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Bots de Twitter | Para responder a los usuarios de Twitter, se define una serie de palabras o frases claves con las cuales se desea que reaccione el Bot, de esta manera puede responder a sinónimos sin tener que repetir continuamente las mismas respuestas. Cuando un usuario escribe un Tweet que contiene tu nombre de usuario, el Bot procesa el contenido del Tweet y genera una respuesta. Este sistema de menciones es muy útil si se pretende implementar una Base de datos de conocimientos o una cuenta para el servicio a cliente que sirva como un FAQ. Búsquedas, es posible definir una o más respuestas para una o más palabras o frases claves, de esta manera el Bot puede responder a sinónimos sin tener que repetir continuamente las mismas respuestas, definiendo las frases o palabras clave a buscar. Todas las respuestas generadas por el Bot, se encuentran almacenadas en un diccionario evitando errores de tipografía o el envió de respuestas confusas.

How The Independent uses Facebook “Likes” to push specialized content to readers Robert Fisk, the Middle East correspondent for The Independent in the United Kingdom, is surging in popularity on Facebook, with more than 13,000 “Likes” since mid-January. In comparison, the publication’s primary account has garnered about 39,000 “Likes” in about a year. What’s behind Fisk’s recent rise? Two things: lots of news in the Middle East and an effort by The Independent to use the Facebook “Like” button to push specialized content to users. According to The Independent’s Digital Media Editor Jack Riley, Fisk’s popularity shows that consumers’ loyalty to publications may be waning, but their desire to find specific types of news is strong, if not growing. Riley argues that readers do associate types of coverage with brand names. The Independent is not the only publication to use the Facebook “Like” button to create news feeds based on topics and writers. Facebook calls its tool for integrating news into social media the “Open Graph” protocol.

Safety 7 claves para editar una fotografía en Google+ ¿Te interesa editar una fotografía desde Google+? No dejes de seguir estos consejos: 1. Ingresa a cualquier imagen publicada en tu cuenta de Google+. 2. Los efectos son los siguientes: Proceso cruzado: Se modifica las curvas de color de la imagen y la saturación. 3. 6. 7. Si te interesa el tema de privacidad, revisa este post. Why Journalists should be using Facebook more Twitter has long been regarded as a default news channel for breaking stories, featuring them well ahead of traditional news outlets. It’s also the place where you can get valuable content that you wouldn’t normally find such as people sharing first-hand real time accounts with photo and video. Indeed, this content often sets the mainstream news agenda, as the famous picture of the plane in the Hudson river showed, first uploaded to Twitpic. Facebook however, despite enjoying the advantage of a significantly larger userbase has never been the place for finding breaking news, nor has it been as natural a channel for journalists to use for sourcing stories as Twitter is. That could be starting to change though, as it seems that Facebook is waking up to the huge potential if they can be seen as a valuable newsource both for consumers and the media industry. So where do the opportunities lie and how can Facebook revolutionise the consumption of news? Journalists on Facebook Split newsfeed?

Security How to: create a Facebook page as a journalist | How to succeed in journalism Journalist programme manager Vadim Lavusik's Facebook page "Facebook is a rolodex of more than 750 million potential sources," journalist programme manager at Facebook Vadim Lavrusik told This guide explains why journalists should consider having a professional presence on Facebook by creating a fan page to connect with sources and readers, make contacts, build a brand as a journalist and promote articles. There are also examples of successful journalist fan pages and tips on using your page. According to Lavrusik, a professor teaching social media at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism and a journalist who has worked for Mashable and the New York Times, Facebook pages are used by journalists for "reporting, storytelling and engagement". Reasons to create a Facebook page 1. Creating a professional fan page allows journalists to keep a personal profile for friends and family. 2. 4. 6. A Facebook page can help a journalist hunt for sources and information.

and Privacy Facebook's Timeline spells success for apps | Internet & Media A couple of months ago, most people had no idea what Viddy was. Since getting its start in April 2011, this app -- which is like Instagram but for video -- tallied 60,000 monthly active users. Then, in February, Viddy launched its Facebook Timeline app and it's been smooth sailing ever since. Now Viddy has more than 1.7 million monthly active users and averages about 300,000 new registered users per day. Facebook Dev sur Twitter
