to accentuate the positive even in the most grave of situations. And I’m optimistic that one can do anything one sets one’s mind to — or at the very least get darn close to it. But when I stumbled upon a recipe early last year in Eating Well magazine for making potato chips in the microwave, I balked. I was wrong. As part of the Reheat Anything Generation, I knew full well from experience that foods heated or cooked in the microwave most often turned out soft and limp, not crunchy. So how could thinly sliced potatoes end up crackling crisp? They not only do, but they also possess a purity of flavor — of real, fresh potatoes. Plus, there’s no heating up a vat of oil or turning on a hot oven to make these. The recipe calls for cutting up the potatoes into 1/8-inch slices. Toss with olive oil, and salt. I’m still a glass-half-full gal. Microwave Potato Chips (makes 4 servings, 12-14 chips each)

smitten kitchen idinhas por Alessandra Blanco – Restaurantes, receitas e dicas gastronômicas La Recette du Jour Best Potato Salad Recipe - Homemade Potato Salad Ingredients 2 ½ lbs small red bliss potatoes.Salt and pepper to taste2 tbsp rinsed capers½ cup thinly sliced roasted red peppersA few cloves chopped garlic½ cup balsamic vinegar 2 tbsp sugar1 tsp red-pepper flakes6 minced oil-packed anchovies1 cup extra-virgin olive oil¼ cup chopped fresh mint¼ cup grated Parmesan cheese Instructions Here's what you get from an Irish guy who owns an Italian restaurant.
