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Occupy the London Stock Exchange

Occupy the London Stock Exchange
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From Capitalism To Democracy Occupied Spaces Ben Roberts Occupied Spaces On the 15th October 2011, protestors representing the global Occupy movement set up a semi-permanent camp outside St. Paul’s Cathedral in central London. On the 25th of October, several UK newspapers and media outlets ran stories claiming that ‘thermal imaging’ proved that only 10% of the 250 tents in St. This series of photographs catalogues some of the communal and private spaces that have been installed in the St. For syndication of this feature please contact Picturetank. For a more in depth analysis of these images, check out this BBC Viewfinder interview with Phil Coomes, and this feature on the Wired Magazine photography blog with Jakob Schiller.

Wikipedia: Occupy London The protests began in solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street protests in New York, United States, and with support from tax avoidance protest group UK Uncut and the London based contingent of the Spanish 15M movement.[2][10][11] In October protesters established two encampments in central London: one outside St Paul's Cathedral in the City of London and the other in Finsbury Square just to the north of the City.[2] In November a third major site was opened in a disused office complex owned by UBS. Named by protesters as the Bank of Ideas, the site was located in Hackney until occupiers were evicted in late January 2012.[12] A fourth site was established in late December, at the unused premises of Old Street Magistrates Court in east London. The site's owners objected to its long term use by Occupiers, and agreement was reached for the building to be vacated by the end of January 2012.[13][14] Chronology[edit] 2011 events[edit] October[edit] November[edit] December[edit] 2011 statements[edit] - Forside Occupied Spaces 7 November 2011Last updated at 17:22 As part of the worldwide Occupy Movement protesters have been camped outside St Paul's Cathedral in London since 15 October looking to highlight economic inequality, social injustice, corporate greed, and the lack of transparency and accountability in the City. Initially the group had wanted to occupy the area outside the London Stock Exchange which sits alongside the Cathedral, but the police stopped that from happening and so the Occupy London Stock Exchange (OLSX) protesters then turned to St Paul's Churchyard, the square in front of the cathedral, planning to set up camp. The camp now stands at around 200 tents and has attracted many photographers, from those working for the news wire agencies through to students of the medium. Photographer Ben Roberts decided to join those documenting the camp but rather than picturing the residents he took a slightly different approach to the majority of the others working there. The First Aid tent

FB: Occupy the London Stock Exchange Occupy London: Traders' fears over St Paul's demo 20 October 2011Last updated at 18:00 By Debabani Majumdar BBC News, London As many protesters enjoyed a lie-in in their tents in the shadow of St Paul's Cathedral, suit-clad office-goers walked past, some casting glances at the unusual tent city. While some passers-by looked on with amusement, others looked somewhat annoyed and refused to give their opinion about the site. Private security guards and Metropolitan Police officers have set up metal barricades, blocking access to Paternoster Square, which houses the London Stock Exchange. Signs warn people that the area is "private property" and those entering are required to show their work ID cards or tell the guards where they want to go. The blockade is presumably to prevent activists from the Occupy London Stock Exchange movement from surrounding the building, but the barricades have resulted in many office-goers having to take a detour. Shops surrounding the square were also counting the costs of the six-day protest and the barricades.

FB Occupy London - London, United Kingdom - Organisation politique
