U.S. Congress (Legislation) NIH Senior Health Medicare GovTrack.us: Tracking the U.S. Congress U.S. Constitution Online Department of Agriculture Agencies and Offices A list of all Agencies and Offices within USDA Farm and Foreign Agricultural Services Commodity, credit, conservation, disaster, emergency assistance programs... Food, Nutrition and Consumer Services Dietary guidance, nutrition policy coordination, nutrition education... Food Safety Meat, poultry, and egg inspection, food recalls, food labeling, packaging... Marketing and Regulatory Programs Organic program, animal and plant health, grain inspection... Natural Resources and Environment Forestry, conservation, damage prevention, land management, sustainable land management... Research, Education and Economics U.S. food and fibers system, library, statistics, research, analysis, education... Rural Development Financial programs, water and sewer systems, housing, health clinics, economic development, loans, lending pools...
The Answer Pad | The Graphically-Based Student Response and Assessment System What makes an entrepreneur – luck or skill? The grand vision and the great idea are overrated, it is the execution that counts here is a saying that it is better to be lucky than good, but is this true for entrepreneurs? I am interested in a related question: why do some entrepreneurs have only one big success and many failures while others succeed again and again? Over my career I have worked for and admired various entrepreneurs. In some ways, of course, there is no substitute for luck, whether in business or any other walk of life. I like to use the analogy of a lottery player who scoops a multi-million-pound jackpot and then writes a book about how he came up with the winning numbers. The harsh truth is that there are similar cases in the business world. It is by being in the right place at the right time that some entrepreneurs get lucky once. This brings us to those entrepreneurs who create wealth time and time again, often in different industries? What about the grand vision and the great idea?