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How To Occupy

How To Occupy

84-Year-Old Dorli Rainey, Pepper-Sprayed at Occupy Seattle, Denounces "Worsening" Police Crackdowns This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form. JUAN GONZALEZ: Police departments across the country are coming under criticism for using excessive force against Occupy Wall Street protesters over the past two months. AMY GOODMAN: To talk more about what happened, Dorli Rainey is joining us right now from Seattle. Dorli Rainey, welcome to Democracy Now! DORLI RAINEY: Good morning. I am a member of Occupy Seattle. I got pepper-sprayed because we were penned in by the motor—by the bicycle groups, until there was no way out. My problem is not only with police brutality, it is with the progressive getting worse attitude of the police. And what we have to do is change the mindset of people that guns will not solve our crisis. AMY GOODMAN: I wanted to get your comment, Dorli, on the Seattle mayor, Mike McGinn, apologizing Wednesday to protesters who were pepper-sprayed Tuesday night. NORM STAMPER: I certainly do believe that. CHUCK WEXLER: Well, yeah. CHUCK WEXLER: Yeah.

The Architect of #OccupyWallStreet Praises the Power of "Magical Hashtags" The #occupywallstreet movement didn't spring up out of nowhere. It was very deliberately conceived by the creators of a title you may have seen on the newsstand: Adbusters. As digital marketing agency iCrossing recently outlined, the movement started with a tweet from Adbusters on July 4. After that, the Vancouver-based Adbusters continued to tweet about #occupywallstreet, but received almost no mainstream media coverage. All that changed on Sept. 17, when crowds showed up at New York City's Zuccotti Park and stayed there for weeks. Despite the lack of press attention leading up to the event, Kalle Lasn, the co-founder of Adbusters Media Foundation, expected #occupywallstreet to be huge, though the fact that it has taken off in other cities has surprised him. Lasn's next move is a "Robin Hood March" set for Oct. 29 in France coinciding with the G20 meeting. Was this movement created by social media? I wouldn’t quite put it that way. It all started with a tweet in July, right?

Spokes Council Proposal Matt Lepacek Sorry for the spam but this is important Hi, I’m Matt from Open Source, Internet, Global Revolution-Livestream, I’m one of the technical people here and I really need you to ignore the length of this letter and still read it and even click on the link to the product I am discussing here. In Open-Source we have readily available tools that can be factored into the problem of our growing GA, to facilitate further brainstorming about the SC model solution. These tools are a system of quick-voting and polling tools both physical (paper) and electronic. A number of ideas have been tossed around including a) handing a printed ticket with unique serial code to each attendant to identify their unique votes for the session so that the system can not be manipulated by people not in attendance. b) a phone system that users can dial into to vote using touch-tone and voice response c) a smartphone / iphone / android application for quick voting e) all of the above

Archives for Occupy Wall Street Radio <table style="background-color:#ffeded; color:black; text-align:center; font-family:arial; font-size:130%; line-height:160%; font-weight:bold; padding:5px; width:100%;"><tr><td>NOTE: JavaScript is used on this page for the "Play" feature.<br />Your web browser either does not support JavaScript or it has been purposely disabled.<br />You will only be able to download shows. WBAI archives for Occupy Wall Street Radio Produced by Help With the Flash Based Player The new Flash-based MP3 player software is part of this web page. When you first click on the Play button: The show should start playing almost immediately The Play button moves to the right and changes into a Pause button, with two vertical lines (see the screen shot below). While the show is playing: You can drag the dark gray section of the slider left and right to move forward and backward within the show. The player does not show the total time of the show and does not offer a volume control.

Media - Please direct all inquiries and requests for interviews to Here's the link to the [Occupy Boston press kit] View an archive of official Press Releases. Tell us why you Occupy. Media Support for your Working Group The Occupy Boston Media WG has "dissolved." For suggestions and resources for Doing your own media work, for your event. [OB Press List] [Blog Access List] (Last updated 5/24/12) [Calendar Admin List] Below is useful information from the Media WG. External Community Generated Occupy Boston's Media Working Group Mission Statement The Occupy Boston Media Working Group works to document and publicize the occupy movement with the intention of fostering growth therein. Our mission statement in each of these spheres is as follows: (A) To maintain the blog as well as the official Occupy Boston social media channels (e.g. (D) To facilitate the use of the above channels by other Occupy Boston working groups, caucuses, and related affinity groups. Contact

TAZ - Hakim Bey Le Net et le Web L'autre facteur contribuant à l'émergence de la TAZ est si vaste et si ambigu, qu'il nécessite un chapitre à lui seul. Nous avons parlé du Net, qui peut être défini comme la totalité des transferts d'information et de communication. Certains de ces transferts sont privilégiés et limités à quelques élites, ce qui donne au Net un aspect hiérarchique. D'autres transactions sont ouvertes à tous, et le Net a aussi un aspect horizontal, non hiérarchique. (1) ce que nous pourrions appeler la position Fifth Estate/Néo-paléolithique/Post-situ/ Ultra-Verte, qui se définit elle-même comme un argument luddite(7) contre la médiation et contre le Net; et (2) les utopistes Cyberpunk, les futuro-libertaires, les Reality Hackers et leurs alliés, qui voient le Net comme une avancée dans l'évolution et croient que tout éventuel effet nuisible de la médiation peut être dépassé - du moins, une fois les moyens de production libérés.

General Assembly - The General Assembly is a Occupy Boston wide meeting, held several evenings per week. General Assembly has three main sections: 1) Announcements - working groups and individuals have the opportunity to make announcements to the larger community, 2) Proposals - working groups and individual members can make proposals for the community to decide upon, 3) Individual Stack - an opportunity for members to share thoughts, opinions and feelings, relevant to Occupy Boston. General Assemblies are open to all Occuy Boston believes that every voice is equal, and the community has agreed upon a procedure to try to ensure that possibility. At this time, Occupy Boston uses (what some call) a modified consensus process. Calling it consensus is a bit of a misnomer, because votes are held at General Assemblies, and if a community is asked to vote, the community is not practicing consensus. Explore the archive of GA Minutes. Have minutes to post? Meeting Times Important Aspects People's Mic Temperature Checks

Occupyboston Consensus Process (draft) Occupy Boston - View all working groups ~ Learn about the General Assembly ~ View media written by or about Occupy Boston Occupy Boston stands in solidarity with Occupy Wall Street, which may be seen as a consequence of the same inspirations that birthed the Arab Spring. In the aim of equalizing the power of individual voices, we employ a direct democracy. Read Occupy Boston's Declaration of Occupation, consented by the General Assembly on 29 November 2011 What is Solidarity? Solidarity can be defined as 'a unifying bond between individuals with a common goal or enemy'. Participate Help us build a superstructure of knowledge. LOTS of WAYS to Participate! Educate yourself and others in the unending, compassionate cycle of learning and teaching Explore the working groupsLearn about the General AssemblyJoin the Community Forum mailing list See Media created by or about Occupy Boston Listen in to for OB produced radio Join the Live Chat (IRC) with other Occupiers Sign up! Calendar Donate
