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The Death Clock - When Am I Going To Die?

The Death Clock - When Am I Going To Die?

Beichten & die Sünden anderer lesen | A dot for every second in the day - a clock top Notes: The clock needs to "phone home" every few minutes to get a new layout with the active zone moved. Sorry. Please let me know if this is an issue. Thanks to a reader's appreciation of `Lots of dots' for prompting this page. Sometimes there is a gap which isn't colored in for some minutes. Doables: Talk about (or link to) different kinds of "day". History: 2002-Jun-25 Adapted to new browsers. 2001-Aug-29 Javascript change (browser compatibility). 2001-Apr-28 Added note re "why is the box corner not filled in?"

EM Tippspiel - Kostenlos bei Kicktipp Aluna: World's First Tidal Powered Moon Clock Goldene Regeln für schlechte E-Mails Ein (nicht ganz ernst gemeinter) Ratgeber zum Thema: Wie kann ich mit elektronischer Post am besten meine Mitmenschen ärgern? 1. Benutzen Sie möglichst viele Smileys :-) Schreiben Sie möglichst viele Smileys :-). Nur so können Sie unmißverständlich ausdrücken, was Sie wirklich sagen möchten :-o und empfinden. Smileys gibt es für alle Lebenslagen: Sind Sie fröhlich :-), traurig :-(, Brillenträger ::-), Raucher :-Q, Linkshänder (-: oder sonst irgendwas :-? 2. Hängen Sie an Ihre E-Mails eine möglichst lange Signatur – stören Sie sich nicht an diesen konservativen Nervensägen, die maximal vier Zeilen für eine Sig vorschreiben. Eine kunstvoll gestaltete und äußerst informative Signatur enthält neben Ihrer E-Mail-, Homepage-, ICQ- und Snailmail-Adresse mindestens noch Ihren Lebenslauf und ein tolles »ASCII-Art«-Foto von Ihnen und Ihrer Familie. Eine weitere gute Idee: Hängen Sie Ihre eingescannte Unterschrift in True Color an die E-Mail an – das ist dann mal eine echte Signatur. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Making Time with the Watchmakers The Piracy Calculator What's your illegal hoard worth? What's the street value of all your pirated MP3s and movies? How much would the RI/MPAA demand - minimum - if they sued you? Find out! Fill in the blanks, then hit "Calculate" Notes (you can probably skip this part) All costs are in US dollars. The format for entering your music total is hh:mm:ss. Disclaimer Put it this way... my hoard is worth $9003.34. The moral of this story Many of you who actually used this thing will have come up with totals in four digits or higher. The point I'm making is that only a small percentage of illegal downloads are in fact lost sales. Want to go one step further? Looking for the April Fool's Day version of this page?

"The Top 25 N64 Games of All Time" by Dorkly Last week, Dorkly users voted to elect the greatest N64 game of all time. The competition was tough. Palms were decimated by frantic joystick spinning, countless Capri-Suns were consumed, and Glover was left with only three fingers. Alas, the time has come to announce the games you picked as the console's best. Out of a pool of 118 titles, here are the top 25. 25. It had everything you'd want in a Mortal Kombat and then some. 24. Sure, you could play Super Bomberman with four players, but only with a multi-tap and two extra controllers. The Top 25 N64 Games of All Time Last week, Dorkly users voted to elect the greatest N64 game of all time. The competition was tough. Palms were decimated by frantic joystick spinning, countless Capri-Suns were consumed, and Glover was left with only three fingers. 25. It had everything you'd want in a Mortal Kombat and then some. 24. Sure, you could play Super Bomberman with four players, but only with a multi-tap and two extra controllers. 23. Following its success on the Playstation, Resident Evil 2 was ported to the N64 in 1999 with a few new features. 22. As a kid, I was a little disappointed when I picked up Shadows of the Empire and realized I'd be playing as Dash Rendar, a new character to me, instead of childhood hero Luke Skywalker. 21. Pokemon Snap will forever be remembered as a classic for the mere fact that it took a series based on epic monster duels and turned it into a cutesy photography game without totally ruining it.

The headset that will mimic all five senses and make virtual world as convincing as real life By David Derbyshire Updated: 08:43 GMT, 5 March 2009 A virtual reality helmet that recreates the sights, smells, sounds and even tastes of far-flung destinations has been devised by British scientists. The device will allow users a life-like experience of places such as Kenya's Masai Mara while sitting on their sofa. They can also enjoy the smell of flowers in an Alpine meadow or feel the heat of the Caribbean sun on their face. Enlarge Scientists say the device will also enable users to greet friends and family on the other side of the world as though they were in the same room. And students will even be able to find out what it was like to live in ancient Egypt, Rome or Greece. Previously, scientists have only been able to use virtual reality technology to recreate sound and vision. Now a team of British academics from York and Warwick universities are creating a virtual reality helmet they are calling the Virtual Cocoon. Initial estimates suggest the helmet will cost around £1,500.

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