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Throwable Panoramic Ball Camera // Jonas Pfeil

Médias & Publicité : Axel Dauchez, invité du Buzz Média Orange-Le Figaro Axel Dauchez, directeur général de Deezer, est l'invité du Buzz Média Orange-Le Figaro. D'ici à juin 2012, Deezer, le site d'écoute de musique créé en 2007, veut changer de dimension en se lançant progressivement dans 200 nouveaux pays. Français d'origine, le site d'écoute de musique en ligne, déjà présent en Belgique, et en Angleterre depuis septembre, fera cependant l'impasse sur les États-Unis et le Japon, deux mastodontes du marché de la musique (25% du marché mondial). «C'était un vrai choix pour nous. De 1,4 million d'utilisateurs payants actuellement, Deezer espère donc conquérir «plusieurs millions d'abonnés dans le monde dans les prochaines années, largement et majoritairement hors de France». «Racheter Deezer ferait sens pour Orange» Le récent partenariat signé avec Facebook servira également ces ambitions. » Deezer renonce à la musique gratuite et illimitée » Deezer continuera à diffuser le catalogue Universal

The hunting rifle of the future is here at CES (video) LAS VEGAS—CES is packed with plenty of offbeat gadgets, but the Precision Guided Firearm that TrackingPoint brought to the show this year is the first lethal weapon I’ve ever seen at a tradeshow. Of course, the PGF isn’t just a rifle; it’s a system of devices designed to work together to make hunting safer and more enjoyable through technology. A processor inside the rifle collects environmental data like temperature, barometric pressure, distance to target, the orientation of the barrel and even the Earth’s magnetic fields from sensors built into the networked digital tracking scope on top of the rifle. The user can then choose to input more data like wind direction and speed, then use the digital tracking display inside the scope to find a target and “lock on” by pressing a big red button. Like pretty much every gadget we’ve seen at CES, there’s also a goofy social networking system built into the PGF.

Company Campus : le premier "self incubateur" de Nantes ouvre ses portes Perché au cinquième étage de l'Ile Rouge, l'un des bâtiments emblématiques du Quartier de la Création sur l'Ile de Nantes, le Company Campus vient d'ouvrir ses portes à l'occasion du web2day. Cet espace se veut être le premier "self incubateur" de Nantes. Pour Quentin Adam, qui nous présente l'endroit, "un incubateur c'est comme une poule qui couve ses oeufs, un self incubateurs ce sont plein de poussins qui se serrent pour se tenir chaud". Les synergies entre les startups sont nombreuses, bien au delà de ce que permet un simple espace de co-working. Ici, des ressources (y compris humaines) sont mutualisées et les clients s'échangent. Le Company Campus officialise donc une situation qui existait déjà, puisque de nombreuses startups y était déjà logées. Dans le futur, l'équipe espère convaincre un fonds d'investissement de financer les entreprises entrant au Company Campus pour les accompagner.

Just how smart (and safe) will first-generation smart glasses be? | Gadgets Of the many companies looking into the concept of putting computers on our faces, Vuzix Smart Glasses are the closest to actually shipping. If the whole idea behind these wearable devices is that they provide quick access to information without the wearer having to look away from he or she is doing, then the design used will be integral to the success of the final product. With this in mind, coupled with the fact that smart glasses will be worn for hours on end, we got to wondering: does Vuzix really have the best approach? The design of the smart glasses M100 is very similar to that of Google’s Project Glass , so much that the two products are often compared. The M100 headset uses Bluetooth and WiFi to grab information from your smartphone and display it to you on a 800×480 display that is just about 2 inches from your eye. The need for both eyes, which helps with handy things like depth perception, comes up more than you might think.

Breakbot download with WiseBand Dad Builds Drone to Walk Son to Bus Stop Technology has completely changed the way parents can take care of their children. When I was a kid, there weren't even cellphones, now, there are webcams that automatically send email or cellphone notifications whenever something happens in the house. There are cars that can transmit their position back to an iPhone — especially useful for parents of teen drivers. In other words, it's easier than ever to keep an eye on your kids. Paul Wallich, a contributing editor at IEEE Spectrum has taken it to a whole another level, assembling a quadcopter DIY drone that can follow his kid to the bus stop. It all started as a fantasy. Wallich settled on a quadcopter design — a helicopter with four rotors instead of the usual two — because of its ability to maneuver and hover. "To see the world from the quadcopter’s point of view," he writes, "you can put together a fancy video-transmission rig, or just do as I did—strap on a smartphone and fire up your favorite video chat app."

