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NLVM 3 - 5 Manipulatives

NLVM 3 - 5 Manipulatives
Related:  Numeracy

NRICH Home Page Teachers Primary Pupils Secondary Students Events and PD "It gave me some good ideas to use in the classroom and ... a link that I can get all of the activities from." Book NRICH Bespoke PDBook Forthcoming EventsBook our Hands-on Roadshow Your Solutions Equivalent Fractions Equivalent Fractions have the same value, even though they may look different. These fractions are really the same: Why are they the same? Because when you multiply or divide both the top and bottom by the same number, the fraction keeps it's value. The rule to remember is: "Change the bottom using multiply or divide, And the same to the top must be applied" So, here is why those fractions are really the same: And visually it looks like this: Dividing Here are some more equivalent fractions, this time by dividing: Choose the number you divide by carefully, so that the results (both top and bottom) stay whole numbers. If we keep dividing until we can't go any further, then we have simplified the fraction (made it as simple as possible). You can make equivalent fractions by multiplying or dividing both top and bottom by the same amount.

Ask Dr. Math FAQ: Learning Multiplication Facts Some people seem to have real difficulty learning their multiplication facts. Parents, teachers, and students have written to Dr. Math asking for help with learning their multiplication tables (see some of the best answers from our archives). For an enjoyable twist, see also Russian Peasant Multiplication. There are many ways to help us remember such things, but what works best will be different for different people. Here's how this might work with multiplication facts. You can make a multiplication table. Since 1 times any number is just that number, we can leave the 1's off. Some people describe a row (or column) as "skip counting," so the row beginning at 5 is the row of "5 times" facts, or "skip counting x | 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 --+------------------------------------------ | 5 |10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 These "times tables" can be memorized as a smaller chunk by themselves. Finding patterns A good way to learn multiplication facts is to look for other patterns in the table.

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ASSISTments Help us learn what feedback works best. Assign one, some, or all of the following newly built problem sets that are aligned to the Common Core. Click on the links below to see the content of the problem sets. Problem sets are aligned to the Common Core for grades 2 - 6 Great for remediation in grades 7 - 9 Other new content High School Cancer Awareness ASSISTments is in the second year of a five year $3.5 million grant funded by the US Department of Education to study the impact of immediate feedback for book homework as well as classroom implementation and teacher practice using ASSISTments. If you or someone you know is interested, visit the study's website for more information and how to apply. Creativity and imagination in the math classroom—reframing projects and project based learning | Curiouser and Curiouser This week was our monthly curriculum writing committee meeting. We were sharing our successes and challenges regarding the Common Core and I mentioned, “I don’t want to sound dramatic, but I hunger for creativity. I want my students to create.” I am truly afraid the kids will lose interest in math if I don’t give them opportunities to use their imagination. Jennie Winters, our Lake County ROE math/science coordinator, replied that according to PARCC performance tasks using creativity are one of the highest levels of performance indicators. So why have I limited my students’ creativity? If imagination is the single most important competitive advantage we can have today, (Thomas Friedman, Grinnell College 2009 commencement address) I should be fostering it in math. With that in mind, is it worthwhile to examine ways to demonstrate math mastery by combining it with a very different field the student has mastered such as art, music, language arts, social studies, etc? Like this:

10 Best Free Educational Games: Online Learning That's Fun and Interactive Part 1 of Online Learning Games for Families These educational games are some of the best learning experiences that can be found on the Internet, but who knew they could also be so much fun! A recent study showed that of our 53 million K–12 students, 51 million of them (or 93%) play video games.1 Wouldn't it be better if a higher percentage of these games were educational? Online Learning Games for Families This series of articles rounds up some of the best online games that will educate everyone in your family.

Furbles | “Furbles are the shape of things to come: this software is technology at its best and well worth the money.” John Dabell, TES Magazine Furbles started life as an idea for teaching statistics in an interesting way with children from KS1 to KS3. Furbles was originally devised as an innovative way of imagining statistics and the depiction of statistics. Part of the idea of Furbles was also to encourage teachers to take a fresh look at how to teach the subjects. This model of a Furble (right) from Ferndown Middle School is a wonderful example of some work that lead from Furbles at a primary school. If you are interested in purchasing the 2008 commercial version, then please visit the Sherston Software website. The original version and the demo version of the full explore mode will remain be available for free on this website for the foreseeable future.

Cool Math 4 Kids Times Tables Help - How Multiplying Works (times tables) Here's another one: This means that you have three groups of 5! Put the three groupstogether... How many pentagons do you have? Count them... Wow, that's a lot! So, our answer is: Let's switch the numbers around and do it the different way! This means that you have five groups of 3! Put the five groupstogether... Count them... - Love Learning
