Answers: curlicue Dansk (Danish) n. - krusedulle Nederlands (Dutch) tierelantijntje Français (French)n. - fioriture, figure (de patinage) Deutsch (German)n. - Schnörkel Ελληνική (Greek)n. - (για γραφή) μαγκουρίτσα Italiano (Italian)svolazzo Português (Portuguese)n. - arabesco (m) Русский (Russian)завитушка Español (Spanish)n. - arabesco, cosa ensortijada caprichosamente Svenska (Swedish)n. - krusidull 中文(简体)(Chinese (Simplified))花体, 花饰 中文(繁體)(Chinese (Traditional))n. - 花體, 花飾 한국어 (Korean)n. - 소용돌이 日本語 (Japanese)n. - 渦巻図形, 渦巻形の飾り書きv. - 渦巻図形をなす العربيه (Arabic) (الاسم) لفه فنيه עברית (Hebrew)n. - סלסול לקישוט, סלסול (מתחת לחתימה) If you are unable to view some languages clearly, click here.
Wikipedia ( mirror) WP: List of medical roots, suffixes and prefixes Prefixes and suffixes[edit] The following is an alphabetical list of medical prefixes and suffixes, along with their meanings, origin, and an English example. A[edit] B[edit] C[edit] D[edit] E[edit] F[edit] G[edit] H[edit] I[edit] J[edit] K[edit] L[edit] M[edit] N[edit] O[edit] P[edit] Q[edit] R[edit] S[edit] T[edit] U[edit] V[edit] X[edit] Y[edit] Z[edit] English meanings[edit] This section contains lists of different root classification (e.g. body components, quantity, description, etc.). Roots of the body[edit] Roots of bodily concepts[edit] Roots of body parts and components[edit] (Internal anatomy, external anatomy, body fluids, body substances) Roots of color[edit] Roots of description[edit] (Size, shape, strength, etc.) Roots of position[edit] Roots of quantity[edit] (Amount, quantity) See also[edit] Bibliography[edit] "Root Words: Quick Reference."
Dictionnaire anglais français | traduction anglais français Voyager en Australie, faire du « business » avec des anglophones, lire un article du New York Times, comprendre les paroles d’une chanson de U2, voir un film d’Hitchcock en version originale…Vous avez autant de bonnes raisons de vouloir apprendre et maîtriser l’anglais. Pour vous aider dans cette démarche, nous mettons gratuitement à votre disposition notre dictionnaire bilingue anglais-français. Vous y trouverez la traduction en français de nombreux mots et expressions anglaises, provenant pour la plupart du célèbre dictionnaire Collins, mais également de la participation de notre communauté d’utilisateurs avertis. Découvrez les dernières entrées du dictionnaire anglais-français et ajoutez les vôtres : Pour ajouter des entrées à votre liste de vocabulaire, vous devez rejoindre la communauté Reverso.C’est simple et rapide: Comment participer ? Participez au dictionnaire anglais-français Une expérience de recherche interactive Pourquoi utiliser le dictionnaire anglais-français ? »Voir plus x
The Role of a Dictionary Draft is a series about the art and craft of writing. When it happens I feel as if I have stepped into a Far Side cartoon. I am a magazine editor, and the galley of an article will come back from a proofreader with a low-frequency word circled and this comment in the margin: “Does this word even exist?” or “Is this a real word?” Usually the word’s meaning is perfectly self-evident, and the word itself is relatively simple like “unbuyable,” if not deliberately goofy like “semi-idiotic-like.” Sometimes the reader puts his or her suspicion differently and asks, “Is this word in the dictionary?” Don’t get me wrong: I like dictionaries, including several that I consult online and most of the 11 that are sitting within arm’s reach as I write this. One is that no dictionary contains every word in the language. Another is that dictionary users and dictionary makers sometimes have very different notions of what a dictionary is for.