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David Blaine: How I held my breath for 17 min

David Blaine: How I held my breath for 17 min

for the love of photography - don't you wonder what clouds taste like? как ни странно, у меня до сих пор загорелые ноги. это вообще само по себе уже чудо. а то, что прошел уже почти месяц, а я всё ещё со здоровым цветом лица и веснушками - вообще фантастика. ужасно тяжело втянуться в прежний ритм. все вы прекрасно знаете о чём я. как только открываю папки с этими снимками - ностальгирую жутко. такого раньше не было. или было, но в глубоком детстве. когда скучаешь по любимым местам и даешь себе клятвы, что обязательно вернешься. вернешься ни раз. пост будет про любовь к облакам. про нас и про закаты. самые невероятные. такие, что я начала их снимать. думаю, многие из вас догадались давно, что я отношусь с восторгом (но и не более того) к разного вида пейзажам и видам. я люблю на них смотреть, но обычно никогда не пытаюсь сохранить для себя на жестком диске. но i've changed my mind.

Alzheimers Patient "Awakens" To watch Henry—an elderly man who has spent over ten years in a nursing home, barely able to answer yes or no questions—come alive when listening to music from his past is a reminder of the powerful, inspiring, and affecting power of music. A new documentary, Alive Inside, follows the “awakening” that occurs when people suffering from memory loss and Alzheimer’s are given music they have a strong emotional connection to — often, music they grew up with. In the clip, Henry is barely responsive before one of his caretakers puts headphones on him and starts up one of his favorite tunes. Almost instantly, we see Henry swaying from side to side and singing, his eyes wide open. “The philosopher Kant once called music the ‘quickening art.’

40 Unwritten Rules to Live By - StumbleUpon 2. It is more important to have good health insurance than good health. 3. Portland Engagement Photography « Katy Weaver Photography Picture classic, young, American love. You might be thinking about The Notebook. But Anna and Jake would probably give you a run for your money. Seriously though. They met during high school through their church. They fell in love.

Makes you think by Marshall Brain | June 23, 2010 This is a fascinating video that looks at the different ways that human beings perceive time and the effects that these perceptions have on our behavior: The video starts by identifying six ways to perceive time: Bizarre Websites On Which You Can Kill Time With Style - Smashing Magazine - StumbleUpon Modern Web-building technologies allow designers to realize their most daring and creative ideas. Enhanced interactivity and a remarkable visual appearance can be achieved by means of such tools as Flash, JavaScript and Papervision3D, to name just a few. These strengths usually impress and entertain visitors and thus are often used for conceptual artistic presentations and promotional campaigns. In this post, you’ll find a collection of amusing websites that, by combining unconventional (and sometimes bizarre) ideas and clever JavaScript and Flash effects, will entice you to play on them for an embarrassing long time. Bizarre and Beautiful Websites Link Record Tripping1 Record Tripping is a nifty experimental game by Bell Brothers.

Levitation Photography: 65 Stunning Examples & Tutorials Many says floating in the air, or so called levitation is impossible. Well, in fact everything is possible, all you need to do is believe yourself, seriously, believe that you can achieve it! And uh, believe that the Photoshop can help you achieve it. DO IT MOTHERFUCKER DOT COM - StumbleUpon Lumea în prima zi de viaţă - categoria Copii/Familie - Cromatica Photography Blog Fotografiile făcute pentru copil, nu pentru părinţi Aş vrea să văd cum erau părinţii mei înainte ca eu să mă nasc. Cum erau hainele lor, casa în care stăteau, cum era lumea lor în 1979. Mi s-a tot povestit că mama era o gravidă foarte frumoasă, iar pe tata parcă îl văd cu ce ochi plini de admiraţie o privea. Geekfill - Your daily fill for Geektastic Awesomeness

Înapoi acasă - categoria Personale - Cromatica Photography Blog Treci de 30 de ani şi te întrebi dacă ai ajuns unde vroiai. Nu te întrebi prea des, pentru că nici măcar nu ai timp să te gândeşti serios la asta. Dar dacă vine o zi în care ai timp şi nu îţi poţi scoate întrebarea asta supărătoare din minte? Îmi trec prin minte câteva eşecuri evidente: nu am ajuns o mare balerină sau patinatoare, nu mi-am terminat doctoratul, nu am scris niciuna dintre cărţile pe care vreau să le scriu, nu îmi văd bunica atât de des cât ar trebui, nu mă pricep să gătesc prăjituri… Şi de curând am renunţat la ceea ce s-ar putea numi, în realitatea complicată a celor de vârsta mea, un serviciu foarte bun. Gata; nu mai ajung seara acasă odată cu corporatiştii, să ne salutăm obosiţi în hainele noastre negre şi gri „casual business”, după o zi incredibil de lungă în care am înghiţit aproape inconştienţi mâncarea de la catering, apăsaţi de vinovăţia că nu suntem îndeajuns de buni, de eficienţi şi că nu ne bucurăm naibii că avem un serviciu când alţii mor de foame.

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