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Top 10 Unusual but Fascinating Cloud Formations

Top 10 Unusual but Fascinating Cloud Formations
What is the sky without little fluffy clouds? Boring if you ask me. A cloudless plain sky is like a garden without flowers. Clouds can generally be classified by appearance – cumulus (heap), stratus (layer), cirrus (curl), nimbus (rain) – or by height of cloud base – high level, mid level, low level clouds and clouds with vertical development. 10. The Kelvin-Helmholtz wave cloud looks like crashing ocean waves. Billow clouds are often good indicators of atmospheric instability. 9. Cirrus clouds come in many shapes and sizes and occur in the coldest and highest region of the troposphere. The delicate and thin cirrus radiatus clouds appear to converge towards one point on the horizon. 8. The beautiful shelf clouds are low-level semicircular arcus clouds. Shelf clouds stick out like a shelf from their parent thunderstorm cloud. This type of clouds is easily mistaken with wall clouds. The cloud in the above picture has been captured over Enschede, Netherlands. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.

Fastest in the World !!!!! Slow and steady always wins the race. This proclamation is worth of value in Books and Novels only. However in attendance to the current state of affairs; if a debate on fast and slow may be slow again wins because of its valuable ancient past histories but in this practical world a layman even knows for himself that how important it is to be FAST in life. Fastest Car in the World Shelby Super Cars Ultimate Aero412.28 KMPH Fastest Animal in the World Cheetah 113 KMPH Fastest Bird in the World Spine tailed swift 171 KMPH Fastest Fish in the world Sailfish 110 KMPH Fastest Man in the world Usain Bolt 40-43 KMPH Fastest Plane in the world X-43 Aircraft 12144 KMPH Fastest Train in the World Shanghai Maglev Train 581 KMPH Fastest Bike in the world Toma Hawk (Not a Legal Bike) 675 KMPH And now last but not the least; fastest of all.. Fastest Day Sunday Ads by Google

エル・チャボ・デル・オチョ 『エル・チャボ・デル・オチョ』(スペイン語:El Chavo del Ocho)は、元々1970年から1972年までメキシコの独立テレビ局とロベルト・ゴメス・ボラーニョ(チェスピリート、スペイン語:Chespirito、ウィリアム・シェイクスピアのミドルネームの小柄)によって製作されたメキシコのテレビコメディーシリーズ。 その後、衛星放送が1973年から1980年の間にメキシコに普及すると、ラテンアメリカ・ヨーロッパ・アジアの様々な国で同じ年に放映された。 年少のキャラクター[編集] エル・チャボ(俳優:ロベルト・ゴメス・ボラーニョ) (El Chavo):主人公。 年長のキャラクター[編集] ドン・ラモン(俳優:ラモン・バルデス) (Don Ramón):チリンドリーナの父親。 Throwable Panoramic Ball Camera has us seeing spherical potential Each time there is a new way to capture media, especially when that means is inexpensive, the world goes nuts trying to see how they can show off their life and times with it. That's what's about to happen with this ball camera, the Throwable Panoramic Ball Camera, that is, a project that's currently Patent Pending and has been in the works, apparently, since back in 2010. The project has progressed to the point here in late 2011 where the designers feel it strong enough to present to the public - just toss it up in the air and at it's peak - SNAP - you've got a complete 360 degree view of the environment the ball is in. How's that for a new way of seeing things? This is more than a panoramic view, it's a whole new experience. Have a look at this video and see how it strikes you: This device contains 36 mobile phone camera modules and takes a full sphere of images right at the peak of flight. [via Pfeil]

The Aikido FAQ: Introduction To Aikido What is Aikido? Whenever I move, that's Aikido. O Sensei, Morihei Ueshiba Aikido is a Japanese martial art developed by Morihei Ueshiba (often referred to by his title 'O Sensei' or 'Great Teacher'). Upon closer examination, practitioners will find from Aikido what they are looking for, whether it is applicable self-defense technique, spiritual enlightenment, physical health or peace of mind. We could attempt to pigeonhole Aikido into a synopsis of X number of words, but that would not do it justice, so we leave the practitioner of Aikido to find out what Aikido is for themselves without any preconceived notions. What are the different styles in Aikido? There are no 'styles' of Aikido. Aikido was originally developed by one man, O Sensei. Since this list is going to be challenging enough without looking for extra work, we'll restrict our definition of Aikido to mean styles that clearly trace their lineage to Ueshiba O Sensei. The "Old" Schools Aiki-Budo Yoseikan Yoshinkan The "Modern" Schools

