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English Timeline This interactive timeline allows you to explore the evolution of English language and literature, from the 11th century to the present day. Scroll through decade by decade to investigate the richness and diversity of our poetry and prose, as well as the many social, cultural and political strands from which our language has been woven. The timeline includes a fascinating combination of texts: Anglo Saxon tales and medieval illuminations; iconic literary manuscripts and printed texts; as well as letters, newspapers, handbills, posters, charters, speeches and campaign leaflets. How to Dress for a Job Interview Overview When interviewing for a job, it is always important to dress your best. The first thing an interviewer will notice will be how you look and what you’re wearing.

Radios anglophones et documents audios - Anglais Audio Lingua - MP3 en anglais, allemand, espagnol et français : fichiers mp3 en quatre langues, enregistrés par des locuteurs natifs, libres de droits pour une utilisation pédagogique ou personnelle, abonnement au podcast, téléchargement de fichiers mp3, compréhension de l’oral, CECRL AudioTube : documents audio (mp3) libres de droits enregistrés par des anglophones utilisables en baladodiffusion BBC Beyond the Postcard : une série en vidéo et audio sur de nombreuses villes britanniques BBC radios : toutes les radios de la BBC BBC World Radio Service : Les news de la BBC 15 Awesome Youtube Channels for Learning English YouTube, LLC is an American video-sharing website headquartered in San Bruno, California. Google bought the site in November 2006 for US$1.65 billion; YouTube now operates as one of Google’s subsidiaries. YouTube allows users to upload, view, rate, share, add to favorites, report, comment on videos, and subscribe to other users. It offers a wide variety of user-generated and corporate media videos. Available content includes video clips, TV show clips, music videos, short and documentary films, audio recordings, movie trailers, live streams, and other content such as video blogging, short original videos, and educational videos

5 Romances That Changed History - History Lists Cleopatra VII of Egypt is often remembered for her legendary powers of seduction and mastery at building shrewd alliances. Still, her final political and romantic partnership—with the Roman general Mark Antony—brought about the deaths of both lovers and toppled the centuries-old Ptolemaic dynasty to which she belonged. In 41 B.C., Antony took up the administration of Rome’s eastern provinces, and he summoned Cleopatra to answer charges that she had aided his enemies. Hoping to woo Antony as she had Julius Caesar before him, Cleopatra arrived on a magnificent river barge dressed as Venus, the Roman god of love. A besotted Antony followed her back to Alexandria, pledging to protect Egypt and Cleopatra’s crown.

ESL Lesson PLan: Movie/Film Extra Movie Activities: Crossword: Reviews movie vocabulary. Movie Cloze: Reviews movie vocabulary. Movie Word Search: Reviews movie vocabulary. Movie Survey Activity: Good walk and talk exercise. Movie Synopsis Reading Activity: Students read movie synopses and try to guess the movie. Ressources audio en anglais Cette sélection de sites vous propose des ressources audio, en ligne et/ou téléchargeables, à exploiter en classe pour travailler la compréhension orale et la prononciation en langue anglaise : sites institutionnels, portails médias, livres à écouter, exercices d'entraînement... Sites institutionnels Audio-LinguaCette banque sonore collaborative propose des enregistrements mp3 en plusieurs langues. L'Internaute peut les sélectionner en fonction de critères très différents (langue, niveau du cadre, thème, âge du locuteur, durée...) Portail EducnetLe site Educnet propose à partir d’entrées thématiques (actualités, société, vie quotidienne) des ressources sonores pour les élèves classées en fonction des niveaux de compétence du cadre. Il s’agit le plus souvent de ressources diffusées en continu.

Easier English Listening and Lesson Plans Canopé direction territoriale, académies de Besançon et de Dijon: Cartes heuristiques Ces dossiers thématiques sont archivés, nous attirons votre attention sur leur date de mise à jour. Qu'est-ce-que c'est ? Selon Wikipédia, une carte heuristique (du grec ancien εὑρίσκω, eurisko, "je trouve"), appelée aussi carte des idées, schéma de pensée, carte mentale, arbre à idées ou topogramme (mind map en anglais), est un diagramme qui représente les connexions sémantiques entre différentes idées, les liens hiérarchiques entre différents concepts intellectuels.

Speakeasy - Easy Going The Tower of London is surrounded by a sea of red poppies to commemorate the 888,246 British and Colonial dead during the First World War. The ceramic poppies were “planted” from 4 August, 100 years from the beginning of the war, till 11 November, the day when the final Armistice is commemorated. Here you can see Prime Minister David Cameron and his wife Samantha visiting the installation with a "Beefeater". On this video you can see how the artists made the poppies. There is a great photo gallery of the poppies.

Podcasts gratuits pour apprendre les langues Voici un répertoire de sites qui proposent gratuitement des flux de fichiers audio et/ou vidéo, voire de simples enregistrements (sans option d'abonnement) pour l’apprentissage de l’anglais, du français, de l’espagnol et d'autres langues principalement européennes. A condition d’avoir une certaine autonomie dans l’apprentissage, on peut y trouver de quoi se passer des exercices fastidieux de grammaire et des listes ennuyeuses de vocabulaire pour se concentrer uniquement sur la langue telle qu’elle est parlée et comprise par les locuteurs natifs. Les professeurs de langues peuvent également y trouver des ressources audio et/ou vidéo intéressantes à intégrer dans les cours ou à présenter aux élèves en tant que ressources complémentaires au support imprimé.

Storytelling on film Introduction Story is at the heart of any good film. Special effects, setting, stars – unless there is a good story to be told – are meaningless. Traditionally, stories were passed down from generation to generation by the storyteller – someone whose job it was to share the stories which help us to make sense of our world. Today, we receive our stories primarily through screens: the television screen, the digital screen, the tablet, the mobile device.

Conversation Classes In this lesson C2 students will develop their understanding of idiomatic expressions that often come up in the Cambridge C2 Proficiency exam. They will encounter the expressions in a text about a bank heist gone wrong. Download the student handout below: Credit to: for the planning a bank robbery activity. The Best Fun Videos For English Language Learners In 2016 – Part Two I use short, funny video clips a lot when I’m teaching ELLs, and you can read in detail about how I use them in The Best Popular Movies/TV Shows For ESL/EFL (& How To Use Them). In short, there are many ways to use them that promote speaking, listening, writing and reading (including having students describe – in writing and verbally – a chronological description of what they saw). I’ve posted a few of them during the second half of this year, and I thought it would be useful to readers — and to me — if I brought them together in one post. I’ve also published quite a few during the previous ten years of this blog. You can find those in these lists:

Des vidéos courtes aux sujets divers mais actuels by aslaf Mar 16
