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15 Tools For Better Project-Based Learning

15 Tools For Better Project-Based Learning

Why 21st century skills are not that 21st century Whenever I hear anyone talk about preparing students for the 21st century, I am always sceptical. Partly this is because it is never made clear exactly what is so different about the 21st century that requires such different preparation. For the American organisation Partnership for 21st Century Skills (P21), which is sponsored by a number of multinational corporations, the four important 21st century skills are ‘critical thinking and problem solving; communication, collaboration; and creativity and innovation.’[i] For the Royal Society of Arts, the skills that are needed for the future are: ‘citizenship, learning, managing information, relating to people and managing situations’.

Guarda fragmentos de información y citas organizados con Citelighter Si a cualquiera de nosotros le propusieran buscar información sobre un tema en concreto, los primeros pasos, casi con total seguridad, empezarían por encender el ordenador o dispositivo conectado a internet, arrancar nuestro navegador favorito y buscar en Google. Pero con ello encontrarás una pléyade de enlaces de los que irás sacando pedacitos de información. ¿Dónde guardas toda esa información fragmentada? ¿Cómo organizas enlaces y citas dentro de una investigación?

Ten Skills for the Future Workforce Ten Skills for the Future Workforce Sense-making, social intelligence, novel & adaptive thinking, cross-cultural competency, computational thinking, new-media literacy, transdisciplarity, design mindset, cognitive load management, virtual collaboration. These are the 10 skills needed for the future workforce. For a full report, see the work done by the Institute for the Future with Apollo Group looking at the Skills Needed by 2020 (also available on the IFTF website). A summary map is also available.

12 recursos en línea para detectar plagio en escritos Desde páginas web hasta los artículos científicos de mayor extensión, la presencia en los buscadores requerida para aumentar su popularidad ha permitido que todo ese contenido escrito pueda ser visto y plagiado sin mayor dificultad. Sin embargo, esta facilidad en el acceso implica también hacer más sencillo el proceso de revisión valiéndose de una que otra herramienta especializada. Aquí están algunos útiles servicios online diseñados para comparar y enlazar casi que instantáneamente todo tipo de textos, perfectos para profesores, alumnos y webmasters.

Project Based Learning Resources (image from Project Based Learning (PBL) is a great way to teach students content, 21st century skills, and engage them in something fun and educational. I spoke more about PBL in an earlier blog ( and we had some great reader comments (Tech&Learning, May 2009, page 14). Today I'd like to give some tips and ideas on how to get started with PBL in your classroom. First of all, PBL can be used in any classroom, in any subject, at any grade level. Projects can be one class period, or take weeks to complete.

TIC-TAC: Aplicaciones educativas de los códigos QR La primera vez que escuché hablar de los códigos QR fue en julio de 2009, de la mano de Narcís Vives y Josep Torrents, en una reunión de coordinadores TIC. Sólo puedo decir que desde ese momento me enamoré de estos códigos y ya empecé a darle vueltas a cómo podría trabajar con mis alumnos y alumnas en el aula. Me fascinó el misterio que encerraban, y todo lo que podían almacenar sin llegar a mostrar nada.

Patterns: Learning, Thinking, Creating By Kevin Washburn, on January 10th, 2012 It seems contradictory. The brain seeks and sees patterns, but when asked to find patterns, many people become uneasy. (Shelley Carson suggests that up to 80% of people find this type of thinking “uncomfortable.”1) This conundrum is the result of effort. When the brain instantly sees a pattern, it seems like a new insight has been sparked. When the brain has to search to find patterns, the rationalization begins. The c MOOC as knowledge ecologies Thanks to Stephen Downes for the reference to Dr. Mohamed Amine Chatti’s Knowledge Management: A Personal Knowledge Network Perspective. Here are some abstracts that I would like to quote: Knowledge ecologies are thus self-controlled and self-contained entities. Knowledge ecologies lacked a shared repertoire and are thus open and distributed knowledge domains.The result of participation in a knowledge ecology is a restructuring of one’s PKN, a reframing of one’s theories-in-use and an extension of one’s external network with new tacit and explicit knowledge nodes; i.e. people and information (external level)Knowledge ecology is a more general concept than intensional networks.In essence, a knowledge ecology is a complex adaptive system that emerges from the bottom-up connection of PKNs.

The 7 Powerful Idea Shifts In Learning Today by Terry Heick, : Shift_Learning: The 7 Most Powerful Idea Shifts In Learning Today So we’re taking a stand here. This is all incredibly subjective, but so are the VH1 Top 100 Hair Bands Videos and those are fun, am I right? So subjective it is. Who Owns the Future? by Jaron Lanier – review Jaron Lanier, groundbreaking computer scientist and infectious optimist, is concerned that we are not making the most of ourselves. In Who Owns the Future? he tellingly questions the trajectory of economic value in the information age, and argues that there has been a fundamental misstep in how capitalism has gone digital. For Lanier, late capitalism is not so much exhausted as humiliating: in an automated world, information is more important to the economy than manual labour, and yet we are expected to surrender information generated by or about ourselves – a valuable resource – for free. Information here is a broad term for any conscious intellectual, artistic, or pragmatic contribution to the production of goods, services and cultural output, but it also includes the data that we unconsciously radiate simply by exhibiting certain behavioural and consumer traits.

Where Industry Discovers Geospatial Image Analysis Louisville, home of the Kentucky Derby, great food, and this year's 2014 ASPRS annual conference. Held at the Galt House hotel, this year's conference offered a great mix of all things remote sensing over a three-day agenda. It was also co-located with a Joint Agency for Commercial Imagery Evaluation(JACIE) conference, which created a nice atmosphere where some of the best and brightest minds from science and academia could meet. Eyes in the Skies One of the most apparent trends I noticed at this show was the amount of exhibitors that had something to do with Unmanned Aerial Systems,or UAS. With the pending approval for UAS to fly commercially, many folks are beginning to offer services surrounding these sensors.

MIT educator stresses need to integrate arts and humanities in science education - National Higher Education In the past 50 years, technology development has changed the way elementary school children learn, in large measure thanks to a national emphasis on science, technology, engineering and mathematics learning, or STEM. MIT Science Educator Dr. Eric Klopfer would like for schools to consider adding a vowel to this acronym, the letter ‘A,’ for the “arts.” In an Oct. 17, 2014, interview, Dr.
