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ShowMe - The Online Learning Community Google Plus and Education | UPDATE: As of November, Google Plus is now available for Apps for Edu at the high school level. This makes it even more valuable as a potential place to share information with students, or at least use the videoconferencing options. I’ve been playing around with Google Plus for about 24 hours, but I feel like I’m just starting to get the hang of it. For those that don’t know, Google+ was introduced on Wednesday and is Google’s (next) attempt to battle Facebook in the Social Media world. 1. 2. 3. 4. Furthermore, “Sparks” might work as continual Professional Development for teachers. Overall, I’m excited by the potential of Google+. Like this: Like Loading...

3 Day Startup Paris Web 2.0 a jeho vliv na oblast vzdělávání Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Pedagogická fakulta Katedra informačních technologií a technické výchovy (Edukační technologie 2008/2009) Jaroslav Mašek, AJ-TIV (leden 2009) Obsah Úvod Web 2.0 – charakteristika 1. 2. 3. 4. Škola 2.0 - rozvoj internetu 2. generace ve škole 1. 2. 3. Vliv Webu 2.0 na společnost Cloud Computing 2.0 – zamyšlení nad budoucností (závěr) Použité zdroje Další zdroje k tématu Odkazy uvedených aplikací pdf verze dokumentu „Představte si svět, ve kterém každý člověk na této planetě má neomezený přístup k celému lidskému vědění Jimmy Wales, zakladatel Wikipedie (přeloženo z Wikimedia Foundation) Úvod S pojmem Web 2.01 se v posledních letech setkáváme čím dál tím častěji. Co nám však technologie Web 2.0 skutečně přináší, anebo spíše, jaký má na nás vliv v každodenním životě a potažmo v oblasti vzdělávání, je otázkou, která dnes stojí před námi. 1 Označení Web 2.0 použili poprvé Tim O'Reilly a Medialive International v roce 2004 jako označení nové generace webu. (2) Web 2.0 – charakteristika

The Ingenious Business Model Behind Coursekit, A Tumblr For Higher Education At universities, educational software largely means enterprise-scale, expensive, feature-stuffed "learning management systems." Blackboard has the majority of the market, but professors and students are about as enthusiastic about its various updates, crashes, and bugs as people are with the latest version of Windows (Blackboard scores a whopping 93% "hated" rating on website Amplicate). Last week, a new alternative was launched--built by students--that looks and works a lot more like the social platforms people actually choose to use in their spare time. The core of the site is a constantly updated social Stream where instructors and students can conduct discussions or easily post rich media. Picture a cleaner-looking Facebook news feed, centered on a single academic theme, or a group Tumblr blog where each picture, question, or video can accumulate its own discussion in the attached comment thread. The second ingenious part of their pitch may also turn out to be a pitfall.

Glassboard. Private group sharing done right. UniShared 10 Free Web 2.0 Tools And How To Easily Use Them In Your Classroom Earlier this week I had the opportunity to attend the first Ozarks Education Research Initiative (OERI) Teacher Technology Conference at Willard High School (MO). The learning sessions I attended were all very good and I am going to share 10 of the FREE tools I learned about below. I will be incorporating them into how I teach and hopefully by using these tools during faculty meetings, PD sessions, and other opportunities as they arise, this will help us all to find ways to incorporate them into the classroom to engage our students even more. This quote from last week has stuck with me ever since it was spoken – “Date the tool. Engagement is key! Twitter summary of OERI Teacher Technology Conference at Willard High School on May 30, 2012 via Storify This is a summary of the tweets sent out during the conference. Socrative This link takes you to their website. Today’s Meet by Allison Pilley @ajpilley This is a blog post Allison wrote about how Today’s Meet could be used in meetings. Go!

Reed Hastings And John Doerr Put $11M In Adaptive Online Math Learning Platform DreamBox DreamBox Learning, an adaptive e-learning platform for students, has raised $11 million in new funding led by Netflix CEO Reed Hastings (who is investing through the Charter School Growth Fund), and Kleiner Perkins partner John Doerr (this is a personal investment for Doerr). GSV Capital Corp. and Deborah Quazzo also participated round. This brings DreamBox’s total funding to $18 million. Launched in 2008, DreamBox Learning offers more than 500 online math lessons, puzzles, games and curriculums for schools and home schools, targeting young students in kindergarten through fifth grade. DreamBox assesses each student’s mathematical understanding on an ongoing basis, providing the most suitable hints and encouragement at the right pace for that child, and offers the next personally appropriate activities as subsequent choices. The company also offers assessment tools for teachers to understand a student’s comprehension and proficiency.

Studio by Purdue University - Mobile learning and student success The Center for Digital Education (CDE) is recognizing Purdue as a digital education innovator for its suite of mobile applications —Hotseat, Passport, Jetpack and more — designed to bolster engagement inside and outside the classroom using technology already integral to students’ lives. Read Full Story In basic economic theory, every action has a cost. So when continuing lecturer Kelly Blanchard decided to redesign her sophomore-level economics courses in the summer of 2012, she wanted to leverage teaching tools that could help increase the value of class time for the 1,400 students she teaches each semester. Read Full Story October 15, 2013 Making the higher education learning experience more mobile, social, and altogether part of the modern student's life is the goal of a new collaboration between Purdue University and CourseNetworking, which is also known as "CN." September 20, 2013 Read Full Story September 19, 2013 Read Full Story July 1, 2013 Read Full Story

Kill Math Bret Victor / April 11, 2011 The power to understand and predict the quantities of the world should not be restricted to those with a freakish knack for manipulating abstract symbols. When most people speak of Math, what they have in mind is more its mechanism than its essence. This "Math" consists of assigning meaning to a set of symbols, blindly shuffling around these symbols according to arcane rules, and then interpreting a meaning from the shuffled result. The process is not unlike casting lots. This mechanism of math evolved for a reason: it was the most efficient means of modeling quantitative systems given the constraints of pencil and paper. We are no longer constrained by pencil and paper. Project Kill Math is my umbrella project for techniques that enable people to model and solve meaningful problems of quantity using concrete representations and intuition-guided exploration. Someday there will be an introductory essay on this page, and it will move you to tears. Kitchen Math

Data Visualization & Information Design: One Learner's Perspective Faciliter la production d'un groupe de travail en ligne Recommander cette page à un(e) ami(e) Stimuler et organiser les contributions d'un groupe de travail Si vous avez déjà été membre d'un groupe de travail en ligne, vous savez qu'une petite fraction des membres seulement participe activement, et qu'il est indispensable que le groupe soit animé. Si vous avez déjà été animateur d'un groupe de travail en ligne, vous savez qu'il s'agit d'une tâche difficile, chronophage, et qu'on manque parfois d'idées pour relancer les contributions. Voici un texte qui fournit des pistes d'action très concrètes pour mieux animer un groupe de travail en ligne. Ce texte a été produit pour être utilisé par les membres des différents projets d'Imagination for People, mais il présente une méthode d'animation utile à tous les groupes de travail en ligne. Trois fonctions-clés d'animation du groupe et de structuration des contributions L'animation du groupe de travail est donc assurée au travers de trois fonctions, personnifiées de la manière suivante :

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