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Alien Technology - The TR-3B How it Work?

Alien Technology - The TR-3B How it Work?

L'antigravitation et la propulsion inertielle A priori, la mécanique de Newton interdit ces phénomènes. Mais le Dr Eugene Jeong, en examinant attentivement les effets gravitationnels relativistes d’un rotor hémisphérique, dans la suite des travaux de Thirring, y démontre la présence d’une métrique apparentée à celle d’Alcubierre, c’est-à-dire d’un dipôle gravitationnel d’origine dynamique, capable d’accélérer continûment tout seul en violant allègrement le dogme de Newton. Mais aussi l’idée que l’on se faisait de la Relativité Générale, selon laquelle seules les masses positives existeraient à l’état naturel. Comment exploiter ce système pour la propulsion? Le site du Dr Eugene Jeong avec articles et interviews Index (*) Toutefois, il faudrait considérer une métrique du type Kerr-Newmann, mais avec un dipôle électrique comprenant le rotor chargé et la charge opposée immobile dans l’axe, ce qui devrait faire apparaître un effet inertiel similaire.

Mobile & Internet HTC phone emphasizes pixel quality over pixel count HTC says the new sensor, faster shutter speed, and f/2.0 aperture in its latest phone all mean “fantastic pictures and video” and “incredible shots of fast moving things and people in poor light, whether indoors or out.” You know the old saying: Less is more. Many critics, myself included, have long insisted the imaging industry ignores this maxim, constantly emphasizing megapixels instead of picture quality — when in fact more pixels crammed into a fixed-sized sensor simply means smaller pixels, which gather less light, and yield an image with more noise. The resolution competition that long engulfed the camera business also crept into camera phones, with 5-, 8-, 13MP and even higher resolutions stuffed into small sensors. As phone-maker HTC puts it, “The smaller the pixel, the less light each one collects. Now HTC is going against the tide with its latest One phone: four million pixels on a standard-sized sensor instead of the 8–13MP.

UFO Evolution: UFO Community | News | Sightings | Reports | Videos | Pictures | Documentries | From: Examiner.Com A Missouri witness riding an Amtrak train near Warrensburg reported watching "12 bright, white orbs at airplane flight level moving in a varied pattern," according to March 21, 2013, testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.The incident occurred about 1:35 p.m. on March 18, 2013. Warrensburg is a city in Johnson County, MO, population 23,218. "I looked out the window (north side) at the view," the witness stated. The witness had difficulty counting the objects.... LES ENGINS A ANTIGRAVITE: PRINCIPES ET REALISATIONS - Les différents principes, d'après les théories de la Physique et les réalisations concrètes d'engins à antigravitation. Il y eu de nombreux inventeurs indépendants qui au cours de l'histoire, s'intéressèrent à la possibilité de pouvoir faire léviter des objets. Avec l'arrivée de l'aviation, dès le début du XXème siècle, plusieurs voulurent fabriquer des engins volants, utilisant comme technologie la propulsion "à antigravité". Mais voyons tout d'abord, au niveau de "la Physique", l'historique des différentes théories. Lesquelles ont inspirées et permirent la réussite, de la réalisation de ce mode de propulsion révolutionnaire. Les différentes théories liées à "l'antigravitation". La première de ces théories, qui remonte à l'Antiquité Grecque, est celle des monocordes. La troisième théorie (publiée en 1903) nous vient du mathématicien Britannique Whittaker et pour l'expérimentation, du physicien Nicola Tesla. Les premiers modèles, "à tornades d'eau", de Viktor Schauberger. L'argent.

Idea of civilians using drone aircraft may soon fly with FAA Drone aircraft, best known for their role in hunting and destroying terrorist hide-outs in Afghanistan, may soon be coming to the skies near you. Police agencies want drones for air support to spot runaway criminals. Utility companies believe they can help monitor oil, gas and water pipelines. Farmers think drones could aid in spraying their crops with pesticides. "It's going to happen," said Dan Elwell, vice president of civil aviation at the Aerospace Industries Assn. That's the job of the Federal Aviation Administration, which plans to propose new rules for the use of small drones in January, a first step toward integrating robotic aircraft into the nation's skyways. The agency has issued 266 active testing permits for civilian drone applications but hasn't permitted drones in national airspace on a wide scale out of concern that the pilotless craft don't have an adequate "detect, sense and avoid" technology to prevent midair collisions. Sheriff's Department Cmdr. Frederick W.

The Draw of Doomsday: Why People Look Forward to the End | Apocalypse & Armageddon | May 21 Judgment Day & 2012 Doomsday Hype Most people go through their daily lives assuming that tomorrow will be a lot like today. No pits of fire will open up, society won't collapse, and the world, most likely, won't end. But for others, doom has a certain appeal. The most famous example these days is Harold Camping, a California-based Christian radio broadcaster who believes that May 21, 2011, will mark Judgment Day, ushering in five months of torment for the unsaved until the universe finally ends on Oct. 21. "It's going to be a wonderful, wonderful day," Camping told a San Francisco Chronicle reporter last June. Camping has made this prediction before, in 1994 — it didn't pan out — but the thousands of failed doomsday predictions throughout history are no match for what Lorenzo DiTommaso, a professor of religion at Concordia University in Montreal, calls the "apocalyptic worldview." "It's a very persistent and potent way of understanding the world," DiTommaso told LiveScience. Problem-solving through doomsday

Man-made UFOs : les mystères de l'antigravité Qui manoeuvre les Ovnis ? Est-ce exclusivement un phénomène extraterrestre ou bien des hommes sont-ils derrière ces étranges et fantomatiques vaisseaux capables de disparaître sous nos yeux et de manœuvrer à des vitesses indescriptibles ? Des militaires américains pilotaient-ils les triangles lumineux qui composaient la vague belge de ces Ovnis qui avaient envahi les cieux de l’Est de ce petit pays ? Le problème des Ovnis n’est sans doute pas exclusivement extraterrestre et nous allons tenter d’apporter quelques hypothèses, indices, faits matériels et réponses à ces questions. Avez-vous déjà vu un objet volant non identifié ? Des hypothèses contradictoires ou complémentaires ? -Avant dernière hypothèse : il existe très certainement des Ovnis d’origine extraterrestre mais les humains ont eu dans un très lointain passé et ont retrouvé aujourd’hui les connaissances pour construire et faire voler ces engins. Tesla et l'installation de Colorado Spring A quoi nous intéressons-nous ? .

Intergalactic Politics by Gabriel Chiron Spanish version from MinotaurLabirinth Website Earth Humanity has been kept isolated in cosmic darkness for so long that it has been rendered intellectually dysfunctional and unable to process cosmic information. People are kept fixated on whether to "believe" or "disbelieve" in Aliens or Extraterrestrial Intelligence or even Ultraterrestrial Intelligence. So, the real question is: Why is humanity kept in this state? According to the American contactee, Barbara Marciniak, a large group of telepaths from the Pleiades (normal blond Aryan space people) told her that they, the Blonds, made a deal with the Reptilian races of our Galaxy to inhibit the evolutionary development of the human race in order to bring about a special genetic splice that would allow races from the Blonds of Andromeda to reproduce with the non-Aryans of the Milky Way, which includes the Reptilians in particular. Let us now take a look at other information sources and see how all this adds up.

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