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Art Education 2.0 - connecting art educators around the globe

Art Education 2.0 - connecting art educators around the globe

The Arts - The Original Flipped Classroom | Education Closet Have you been a part of the Flipped Classroom discussion yet? If not, I can promise that it is coming to a school near you. It’s an exciting and thought-provoking discussion, but it’s not necessarily new. It’s just new to a lot of educators. Let’s start with a story…. What’s the big deal? A while back, I was working on one of my “money-making Mondays” to try and find some grant funding or foundational funding for a project I’m working on for my school district. No. And for a while, this is what I thought that the “Flipped Classroom” was referring to. The next big idea Well, it turns out that I did some further research on this flipped classroom concept. Guess what? The arts have been implementing this flipped “integrated” classroom model forever. Now whether or not that French woman will ever understand all of this is yet to be seen.

The Carrot Revolution: A Blog About Art Education... and Vegetables. Tú también eres arte.: E. Plástica, Visual y Audiovisual isotipo, imagotipo, isologo Geometría en la vida real. Dawn's Brain – The adventures of a high school web design and graphic design teacher. » Blog Archive » One-point perspective worksheets Below are worksheets I created in Adobe Illustrator for teaching one-point perspective. Walk your students through the first two (boxes and room.) Show them the techniques used since the Renaissance to create a realistic illusion of space and form. First introduce them to the terms “horizon line”, “vanishing point” and “orthogonal line”. Horizon Line: The line in a perspective drawing where the sky meets the ground. A couple of technique details, along with further resources: When drawing the back edges of the boxes in the first worksheet, the artist lines the ruler up with a front edge, then slides the ruler toward the vanishing point a little ways, without twisting the ruler in any way. Once you walk the students through the first two worksheets below, they should be able to do the others on their own with a little guidance. Going through all four worksheets took me two class periods of 50 minutes each.

EL ARTE DE CREAR. Actividades de aula: EL COLLAGE Y SUS POSIBILIDADES EXPRESIVAS Las posibilidades compositivas y plásticas del collage, son inmensas en función de la combinación de materiales y soportes que utilicemos. Podemos pegar al soporte materiales bidimensionales (papeles diversos, reciclados o no, telas, fotografías, imágenes escaneadas,...) o/y tridimensionales (con materiales reciclados o creando texturas con pasta de modelar...). Según esto, nos encontramos con cuatro grandes grupos de collage: 3. CON TEXTURAS O RELIEVES (pasta de modelar de fabricación propia o comprada) Y PINTURA El collage de papel o telas, consiste básicamente en pegar con cola blanca y sobre un soporte rígido de cierto grosor (por ejemplo cartón), todo tipo de papeles: arrugados, mojados, de colores, pintados, decorados, periódicos, carteles, folletos,...etc. Un vídeo explicativo de un collage de papel. Un ejemplo de esta manera de trabajar el collage la encontramos en el artista Os muestro un vídeo donde podréis apreciar la forma de trabajar del artista. Algunas de sus obras: "La cabra"

learningIT - Mac Related ICT, Art & Creativity Info for Teachers & Students Inicio - - Web de apuntes y ejercicios de Dibujo Técnico y educación plástica y visual. Art Is Messy Cultivando la mirada aRTs Roundtable 21: Artsy Webby Sites Standard Podcast Hide Player This week on the aRTs Roundtable we talk about “Artsy” websites that we use in and out of our classrooms. Many are interactive or creative websites that engage the arty students to create, compose, and think using the arts. Show Host: Carol Broos Show contributors: Tricia Fuglestad, Jen Kolze and Brenda Muench Show wiki: Leave us some feedback! Contact us with any questions or comments- 121 views, 2 today What do you think?

EDUCACIÓN PLÁSTICA y VISUAL | La Verdadera Magnitud Photoshop Online La imagen digital (Libro digital) Vídeos y educación, una pareja de moda. La imagen fotográfica Posemaniacs Web con variedad de poses para la práctica y el estudio del dibujo anatómico. Crea tu propio superhéroe Marvel Aplicación web para la creación de Superhéroes de la compañía de cómics Marvel. Hero Machine 3.0 Aplicación web para la creación de Superhéroes Zygotebody Anteriormente conocido como Google Body, es una aplicación Web de Zygote Media Group que renderiza modelos anatómicos del cuerpo humano en 3D. Flash Face Ultimate Flash Face es una herramienta donde podrá crear un retrato robot de manera profesional y después hacer con él lo que quiera, imprimir o guardar. Ultimate Flash Face, pone a tu disposión una paleta de elementos faciales para crear cuantas caras desees, elige el cráneo, la mandíbula, los ojos, las cejas… Figure in Out ArtisanCam ofrece entre sus actividades este tutorial para aprender a dibujar la figura humana. Make human ARTnatomía: BioDigitalHuman 3D logic.

Exploring Linear Perspective Linear perspective is a mathematical system for creating the illusion of space and distance on a flat surface. The system originated in Florence, Italy in the early 1400s. The artist and architect Brunelleschi demonstrated its principles, but another architect and writer, Leon Battista Alberti was first to write down rules of linear perspective for artists to follow. To use linear perspective an artist must first imagine the picture surface as an "open window" through which to see the painted world. The horizon line runs across the canvas at the eye level of the viewer. The vanishing point should be located near the center of the horizon line. Orthogonal lines are "visual rays" helping the viewer's eye to connect points around the edges of the canvas to the vanishing point. Below is a painting of the Annunciation, a painting Leonardo completed when he was only 21 years old. Click on the buttons to check your answers.