Un nouveau morceau des Pixies en téléchargement, et plus à venir La nouvelle, qui en attend d’autres peut-être plus excitantes encore et à venir ici-même lundi à 10 h précises, va faire faire des petits bonds et rebonds de cabris aux vieux fans des Pixies comme à tous ceux, plus jeunes, qui ont découvert leur immensité historique lors de leurs concerts de reformation ces dernières années : après 10 ans de disettes de nouveautés, les Américains, un peu au débotté il faut le dire, ont publié ce matin un nouveau morceau sur leur site. Intitulé Bagboy, diffusé hier soir sur la BBC6 dans l’émission de Shaun Keaveny, le morceau est en téléchargement, en écoute et même en clip ci-dessous. Il fait suite à une nouvelle plus “triste”, annoncée il y a une dizaine de jours : le départ du groupe de leur bassiste légendaire Kim Deal, dont les Breeders devraient désormais, seuls, occuper les esprits. “C’est une coïncidence”, a expliqué Frank Black à propos de Bagboy.

Temporary tattoos could make electronic telepathy and telekinesis possible Close, but no cigar. This goes WAY beyond drones. This is, essentially, the most efficient way to control anything that isn't automated. Just think of this paired with smart contact lenses/glasses. The only thing really holding Google Glass back from its true potential is that it still requires voice and touch controls. As far as this resulting in atrophy, I couldn't disagree more. Graphical user interface User interface and interaction design[edit] The graphical user interface is presented (displayed) on the computer screen. It is the result of processed user input and usually the primary interface for human-machine interaction. The touch user interfaces popular on small mobile devices are an overlay of the visual output to the visual input. Designing the visual composition and temporal behavior of a GUI is an important part of software application programming in the area of human-computer interaction. Its goal is to enhance the efficiency and ease of use for the underlying logical design of a stored program, a design discipline known as usability. Large widgets, such as windows, usually provide a frame or container for the main presentation content such as a web page, email message or drawing. A GUI may be designed for the requirements of a vertical market as application-specific graphical user interfaces. Examples[edit] Sample Graphical Desktop Environments Components[edit] History[edit]

Human–computer interaction A woman teaching girls in Afghanistan how to use computers. Human use of computers is a major focus of the field of HCI. Because human–computer interaction studies a human and a machine in conjunction, it draws from supporting knowledge on both the machine and the human side. On the machine side, techniques in computer graphics, operating systems, programming languages, and development environments are relevant. Poorly designed human-machine interfaces can lead to many unexpected problems. HCI Goals[edit] HCI (Human Computer Interaction) aims to improve the interactions between users and computers by making computers more usable and receptive to users' needs. A long term goal of HCI is to design systems that minimize the barrier between the human's mental model of what they want to accomplish and the computer's understanding of the user's task. Professional practitioners in HCI are usually designers concerned with the practical application of design methodologies to real-world problems.

Robotics Robotics is the branch of mechanical engineering, electrical engineering and computer science that deals with the design, construction, operation, and application of robots,[1] as well as computer systems for their control, sensory feedback, and information processing. These technologies deal with automated machines that can take the place of humans in dangerous environments or manufacturing processes, or resemble humans in appearance, behavior, and/or cognition. Many of today's robots are inspired by nature contributing to the field of bio-inspired robotics. The concept of creating machines that can operate autonomously dates back to classical times, but research into the functionality and potential uses of robots did not grow substantially until the 20th century.[2] Throughout history, robotics has been often seen to mimic human behavior, and often manage tasks in a similar fashion. Etymology[edit] History of robotics[edit] Robotic aspects[edit] Components[edit] Power source[edit]

Analyze This! Analyze Workspace Basics and Your Text Analysis When starting out in Dedoose, the analysis workspace can seem overwhelming. But, once you break it down to the basics you will see how various graphs, charts, and plots can help you find new insights in your text analysis and bring your data to life. We have had a couple questions on Facebook and Twitter about the basics of charts and graphs recently, so we thought we should start with outlining the foundations of the Analyze Workspace. What am I looking for… And where is it again? The biggest issue users have with this workspace stems from a lack of understanding about the basic controls that govern the visual representation of the data. Below we will discuss the icons and controls to look for (and double check) when creating charts, graphs, and plots in the Analyze Workspace to ensure that you are looking at the data you THINK you are looking at for each visualization in your text analysis. Pie Chart: Allows you to display data in a pie chart. Normalization: Sub-Codes: Percentage: 0’s:

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