Guiness Book Records - Cathie Jung Galleries FAQ l Spanish Cay l Bahamas l Portugal l Nashville l Blue Satin Corset l Under bust Corset l X-Rays l Publications Gallery 1 l Gallery 2 l Corset Gallery l National Geographic Taboo We have already published a lot about Cathie and Bob. Nevertheless each time there are interesting new facts to be mentioned. Cathie still has her fascinating waist of 38 cm. (15 inches). That Cathie fascinates Bob by her waist is not a secret. At their arrival on Schiphol from Germany there was initially a considerable problem. Cathie making a telephone call. Amsterdam had been already decorated with beautiful Christmas scenery, which gave an extra cachet to their stay in the capital. The Cover, CB 25 July 2001. Cathie Jung in black and white. The editors are very happy to be able to let you enjoy Cathie Jung in a series of photos taken in black and white. Photos above: her 15 inch waistline (38 cm) keeps fascinating us

Développer des photos avec du café et de la vitamine C Développer des photos avec du café et de la vitamine C Je sais que sur cette planète, certains éprouvent encore du plaisir à développer eux-mêmes leurs films d'appareil photo, plutôt que de switcher en numérique. Le truc, c'est que pour développer un film, il faut tout un tas de produits (révélateurs...etc.). Ça coûte cher, ou pire, vous n'en avez pas sous la main ? Pas de panique, j'ai une alternative à vous proposer. Il suffit pour développer vos photos, d'utiliser parmi d'autres ustensiles de base, du café, du carbonate de sodium et de la vitamine C pour remplacer le produit utilisé dans le développement des pellicules. Le photographe Danish Puthan Valiyandi a réalisé une petite vidéo très instructive sur sa recette maison. Parfait pour parfaire votre parfaite science du DIY à la MacGyver ! [Source et photo] Vous avez aimé cet article ?

Kali: Martial Arts of Jason Bourne | finChin No defense. No evasion. No retreat. You attack, I counterattack. A brutal new (to us) martial arts that focuses on maximum damage in minimum time: kali. Kali (usually, pekiti-tirsia kali) is the new favorite martial arts among special forces and law enforcement agencies. What’s kali? Later, Spain sent a much larger force to conquer the Philippines. You probably have seen stylized versions of kali in many movies. In every Bourne movie, there’s always a fight up close and personal with a dangerous assassin. If you wish to see more of the approach and thinking behind kali, watch the following US Army Special Forces training video. Loading ... Recommended Posts

Player MP3 de pulso é conceito brasileiro! Unindo tecnologia e moda, o conceito MP3 Player Creative, do brasileiro Dinard da Mata reforça mais uma vez a proximidade entre campos teoricamente tão diferentes do mercado. Cada vez menores, os gadgets já são – além de ferramentas para tornar mais agradável e prático o cotidiano – indicadores do estilo favorito de seus usuários. Não é difícil perceber que um PMP ou celular diz tanto sobre o gosto de seu usuário quanto suas roupas e acessórios. No caso do MP3 Player Creative, imaginado por da Mata, além das tendências do mundo fashion, uma das grandes apostas para o futuro dos eletrônicos de uso pessoal também marca presença: a tela OLED flexível. Fonte: Dinard da Mata/Beehance Apesar de ainda não estar disponível comercialmente, a combinação de tela sensível a toque e visor flexível é um sonho para a maioria dos designers desse tipo de equipamento.

