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Sisters 4 Peace | Bump a Lock From Wired How-To Wiki Feel safe behind your locked door? Sorry to spoil your sense of security, but there's an old lockpicker's secret anyone could learn to make a skeleton key and open almost any locked door. "Bumping" is a method for picking a lock using a filed-down key of the appropriate type and tapping on the cylinder. Why is this something you need to know? Now, you could trust your home's lock security hoping thieves don't read this article, or you could learn the attacks yourself and make sure your lock is up to snuff. The Steps to Bumping a Lock Identify the model of lock you're trying to bump. Get Bumping! It might sound difficult, but even kids can bump locks once they are shown how it's done. Resources A YouTube video with a demonstration of lock bumping follows. Pickbuster is an aftermarket product, a solution that is injected into the lock cylinder that prevents the pins from dropping down during bumping. TOOOL's Web Page and a PDF description of the bumping process.

cursivebuildings for the amazing vsl editors & readers: hi. i’m happy you’re here. i have warm cookies on the table & milk. reaching for the out of reach is one project. there are many more. FREE ONLINE TYPING COURSE Woodstock, Vermont Area Chamber of Commerce How to Unclog a Toilet Like a Plumber It’s every man’s worst fear. You’re at someone’s house, you finish doing your business and flush the toilet, but instead of going down, the water comes up along with whatever you just deposited in the bowl. Would you be paralyzed with panic in that moment? Or do you know what to do? For some reason, the lot has fallen to men to deal with clogged toilets. I guess in a time when we’re no longer needed to ride out in defense of the tribe, our toughness is marshaled to do battle in the bathroom. Stop the toilet bowl from filling up. Toilet flapper (Image source: The Jay) Get the right plunger. Funnel-cup plunger Warm up your plunger. Plunge correctly. Secret Plumber Trick: Add Hot Water and dishwasher detergent. Also, try adding some dishwasher detergent to the mix. (Hat tip Ryan and Jim in the comments). For harder clogs, use an auger. Toilet auger To use an auger, you simply snake the cable down the hole. When to call the plumber. Avoiding clogged toilets. Finally, take it easy on the paper.

Washington post article I was 18 years old when I landed in the kingdom of Bahrain, off the coast of Saudi Arabia, in the winter of 2005. It was the first time I'd ever left the continental United States. My joints ached after more than 24 hours of travel, but I knew that a new life of service and adventure awaited me on the other side of that aircraft door. This was the day I had been dreaming about since I'd enlisted in the Navy a few months before, on my birthday. I also knew that I was gay. However, I chose to put service above my personal life. Once I joined the Navy, I was tormented by my chief and fellow sailors, physically and emotionally, for being gay. Within days of arriving at my duty station in Bahrain, I decided that I wanted to earn a place among the elite handlers working with dogs trained to detect explosives. For 12 hours a day in 112-degree heat with 85 percent humidity, we searched vehicles for explosives and responded to any threats. I told no one about what I was living through.

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