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Autumn leaf bouquet

Autumn leaf bouquet
I don’t know what it’s like in your neighborhood, but when I step outside here in Oakland, I sense it right away: Fall is in the air! I’m lucky enough to have a few turning trees on my street, so I don’t miss out entirely on the brilliant autumn colors I remember from growing up in NH. Speaking of brilliant autumn colors, I’m thrilled to share this stunning maple leaf rose bouquet DIY from a fellow Kate — clay, fiber and paper artist Kate Hust. Kate first learned how to make these a few years ago from a retired art teacher in her community, and now they’ve become an annual tradition when fall rolls around. Her instructor taught her to wrap the leaves really tight, so they looked like rose buds, but Kate has modified the technique a bit to suit her own tastes: She likes to find the really big leaves and make them with large open “petals.” She’s clearly perfected the craft, and I’m so happy that she’s decided to pass the tradition on to us. Read the full how-to after the jump! Materials 1.

For teachers - Templates <div class="cdOLblEmRed cdSearchResultsMargin">Warning: This site requires the use of scripts, which your browser does not currently allow. <a href=" how to enable scripts.</a><br/></div> All Products Word Excel Recycled Pillow Box Favors You know that I save toilet paper rolls. They can be made into so many things — mummies, rockets, Uncle Sam hats, flower party favors………………. even cute pillow boxes perfect for a little favor! Fold in one side of the end. Then fold in the other side. Repeat on other end.

Baking Soda Clay Here's another homemade modeling compound that good for both kids and adult artisans. Compared to the homemade polymer clay I presented a few weeks ago, it's non-elastic when wet and much "softer" when dry---that is, easy to sand smooth or to reshape, to add etchings, and possibly even to carve (I haven't tried). I've used it to make a variety of small items, particularly small bowls and candle holders (shown below in order of finished-ness).

Rolled Flower Gift Toppers Here is a quick and easy way to add a little charm to your gift packages. I know a lot of bloggers have extra book pages from all the fabulous paper projects floating around. Here is a way to use some of those scraps so that nothing goes to waste! How to Make Clothing Buttons from Shrink Plastic… This tutorial is an old one of mine that’s too good not to share again. Since posting the first time, I’ve had lots of questions about these buttons which will hopefully be answered in this revised post. Equipment Some handy notes: 1. The buttons.

{every}nothing wonderful: Tutorial: Repurposed Envelopes (From Magazines to Mailing) Note: If you like this idea, be sure to check out how to make paper ruffles to add to your envelopes! Super quick and easy tutorial for you today. I have a drawer full of these and use them for everything - bills, letters, you name mom does too, actually! I recently received an oversized catalog for baby strollers (why? First steps in sewing: Paper Plate Weaving One of my daughter's favourite toys for over a year now, is a lacing set where she 'sews' or laces different outfits onto a wooden doll's body. Having played with it over and over and over again over a this past year, she very quickly mastered the basic movements of hand sewing when I recently made her a 'sewing board' out of a recycled polystyrene plate. (Please click here if you missed that post).

DIY Moleskine Scrapbook Erica and I never leave home without a Moleskine notebook (we still like to take notes the old fashioned way with a notebook and pen)! So when our friend Karen (of Lulu Loves Caleb) showed us her fabric embellished Moleskine Cahier Notebook, we jumped at the opportunity to have her show us how she did it. You’ll need a sewing machine, a kraft brown Moleskin Cahier Notebook of any size, a piece of fabric, a glue stick and a pair of scissors.

Death By Oreo Cupcakes They are probably the best Oreo cakes I have ever tried. A lot of cake's that I have experimented with before are like a vanilla cake with bits of Oreo in them, which didn't really give them enough Oreo flavor. But these were a lot better. I used a dark chocolate fudge cake mix instead of just a regular chocolate cake mix, which went really well with the cookies and gave the cakes just a little more flavor. So, in this recipe there is Oreo's in the cake, in the frosting, and at the bottom is a Oreo surprise. That's right, you put a whole Oreo at the bottom of the cake.

Summer Fun: Microwaved Ivory Soap When I came across the idea to microwave Ivory soap on The Cyber School Mom Diary’s fantastically comprehensive Supermegatotally Thrilladelic Not Bummer Summer list, I was instantly intrigued. “What happens when you microwave Ivory soap?” I asked. “Try it and see!” Chrissi told me. “It doesn’t damage anything and it’s cool.” mad in crafts: DIY Fire & Ice Lanterns - StumbleUpon The old becomes new: A new variation on the outdoor lantern. We have had an unusually warm winter in Michigan this year, and while the temps have been nice, I have had to hold off on this project idea until we got a cold snap. We finally got some snow and cold earlier this week, so I was able to try out this fun winter project. I had pinned a product called Globe Ice Lantern Kits a few months back recognizing that I could DIY them at home. Originally priced at nearly $30 for a kit that makes 6 lanterns, I think they are very reasonable for a small batch. If you are making several (say, for a special event or to light a walkway), you can make 3 of these DIY versions for only $2 worth of supplies from the dollar store.

DIY Crepe Paper Flowers I recently spotted a sensational bouquet of paper flowers inside my favorite (and the ultimate) boutique for creative inspiration, Castles In The Air. A combination of Mexican paper flowers and those ever so popular tissue paper pom poms, these vibrant and cheerful flowers make perfect ornaments for any celebration. Plus, they’re incredibly easy to make! You’ll need:6 – 7 pieces of 180 gram florist crepe paper cut into 20″ x 30″ sheets (it’s important to use heavyweight crepe paper for it’s stretchiness and strength)6 – 7 small binder clips or large paper clips16 gauge floral wire (last seen here)heavy duty scissors First, lay out the sheets of crepe paper and fold each one into an accordion. The folds should measure about 2-3 inches thick and should be creased along the natural, horizontal lines of the crepe paper.

What Shoes to Wear With a Polka Dot Dress The style of dress is crucial in deciding which shoe to wear. Pair your dress with shoes from the same era. With a fifties-style dress, try a pair of simple, high-heeled pumps with an ankle strap. A dress that was new in the eighties will look just right with a kitten-heel granny boot. Round-toe pumps with a chunky heel would be perfect with a thirties- or forties-style dress. If the dress is a current style, look for a shoe that's in style now.

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