Learning in Uncertain Times: When and How Will Students Return to School?: michaelharley — LiveJournal
The Central Government is expected to soon announce guidelines for the next unlock phase that will start from September 2020 in India. Although a number of businesses and public services have already started operating, most states face a challenge where the reopening of schools is concerned. As Covid-19 cases continually spike, it is not easy to plan the return to school campuses. Ever since the lockdowns were announced, the IB schools in Gurgaon, Delhi and other cities of NCR have been conducting online classes for their students. Even after a month-long summer break during June, schools could not be reopened and students had to maintain the pace of their curriculum digitally. Now the common question on the minds of students and parents is “When will schools reopen?”
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How and Why to Get a Scholarship in America?: michaelharley — LiveJournal
Golf played in colleges across the United States is now more popular than ever, mainly because it has given the world players who went ahead to participate in the events organised by the PGA Tour. This is one of the reasons why a number of student athletes who have been playing the game through their school years in the UK, now apply for golf scholarship in America. Since there are many applicants each year, it is important to possess strong athletic and academic credentials to strengthen your chances of securing the best possible scholarship.
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Education in the Age of Covid- 19: The Need to Continue Online Learning
To address the disruptions created by Covid-19, schools worldwide made a significant transition from face-to-face teaching in campuses to completely- online classes via web conferencing applications. For any international school in Noida, this was a big step and involved the combined efforts of many teachers, students and their parents. At the same time, some sections of the society raised concerns that virtual teaching is not as impactful as the traditional classes in brick and mortar schools. It’s natural to say that attending a regular school is better as generations have been educated in that manner and we are not much experienced with online classes. However, this assumption overlooks some very obvious benefits of virtual classrooms and the fact that they are better than ‘only self-studies’ or not studying at all for a prolonged period.
The Early Years at an International School in Delhi
For the parents who want their child to study in one of the top international schools in Delhi NCR, it is good to understand how the approach to learning in these schools is different from that in a CBSE school. An institution affiliated to IGCSE Board (for Class 10th) and offering IB Diploma Programme (for Classes 10+ 2) also has Early Years Programme for children up to Class 5th. The students in these classes are prepared for well rounded education programmes that they will be a part of in their middle and senior years at school. The core subjects comprising Language, Mathematics, Science, Social Studies and Arts are taught by experienced and patient teachers who focus on the learning abilities of each child. For individual attention on little learners, the student to teacher ratio is always small in an ideal Cambridge School in Delhi NCR.
Taking Better Photographs with Children: Tips and Tricks: michaelharley — LiveJournal
If you are learning editorial and fashion photography in London, it will be easier to practise the art with adults than with kids. In fact, taking pictures of children, particularly in a studio is pretty challenging. On the other hand, you can be quite successful at child photography when you follow the right tips and techniques.
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The PYP programme model Our Primary School is for children from Pre-Nursery through grade 5 (ages 3 – 11years). This is a transdisciplinary programme which focuses on developing the whole child. Students learn through examining units which are delivered by both classroom teachers and subject specialists. In the primary school, we have specialist teachers of art, music, dance, and PE.
How to Choose the Right Subjects in a Cambridge IB School
Students who take the International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma programme in a Cambridge international school have to choose a course from the six categories that include studies in language and literature, language acquisition, individuals and societies, sciences, mathematics and the arts. They must take at least three subjects at the higher level and remaining classes at the standard level (SL). A prime benefit of the programme is its methodically planned academic content that enables students to develop critical thinking skills, conduct deep research and make oral presentations on what they have learnt through a course. Choosing their subjects is a critical decision for IB students as it paves their way to a university for further studies and ultimately to their career. Here are some tips to make this choice simpler:
5 Tips to Lose Belly Fat
The fat that bloats your belly feels like a nuisance because it look unsightly and makes it difficult to fit into the clothes you once loved to wear. However, the problem is not just about the way it changes your appearance. Belly fat is also a serious health concern that increases the risk for type 2 diabetes, cardiac diseases and other metabolic diseases. It is important to have the right body mass index (BMI) and see that the weight you gain is not on account of loose fat.
Developing IB Learner Profile with the Primary Year Programme
Developing IB Learner Profile with the Primary Year Programme Author : Michael Harley | Published On : 12 Oct 2020 Introduced in the year 1997, the International Baccalaureate® (IB) Primary Years Programme (PYP) was developed with the vision and efforts – spanning more than 10 years - of the former International Schools Curriculum Project (ISCP). The popularity of this course has grown globally over the years and it has been adopted by some of the best schools in Noida. The aim of PY programme was to build an academic syllabus framework for the students in the age group of 3 to 12 years to keep learning progressive in schools while also ensuring that the curriculum develops international outlooks in learners. Like other IB programmes – such as Middle Years Programme (MYP) and the Diploma Programme (DP) – the IB PYP also focuses on the development of IB profile for its students.
Common Mistakes to Avoid in Body Building Plan
Young men and women today have become more conscious of how they look and the fitness levels they can maintain to address the daily challenges of life. They are hitting the gyms, making changes in their diet plans and trying new supplements - such as body mass gainer powder - in their efforts to stay healthy and imbibe more confidence. While the pressures of social media are self inflicted, the youngsters in the 20 - 35 age group do want to look attractive and ‘Instagram-worthy’. If you have a mission to fulfil in terms of body building, you must have chalked out a plan to reach your targets.