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Unterrichtsmaterial Geschichte Sie sind hier: Sekundarstufen > Geschichte > Unterrichtsmaterial Geschichte Tipps der Redaktion ZeitgeschichteDer Tag des Baus der Berliner Mauer wird jährlich am 13. August begangen. Interactive Map of Europe, Europe Map with Countries and Seas Europe is the second smallest of the inhabited continents. It is a part of the Eurasian land mass that includes Europe, Asia, Asia Minor and the Arabian Peninsula. As many large islands east and south of Asia are usually included in Asia, the Eurasian land mass extends from Iceland to New Guinea, from the Atlantic to the Pacific and from the Arctic to the Indian Oceans. Just where to divide this mass into continents has long been debated. Traditionally the Ural mountains in Russia have been used as a division.

NetLogo Home Page NetLogo is a multi-agent programmable modeling environment. It is used by tens of thousands of students, teachers and researchers worldwide. It also powers HubNet participatory simulations. It is authored by Uri Wilensky and developed at the CCL. Breathingearth - CO2, birth & death rates by country, simulated real-time Mapas Flash Interactivos Reta a tus amigos a jugar a anatomía humana y celular y química de manera divertida y eficaz Un pack de juegos interactivos de anatomía humana y celula y químicar: · Más de 200 juegos inteligentes · Retos educativos entre alumnos, juego uno contra uno · Torneos, el reto se hace colectivo con desafíos entre grupos de jugadores · Diversos niveles de dificultad y modalidades de juego · Modo estudia para memorizar antes de consolidar lo aprendido en el juego · Analíticas de juego, datos y estadísticas pertinentes para medir los impactos del aprendizaje · Recomendaciones de juegos a practicar y personas a quienes retar · Ranking de juegos para cada juego individual, por ámbitos anatómicos (sistema esquelético, muscular, anatomía celular...), por química y ranking general de anatomía y química · Multiidoma, todos los juegos en 9 idiomas diferentes · Accesibles desde cualquier dispositivo: móvil, tablet u ordenador

Geschichtszentrum - Virtuelle Schule fuer Geschichte Liebe Userinnen und User, die Aufrechterhaltung und Weiterentwicklung der Unterrichtseinheiten von "GESCHICHTE ALS DENKFACH - Das digitale Lehrbuch des Geschichtszentrums" kostet Geld und sehr viel Arbeit. Damit das Angebot weiter aufrecht erhalten werden kann, gibt es die Unterrichtseinheiten jetzt als - kostengünstige und einfach zu handhabende - PDF- Dateien im Geschichtszentrum Shop.

5 Amazing Towns on Perilous Cliff Sides Spot Cool Stuff loves a good cliff-side town. There’s something about them that’s romantic, daring and a little impossible. Here are five of our favorites places where no one with vertigo would want to live: Castellfollit de la Roca, Spain Castellfollit de la Roca, in the Catalonia region in the middle of Spain, has a doubly impressive location—this 1,000 person village is perched on a spit of land with cliffs on both sides. The village gets a steady flow of tourists during the day, which is exactly why you should spend the night here. GIS Extension This extension adds GIS (Geographic Information Systems) support to NetLogo. It provides the ability to load vector GIS data (points, lines, and polygons), and raster GIS data (grids) into your model. The extension supports vector data in the form of ESRI shapefiles. The shapefile (.shp) format is the most common format for storing and exchanging vector GIS data.

Map Collections Home Page The Library of Congress Search by Keyword | Browse by Geographic Location Index | Subject Index | Creator Index | Title Index The Geography and Map Division of the Library of Congress holds more than 4.5 million items, of which Map Collections represents only a small fraction, those that have been converted to digital form. The focus of Map Collections is Americana and Cartographic Treasures of the Library of Congress. Le blog d'Histoire, Géographie et Education civique de J. Dorilleau Bonjour à tous, le travail de la semaine va consister à étudier la fin du chapitre 5 d’Histoire. Après l’unité italienne étudiée en classe, vous allez travailler l’unité allemande. Essayez de répondre aux questions sur le pdf et recopier le cours.

GEOGRAPHIE EN LIGNE CYCLE III Mathématiques Téléchargement Nommer les continents 00 Nommer les océans 00 Home – Malaria Atlas Project

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