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Compose AI: Automate Your Writing What is Chat GPT? What Educators Should Know – Teaching in a Fishbowl Chat GPT, also known as Generative Pretrained Transformer, is a type of artificial intelligence that is able to generate text based on a given prompt. It is based on a neural network model that has been trained on a large amount of data and is able to generate human-like responses to various types of prompts. One of the key benefits of Chat GPT is that it can help teachers to save time by automatically generating responses to common questions or tasks. For example, a teacher could use Chat GPT to create personalized feedback for each student, or to quickly generate responses to frequently asked questions. In addition to saving time, Chat GPT can also help to improve the quality of education by providing students with more personalized and engaging learning experiences. For example, a teacher could use Chat GPT to create customized lesson plans and activities based on each student’s individual needs and learning style. In fact, this entire blog post thus far was wrote by Chat GPT! - Remove objects, people, text and defects from any picture for free Using Large language models like GPT to do Q&A over papers (II) — using (free) over CORE,, Semantic Scholar etc domains | by Aaron Tay | Feb, 2023 | Medium Summary : In this blog post, I delve into the use of, a startup that combines search engine results with GPT-3 results like Bing’s new chatbot. But instead of letting it get results from all over the net, I test with a few examples what happens if you restrict the results, so it gets results only from domains that include only academic content such as Google Scholar (, CORE (, Semantic Scholar (, Scite ( and Google books( Effectively, you are now querying papers directly for answers using the power of state of art — large language models (LLMs). Interestingly, two of these domains and have specialized tools that already apply LLMs on their content. When the results from these specialized tools are compared against the simplistic idea of restricting results to specific domain in Perplexity, Perplexity shockingly does a lot better in these few examples! Probably.

ChatGPT: Teachers Weigh In on How to Manage the New AI Chatbot (Opinion) (This is the first post in a multipart series.) The new question of the week is: How do you think artificial intelligence-powered tools like ChatGPT are going to affect K-12 schools, and what are practical strategies teachers can use to respond to them? ChatGPT took the world by storm last month when it was made available to the public. Using artificial intelligence, it could produce responses to prompts that were remarkably fluent and cogent and could pass muster as reasonable written responses to class assignments, among other tasks. Teachers will share their reflections in this series on how these kinds of AI tech developments might affect our classrooms. You might also be interested in The Best Posts On Education & ChatGPT. Today, Brett Vogelsinger, Gina Parnaby, and TJ Wilson kick off the series. Ally or Foe? Brett Vogelsinger teaches 9th grade English in Doylestown, Pa., where he begins class each day with a poem. When we edit, can ChatGPT become a coach? We Have to ‘Slow Down’

Create Optimized Amazon Listing in seconds | CopyMonkey ChatSonic - A ChatGPT alternative with superpowers ChatGPT is an open-source conversational AI system created by OpenAI, founded by Sam Altman. It is powered by a neural network that has been trained on millions of conversations. It is designed to understand natural language and respond in a meaningful way. The system is based on the GPT-3 model, which is a large-scale language model developed by OpenAI that has been trained on hundreds of billions of words from the internet. The model is used to generate text responses to user input in a conversational manner. This AI chatbot can be used to create customer service chatbots, virtual assistants, customer service bots, and much more. ChatGPT underwent fine-tuning through a combination of supervised and reinforcement learning, both requiring the assistance of human trainers. What is ChatGPT used for? ChatGPT, a natural language processing technology, has a wide range of use cases. ChatGPT use cases And endless possibilities you can think of. What are the advantages of ChatGPT

*ChatGPT, Chatbots and Artificial Intelligence in Education The answer here, I believe is: ABSOLUTELY. The longer that AI and tools like ChatGPT are around, the more that teachers will try new teaching and learning strategies with it. The more that teachers try new things and share them widely, the more that the educator community will move forward with new ideas. In short: we will figure this out together, even though it will take some time. But ... what will it look like? Here are some ideas, brainstormed by me (a human), by others (with citations provided) and by the bot (because, why not ask it too?). ChatGPT doesn't just write your students' essays for you.20 ways ChatGPT can help you teach/learn🧵 /startthread1. 1. During conversations with students and in-class discussions, we can ask ChatGPT (and other tools like it) to provide us the information we need to drive a conversation forward. 2. Think about how musicians and artists develop their style. "Start copying what you love. This is also the benefit of being well-read. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Flair LongShot AI - Best Long-Form AI Writing Assistant and Content Generator A college student made an app to detect AI-written text GPTZero in action: The bot correctly detected AI-written text. The writing sample that was submitted? ChatGPT's attempt at "an essay on the ethics of AI plagiarism that could pass a ChatGPT detector tool." toggle caption by NPR GPTZero in action: The bot correctly detected AI-written text. Teachers worried about students turning in essays written by a popular artificial intelligence chatbot now have a new tool of their own. Edward Tian, a 22-year-old senior at Princeton University, has built an app to detect whether text is written by ChatGPT, the viral chatbot that's sparked fears over its potential for unethical uses in academia. Edward Tian, a 22-year-old computer science student at Princeton, created an app that detects essays written by the impressive AI-powered language model known as ChatGPT. Edward Tian His motivation to create the bot was to fight what he sees as an increase in AI plagiarism. How GPTZero works The quest to curb AI plagiarism toggle caption

Aequitas – Data Science and Public Policy Machine Learning, AI and Data Science based predictive tools are being increasingly used in problems that can have a drastic impact on people’s lives in policy areas such as criminal justice, education, public health, workforce development and social services. Recent work has raised concerns on the risk of unintended bias in these models, affecting individuals from certain groups unfairly. While a lot of bias metrics and fairness definitions have been proposed, there is no consensus on which definitions and metrics should be used in practice to evaluate and audit these systems. Further, there has been very little empirical work done on using and evaluating these measures on real-world problems, especially in public policy.