Lytro, l'appareil-photo révolutionnaire, est disponible en pré-commande (USA seulement pour le moment) Imaginez un appareil-photo numérique qui ne propose aucun réglage à part un zoom manuel. Pas de réglage de focus, de netteté, de luminosité, d’exposition ni de vitesse d’ouverture. Imaginez un appareil-photo numérique qui ne propose aucun réglage à part un zoom manuel. C’est ce que propose Lytro, un appareil-photo d’un nouveau genre, en gestation depuis plusieurs mois dans les laboratoires d’une startup californienne (avec une levée de fonds de 50 millions de dollars à la clé, ce qui peut aider), et dont la sortie début 2012 vient d’être annoncée officiellement, avec ouverture des pré-commandes. Lytro utilise la technologie « Light field », qui permet de capter l’intégralité du spectre lumineux d’une scène sur n’importe-quel point de celle-ci dans l’espace. Trois modèles sont proposés : un gris « graphite » et un bleu « électrique » à 399 dollars avec 8Go de capacité (350 photos), et un rouge « chaud » à 499 dollars pour 16Go de capacité (750 photos).

The 5 Weirdest Ways Music Can Mess With the Human Brain It's no secret that many people prefer to listen to music when they work out. But music doesn't just make physical activity more pleasant -- it actually makes our physical performance measurably better. When listening to music, people are able to hold heavy weights for longer than when they're standing in silence. They can also complete sprints in smaller amounts of time and are even able to reduce their oxygen intake. This is why Rocky does all of his training in musical montages. How the hell does music do that? Similar to the time-perception effect we referenced above, one element is just plain old distraction. First, there's synchronicity. It's all in the music. Music can even make you feel less pain. And even if you're lucky enough to be asleep during surgery, there's a good chance the doctors working on you are listening to music, since most surgeons believe it improves their performance, too. "Here I go again on my own, sawing through the whitest bones I've ever knooown ..."

24 Great Tumblr Clients For Desktop and Mobile « Ijaar Tumblr is a great platform to share content with the world. You can easily access it via but if you prefer a client that is more convenient, quicker and native to your machine, you’ll love our collection of Tumblr Clients. Tell us which one is your favorite from the list or suggest a new one: Desktop Clients For Tumblr: 1. One of the most popular desktop clients for Tumblr that allows you to write post, upload photos and save drafts to your Tumblr account. 2. Another AIR based client that lets you share stuff on your Tumblr right from your desktop. 3. Posty is another AIR based app that works on Windows, MAC and Linux. 4. Probably the best Windows client for Tumblr. 5. A feature-rich and no-nonsense client for Mac. 6. Did somebody say Linux? 7. Another cross-platform app for Tumblr. 8. If you are more into dashboard widgets, you will love this one. 9. A fine Tumblr companion for GNOME. 10. Web Clients: 11. 12. Mobile Clients For Tumblr: 13. aTumble: 14. 15. 16. 17. iView: 18. 19.

7 Man-Made Substances that Laugh in the Face of Physics The universe is full of weird substances like liquid metal and whatever preservative keeps Larry King alive. But mankind isn't happy to accept the weirdness of nature when we can create our own abominations of science that, due to the miracle of technology, spit in nature's face and call it retarded. That's why we came up with... #7. Ferrofluids What do you get when you suspend nanoparticles of iron compounds in a colloidal solution of water, oil and a surfactant? A ferrofluid is a liquid that reacts to magnetic fields in trippy ways that make you think that science is both magical and potentially evil. Tell us that didn't look like the birth of the most sinister dildo ever. What happens is that when a magnetic field is applied to the fluid, the particles of iron compound inside align to it. What the Hell is it Used For? #6. It's not the brick in the picture up there, it's the stuff under the brick. Every once in a while, science rules. #5.

The 4 Best Photo Album Managers For Linux This is just as true on the Linux platform as any other. Photo management was a weak point of the Linux desktop very recently, but a number of projects have sprung up to address this. As such, if you’re looking for the best photo album manager out there for Linux, you’ve got a few options. Let’s take a look at the four major programs on the platform and see what you think! Shotwell Soon to become the default in Ubuntu (and perhaps in Gnome itself) Shotwell is quickly becoming the go-to photo manager on Linux. Here’s why I think this program is good: it connects really well with social services, including Facebook and Flickr. You’ll find Shotwell in the repositories of most newer Linux systems, but if you can’t find it, check out the official Shotwell page for installation instructions. Picasa For Linux Picasa is not just a killer web service from Google; it’s also a pretty fantastic desktop photo editor. There are upsides and downsides to this Linux version. F-Spot Digikam
