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K12 Guide to going Google

K12 Guide to going Google

Apps The Watershed School selects Google Apps Education Edition to manage its cutting-edge curriculum The institution Located in Boulder, Colorado, Watershed School was founded in 2004 as a cutting-edge, experiential middle and high school. Driven by a growing number of researchers who argue that students learn best when coursework is relevant and instruction is immersive, Watershed’s curriculum strives to draw connections among disciplines, integrating student work with real-world context. Approach Finding technology solutions to support a Watershed School's unique curriculum is not an easy task. The mismatch came to a head less than 48 hours before mid-term assessments in 2006. Solution To his surprise, Pavicich built—in just under four hours—“a system that could do 90% of the assessment management the other company promised, 100% better”. Results Google Apps has had a tremendous impact on both students and faculty at Watershed. “It’s a simple decision for us: less money for better results.”

5 Ways to Use Google Docs in the Classroom Google Docs is a user friendly suite of online collaborative tools that come with tremendous potential for use in the classroom. Last year all of the students in our school received Google Docs accounts and I was kept quite busy getting students and teachers up and running with the new tools, then discovering innovative ways to use them as effective tools for learning. Here are some of the favorites. Collaborative Writing Sharing and commenting provide students with opportunities to receive immediate feedback on their writing from teachers and peers in the 24/7 classroom. In Box One of the challenges of using Google Docs with a class full of students is in managing all those Google Docs. Collaborative Brainstorming The features available in the drawing component of Google Docs are well-suited for online, collaborative brainstorming sessions that provide students with opportunities to work together to develop ideas. Self-Grading Quiz A Virtual Copy Machine

Apps for Education – Questions fréquentes - Centre d'aide Google Apps Administrator Vous trouverez ci-dessous des questions fréquemment posées sur Google Workspace for Education. Informations générales Tout ouvrir | Tout fermer Qu'est-ce que Google Workspace for Education ? Google Workspace for Education est un ensemble d'outils et de services Google gratuits conçus spécialement pour les écoles et les organisations d'éducation à domicile. Pour en savoir plus sur chaque édition, consultez la présentation de Google Workspace for Education. Combien coûte Google Workspace for Education ? Google Workspace for Education Fundamentals est gratuit pour les établissements d'enseignement remplissant les conditions requises. Remarque : Si vous vous engagez à un abonnement d'au moins 2 ans à Google Workspace for Education Plus, vous pouvez bénéficier d'une remise. Combien de comptes puis-je obtenir ? Education Fundamentals fournit 10 000 licences utilisateur. Quelle est la taille de l'espace de stockage dont disposent les utilisateurs de Google Workspace for Education ? Marche à suivre

google - How do I restore the 'tasks' Gmail gadget 20 Google Docs Secrets for busy teachers and students. Google Docs has revolutionised the way we create and edit content on the web. It is a genuine collaboration tool like nothing that has come before it. Up to 50 people can simultaneously edit a spreadsheet, presentation or document at no expense, and it is available on all mobile and desktop platforms. Today we are going to look at 20 great tips every teacher and student should be using to get the most of the collaborative learning opportunities Google Doc’s offers. Allow editing without signing in: If you’re sharing a document with classmates who don’t have a Google login, just make it available to edit without signing in. Chat away: In Google Docs, you can see anyone who is currently editing the document, and if needed, send a message to chat with them. Embed Docs anywhere: Get a link to your document or spreadsheet, and you can embed or publish it anywhere, including Facebook or a class blog. Create graphs: Visuals are great tools for getting your point across.

L'État de l'Oregon adopte Google Apps Education pour ses écoles La nouvelle est passée totalement inaperçue dans les médias et la blogosphère francophones alors qu’elle revêt pourtant selon moi de la plus haute importance. Parce que c’est peut-être rien moins que l’éducation de demain qui se cache ici derrière cet évènement. Un État américain, en l’occurrence l’Oregon, vient tout juste de décider d’adopter la solution Google Apps Education pour toutes ses écoles publiques. Nous vous proposons ci-dessous la double traduction du blog de Google qui annonce fièrement la nouvelle ainsi qu’une explication enthousiaste, voire complaisante, issue du célèbre site Mashable. J’aurais l’occasion dans un futur billet de revenir plus en détails sur Google Apps Education en pointant effectivement ses nombreux avantages mais également ses criants défauts. Mais retenons pour le moment que les données des élèves dans les nuages des serveurs Google ne font pas peur à l’Oregon (cf les termes du contrat). , je l’ai trouvée en tapant « Oregon » dans Flickr. Les économies

How To Migrate Your Entire Google Account To A New One Whether you finally decided to shed for a more professional handle or you want to swap Google accounts for less embarrassing reasons, Google doesn’t have a built-in system for migrating your data to a new account. So we figured it out. A lot of us have a ton of data stored in Google’s services, but if you want to migrate to a new Google account, you’ll need to do some digging. A few of the services (such as Google Reader) adhere to some fairly universal import/export standards that make it easy, whereas other services (such as newer YouTube accounts) may require you to start from scratch to keep full functionality. Note: Unfortunately, Google Apps has still not caught up to regular Google Accounts in terms of available services. Migrating Gmail Migrating all your email from one Gmail account to another is a fairly involved process — and one which we detailed in our guide to changing your Gmail account without losing your email. Migrating Google Calendar

The Google+ Guide For Educators – SimpleK12_ Home » Education, Social Media Written by Grace2 August 2011 Unless you've been living under a rock the last month, undoubtedly you've heard of the new social networking site everyone has been raving about: Google+. All this buzz has generated some great articles (my to-read pile just keeps growing!) Here's my Google+ Guide for Educators: So what do you think about Google+? Share this post with your friends and colleagues:
