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- Home - Healthcare Marketing.EU PremiumPartner Printausgabe Spot der Woche Wir stellen jede Woche einen Werbespot vor. Cálculo online del Índice de masa corporal - IMC El Índice de Masa Corporal (IMC) es un método indirecto para estimar la composición de la masa corporal de un adulto. Se obtiene dividiendo el peso en kilogramos por el cuadrado de la altura en metros. Fórmula: IMC = p / h 2 . Según la OMS (Organización Mundial de la Salud), el IMC normal está entre 18,5 y 24,9 . Lea el texto completo aquí.

Scar Revision Whistleblower at NYU Medical Center fired after quietly warning Lap-Band patients about surgery complications. Results suggest Asian, Hispanic cultures are comfortable with the procedures. Smoking and diabetes were independent risk factors, a finding of clinical importance. Music and medicine seemingly make odd bedfellows, but when you think about how many songwriters moan about illness of the heart and mind it makes more sense. On top of that, narcotics (both of the legal and illicit variety) is another p Complaints range from pain, swelling, nodules, abscesses, and skin discoloration to difficulty talking, swallowing, and breathing.

Foods That Burn Fat & Support Weight Loss How to Lose Belly Fat in 7 Days Are you tired of weight loss tips and programs that promise everything but deliver nothing? Here's a program that offers a realistic approach to losing belly fat, and you can eat some of your favorite foods. Click here to learn more. In addition to regular exercise, you'll also want to add some fat burning foods to your diet to help trim your waistline. Flu Trends Skip to content Thank you for stopping by. Google Flu Trends and Google Dengue Trends are no longer publishing current estimates of Flu and Dengue fever based on search patterns. The historic estimates produced by Google Flu Trends and Google Dengue Trends are available below.

Cálculo online Índice Cintura-Cadera (ICC) El exceso de grasa corporal en los distintos niveles presenta diferentes niveles de factores de riesgo para la salud. Los índices de 0,95 o menos para los hombres y 0,80 o menos para las mujeres se consideran seguros. Lea el texto completo aquí.

A 'Philosophy' of Plastic Surgery in Brazil The Stone is a forum for contemporary philosophers and other thinkers on issues both timely and timeless. While living in Rio de Janeiro in 1999, I saw something that caught my attention: a television broadcast of a Carnival parade that paid homage to a plastic surgeon, Dr. Ivo Pitanguy. The doctor led the procession surrounded by samba dancers in feathers and bikinis. Over a thundering drum section and anarchic screech of a cuica, the singer praised Pitanguy for “awakening the self-esteem in each ego” with a “scalpel guided by heaven.”

Silver Colloids: Scientific Information on Colloidal Silver Fast Food With the Most Sodium Your passion for healthy living brought you here - let's keep talking! by Karen Pallarito Fast food is convenient, but it can be salty, and it’s saltier in U.S. than in other countries. Americans eat about 3,400 mg of sodium a day, more than the suggested 2,300 milligrams and double the 1,500 milligrams for people who over 50, African American, or who have hypertension, diabetes, or kidney disease. Urología Hospital Gonzalez Rincones Piso 7 El Servicio de Urología del Centro Médico Docente La Trinidad constituye uno de los grupos urológicos privados más completos del país. Actualmente contamos con seis especialistas. Nosotros cubrimos todos los aspectos de la urología en adultos y niños. Miembros de nuestro grupo se han especializado en diferentes áreas de la urología para poder ofrecer los últimos avances en el diagnóstico y tratamiento de las diversas enfermedades del aparato urinario, tanto en el hombre como en la mujer y del aparato genital masculino. Contamos con especialistas en las áreas de Disfunción Sexual Eréctil,Endourología, Incontinencia Urinaria, evaluación y tratamiento de las Enfermedades de la Próstata, Urología Femenina yUrodinámica.

RealSelf Home Remedies and Natural Cures Endemie Der entsprechende Begriff bei Tieren ist die Enzootie, die geografische Region wird Enzootiegebiet genannt. Bei zeitlich gehäuftem Auftreten einer Krankheit spricht man dagegen von Epidemie, soweit dies örtlich begrenzt geschieht, oder von Pandemie bei länder- und kontinentübergreifender Ausbreitung.

The Growing Hipness of Mobile Wellness Your mobile wireless carrier may soon have a say in the way you think about health and wellness. AT&T, through its Emerging Devices unit, plans to offer for sale health-tracking clothing equipped with wireless sensors that enable you to track your heart rate, body temperature and other vital signs -- and then send all this data to a site where a physician can access it. The first offering will be a version of the E39 body compression shirt, originally designed by Under Armour for the NFL scouting combines and other world-class athletic competitions. Now imagine yourself as a high-performance weekend athlete, effortlessly transmitting your heart rate, skin temperature and activity levels to the Web. That the “smart fitness” trend – which can be traced back to the Fitbit tracker – is now transforming into a broader “e-wellness” movement is not a coincidence. The biggest wireless network carriers - like AT&T – are under intense pressure to produce new revenue streams.

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