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The Digital Shift — On Libraries and New Media, powered by Library Journal and School Library Journal

The Digital Shift — On Libraries and New Media, powered by Library Journal and School Library Journal

Publishers Lunch | The Publishing Industry's Daily Essential Read Educator Innovator - The Current Library Technology Guides: Documents, Databases, News, and Commentary Here Comes China’s Drone Patrols — War is Boring On most days, the Japan Self-Defense Forces scramble fighters to intercept Chinese military aircraft patrolling through what Tokyo terms its Air Defense Identification Zone, or ADIZ. But it’s not everyday Japanese aircraft intercept a Chinese drone. That’s exactly what happened this week. On Monday, Japan detected an unidentified drone flying southeast off the coast of Zhejiang, before circling the skies approximately 100 miles north of the disputed Senkaku/Diaoyu Islands and then heading back in the direction of China. An unknown number of JASDF interceptors were scrambled against the interloper. It’s the first known occasion when a land-based Chinese drone has approached the Japanese ADIZ. This was the flight profile: Scrambling fighters against Chinese aircraft more generally is not out of the ordinary. What is different in the latest interceptions is the type of aircraft and their flight profile. The flight profile by the Chinese bombers is also unusual and had hitherto been unknown.

No Shelf Required — A moderated discussion of the issues surrounding eBooks, for librarians and publishers. From the OverDrive blog: OverDrive conducted an end user survey from June 26-July 15, 2015. Administered via library websites, the survey collected input from 16,756 respondents. Their full report examines the positive effect the shift to digital content has had on the role of libraries in their communities by helping attract new readers, serve existing patrons better and reach beyond their physical walls. There is a nice infographic on the original OverDrive blog post. Click here to see the full report and survey. MADISON, Wis. “We’re excited to add the Boopsie team and software platform to our global organization because their people, technology and user-centric approach are designed to deliver a superior experience for librarians and their patrons. I am the former Editor-in-Chief of TeleRead, the Internet’s first blog devoted to ebooks. This is a listing of those tweets for the last week. (Denver, CO) September 15, 2015: Why are libraries screwed by ebooks now? Toshiba BookLive!

American Libraries Magazine 10 Great Technology Initiatives for Your Library | American Libraries Magazine Today’s hottest web and mobile technologies are offering libraries a new world of opportunities to engage patrons. Ultra-popular social media websites and apps combined with the availability of affordable cloud-based services and the evolution and adoption of mobile devices are enabling librarians to share and build communities, store and analyze large collections of data, create digital collections, and access information and services in ways never thought about before. Libraries have become technology leaders by integrating cutting-edge tools to enhance users’ experience. It’s not enough to redesign the library website. Best practices mean developing user personas and following usability strategies to produce user-informed designs. New digital collections are stored in the cloud and mobile applications are developed around them. Forward-thinking librarians are actively experimenting with and incorporating these new technologies into their digital strategies. Make a quick screencast

Technology - NBC Anna Ressman/Courtesy Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. © Chris Helgren / Reuters Samsung Tomorrow, official Samsung Electronics blog Baiata, John (206004872) / NBC News Kirill Kudryavtsev / AFP - Getty Images eBookAnoid Public Libraries Online » A Publication of the Public Library Association

Educational Technology For Librarians | Where technology and information come together Slashdot Library Renewal Blog | Library Renewal Subscribe Via RSS Struggling to Satisfy Demand March 18, 2013 Posted in: Board Member Posts, Uncategorized the reality of the public library ebook marketplace reflected in usage data from a selection of public libraries Matt Weaver, Board member, Library Renewal March 2013 In order to serve our constituents with electronic content, libraries need to be able to understand how our collections are being used. Sidebar : Ebooks in libraries – Key Dates: Jan. 2011 – Jun. 2012 HCOD – Feb 24, 2011: Overdrive announces HarperCollins’ 26 checkout limit on its ebook titles. KNDL – Sept 21, 2011: Kindle support comes to Overdrive. PNG1 - Nov 21, 2011: Penguin restricts access to library lending of new titles PNG2 – Feb 10, 2012: Penguin ends library lending of digital content. RAND – March 2, 2012: Random House announces new pricing: some per-title increases were as high as 300 Purpose and Scope This period has been critical in laying the groundwork for ebook wars among library vendors. Data Sources Yes.

Publishers Weekly | Book Reviews, Bestselling Books & Publishing Business News

The Digital Shift is the new home for all technology-related stories and features published by Library Journal and School Library Journal. They cover everything to keep librarians informed as they help ease patrons’ and students’ immersion in an increasingly digital world by providing the latest in online tools and resources that will help patrons and students work and learn most efficiently. by evaldes Mar 29
