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English - Exercises, Quizzes, Tests

English - Exercises, Quizzes, Tests
Quiz Maker Charles Kelly Quiz Maker Kristina L. Pfaff-Harris Quiz Maker Easy Test Maker Quiz Maker Quiz Buddy Quiz Maker Quiz Star Quiz Maker Attotron Quiz Makers Linguistic Funland Quiz Makers Hot Potatoes Quiz Makers self-grading / David K. Jordan Quiz Makers self-grading / Webwinder Quiz Makers allthetests Quiz Makers CREATE ... ... Audio & Video RealProducer ... an Online Course ... a Webpage

Internet TESL Journal (For ESL/EFL Teachers) Wondershare|Quiz Creator,Quiz Maker for Business and Education The Teacher's Corner - Lesson Plans, Worksheets and Activities Riddle Internet-Based Projects for Business English (Opp-Beckman, Westerfield) Growing Demand for English for Specific Purposes-Business English for Specific Purposes-Business (ESP-Business, also referred to as English for Business Purposes, or EBP) is a dynamic, growing field in the world of English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL). With the globalization of trade, companies, universities, and individuals are increasingly turning to educational specialists from the field of ESP-Business to develop and provide high quality learning opportunities in language and communication skills. Best Practices in English for Specific Purposes The Internet can be a valuable source of authentic texts and tasks, especially in low-resource teaching contexts where access to appropriate materials in English is limited. Friedenberg, Joan, Deborah Kennedy, Anne Lomperis, William Martin, and Kay Westerfield. What's Available on this Web Site ©1997-2013: Kay Westerfield, University of Oregon's American English Institute in Eugene, Oregon (U.S.A.).

Create Quizzes Now Quiz also available for your favorite device with HTML5 This activity consists of a group of questions that are asked sequentially. The user that creates the Quiz must decide the number of possible questions to be shown in each Quiz. You can create a Quiz with a higher number of questions than the number of questions prompted to the user, so these questions are shown randomly. This feature implies that the users have the feeling that they are doing a different Quiz each time. Each question can be configured to ask for the answer in any of the following methods: In a written form.By selecting one answer from various options.By selecting several answers from various options. It is also possible to indicate for each question whether the answer is mandatory or not. Another interesting feature of the Quizzes is that the creator can set a minimum percentage of answers the users have to guess in order to be considered as a passed activity. Do you like "Quiz" activities?

Joomla Quiz Deluxe - Quiz Extension for Joomla Joomla Quiz Deluxe is a comprehensive and easy-to-use quiz component for Joomla! websites. It will empower you to author great looking media-rich online qizzes. This Joomla! quiz extension includes a wide range of questions types (including multiple choice), modes and styles and allows you to insert video and audio into questions. The Expert subscription of the quiz extension provides helpdesk support for unlimited number of domains and is advanced with: 4 extra puzzle questions; 2 Mobile Adaptive templates; FREE Installation Service. Joomla Quiz Deluxe is compatible with Joomla! The quiz extension is integrated with JomSocial, EasySocial, Community Builder, AlphaUserPoints and VirtueMart. With Joomla! Add online quizzes to your Joomla! Media-rich online courses: You can create learning paths, charge for taking them, give completion certificates and get rewarding reports. Check out the complete description of the component on the FEATURES tab above. Login Information: Front end: Back end:

35 Digital Tools To Create Simple Quizzes And Collect Feedback From Students 35 Digital Tools To Create Simple Quizzes And Collect Feedback From Students by TeachThought Staff Ed note: This post has been updated from a 2013 post If there is one thing teachers lack, it’s time. And while using technology to automate learning has been frowned upon by many, using it to automate time-consuming processes or aggregate data automatically is among the many seamless fits technology can make into any classroom. Which is where the following collections of apps and tools comes in. These sites, tools, and apps can save teachers time by allowing them to create simple quizzes that can be taken asynchronously, and make polls and forms to collect feedback from students (content-based or otherwise). Exist slips, pre-tests, student-created quizzes, course evaluation forms, crowdsourcing student knowledge of apps to use in a future project-based learning unit, and more. Very cool. 35 Digital Tools To Create Simple Quizzes And Collect Feedback From Students

How to Create a Quiz in Excel (9 Steps) In inferential statistics, the t-test assesses whether two sets of data are different from each other, and compares their means. The t-test... Although Microsoft Excel is primarily used for business applications, it can also be used to make games. All you need to make...

Multiple Choice Monday: Using Socrative in the Classroom Each Monday my students do multiple choice practice. My non-AP classes work on SAT reading comprehension questions while my AP students focus on AP exam type questions. Tests vary in length each week from 10 questions to a full AP practice exam of 55 questions. Multiple-choice practice can often suck the life out of a class, yet practice is necessary in order to increase reading comprehension skills and prepare for the exam. I have started using Socrative in all of my classes for several reasons. Here’s how Socrative works Teachers and students sign up for a free Socrative account. AP multiple choice questions or any multiple choice test can be set up in the following way: Options Once the quiz setup is complete, your students may start the quiz. While some teachers disable student names, my students prefer using alias names and have gotten very creative with their names. Immediate Feedback My students love seeing how well they do compared with the class and how the class as a whole does.

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