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Blur Menu with CSS3 Transitions

Blur Menu with CSS3 Transitions
There are so many great things we can do with the additional properties and possibilities that CSS3 brings along. Today I want to show you how to experiment with text shadows and with transitions in order to achieve a blur effect that we'll apply to a menu on hovering over the elements. The main idea is to blur the other items while enhancing the one we are currently hovering. View demo Download source There are so many great things we can do with the additional properties and possibilities that CSS3 brings along. Today I want to show you how to experiment with text shadows and with transitions in order to achieve a blur effect that we’ll apply to a menu on hovering over the elements. The images in the demos are by fabulous Mark Sebastian and they are licensed under the Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic (CC BY-SA 2.0) License. The Markup Let’s create the HTML structure for our menu first. Now we’ll add some style! The CSS Now, let’s take a look at each of the seven examples. Example 1

CSS3 Image Styles When applying CSS3 inset box-shadow or border-radius directly to the image element, the browser doesn't render the CSS style perfectly. However, if the image is applied as background-image, you can add any style to it and have it rendered properly. Darcy Clarke and I put a quick tutorial together on how to use jQuery to make perfect rounded corner images dynamically. postcard from Paris – css3 keyframes animations in use  postcard from Paris – css3 keyframes animations in use I decided to explore the area of css3 keyframes animations. The idea was simple – to create a sort of virtual postcard. I live in Paris so obviously I send you my greetings from Paris :). Click here or on the image to view the animation demo. The css3 animations are supported by : Chrome 2+, Safari 4+, Firefox 5+, iOS Safari 3.2+ and Android 2.1+ (source Smashing Magazine).

15 Fresh and Powerful CSS3 Tutorials CSS3 is here, it’s fun, and allows us to evolve the look of the web as we go. Features like gradients, drop shadows, rounded corners, animations, and opacity are giving us the promise of more fun. In this post we’ve collected some new and brilliant tutorials that will help you in mastering your CSS3 skills. We’ll create a document icon with pure CSS3.

(Better) Tabs with Round Out Borders The following is a guest post by Menno van Slooten. You might notice we've been down this road before, but I quite like Menno's approach here. The end result proves you can get a little fancier with the design than I originally did, with borders, gradients, and shadows and while actually using less elements. A good-looking tab control usually has one feature that I've always found impossible to reproduce without images: borders that bend to the outside at the bottom of each tab. Cross Browser HTML5 Progress Bars In Depth Update (March 9, 2012): I have updated this document to include styling information for Internet Explorer 10. Screenshots of HTML5 progress bars with different styles applied. Details given below. As a web application developer, progress bars are great when you want to show the user that some action is happening, especially when it can take a long time.

Public Service Announcement: Watch Your @font-face font-weight Let's say you're browsing Google Web Fonts for a free font to use on your website. You find one you like... You think it will look nice as headings on your site. Adobe-like Arrow Headers Adobe has some pretty cool header bars for modules on their site. The header bar is divided into left and right sections. The left being an explanatory title and the right being a related link. But let's get super critical of how they did it. First of all, they use a non-sprited image to do it: Multiple Attribute Values Elements can have multiple class names. For instance: Then in CSS, you could match that element based on any one of them: .module { }.accordion { }.expand { } You can limit your selectors to match only if several of them are present, for example:

Burst Title During the previews for a movie I saw recently, there was an advertisement for an Oprah-related something or another. I wasn't paying attention because I was trying to get out my phone so I could snap a picture of it. Which I failed to do. There was these neat title screens that I thought would be fun to recreate with CSS. They looked like... well they looked like this:
