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Vue.js Material Component Framework — Vuetify.js

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Vue Mastery | The Ultimate Learning Resource for Vue.js Developers Functional Programming in Javascript This is an interactive learning course with exercises you fill out right in the browser. If you just want to browse the content click the button below: This is a series of interactive exercises for learning Microsoft's Reactive Extensions (Rx) Library for Javascript. So why is the title "Functional Programming in Javascript"? map filter concatAll reduce zip Here's my promise to you: if you learn these 5 functions your code will become shorter, more self-descriptive, and more durable. Finishing the Interactive Exercises This isn't just a tutorial, it's a series of interactive exercises that you can fill out right in your browser! Note: Use the "F4" key to toggle full screen mode for each editor. This tutorial is on GitHub, and is asymptotically approaching completion. Your answers will be saved in local storage. Working with Arrays The Array is Javascript's only collection type. This section will follow a pattern. Traversing an Array Exercise 1: Print all the names in an array Filtering Arrays

Starting with Webpack 4 and VueJs — A quick-start tutorial. On to the code: I’ve used 0-Configuration modes for production/development builds and used webpack-dev-server for development purposes. I’ve added all the related articles I could find on Webpack4 in the end of this article, to make your migration process easier. Each subheading points to Git repo’s code, you can directly check it from there as well by clicking on the headings. Package.json: 📁 My initial package.json is simple. 2. webpack.config.js file : 💣Once you have your package.json set, time to set up the webpack.config.js file. const path = require('path');const fs = require('fs');const webpack = require('webpack');const ExtractTextPlugin = require('extract-text-webpack-plugin');const HtmlWebpackPlugin = require('html-webpack-plugin'); const NODE_ENV = process.env.NODE_ENV; const setPath = function(folderName) { return path.join(__dirname, folderName);} const buildingForLocal = () => { return (NODE_ENV === 'development');}; If you see I’ve commented out the extractCSS functions.

Build Truly Native Mobile Apps with Vue | NativeScript NativeScript and Vue.js The lightweight nature of Vue.js makes it perfect for mobile development. In addition, if you are already a Vue developer, much of the Vue syntax and app architecture will seem very familiar. All you need to do in a NativeScript-Vue app is switch the plugin you include at the start, change your app instantiation parameters, and write your front-end templates to use NativeScript modules, rather than web markup. Here are the three main differences between Vue.js for the web, and NativeScript-Vue: 1. 2. 3. Getting Started There are a couple of ways to start using NativeScript-Vue: When you get to the point where you are ready to put your app out there, you need to jump on the more advanced wagon and install NativeScript tools locally and then pick a template to start with. Use these resources to continue your journey: Documentation The documentation will help you learn the ins and outs of making truly native mobile applications with Vue.js and NativeScript. View the Docs

Which Front-End Framework to select for Your next web development? The last few decades has played host to a substantial increase in the number of front-end development frameworks – and rightly so. Aside from markedly improving the end user experience, the best frontend frameworks of 2018 proffer an assortment of tools to the web developer – from web apps, API integration to a robust architecture and a whole lot more. Their versatility and sheer capacity emphasize why they are so important to anyone looking to build scalable and efficient frontend applications. The issue, however, is that given the sheer number options available today, the question of choosing a JavaScript framework to work with comes into place. To this regard, we’ve gone round to summate all you need to consider to help you decide which frontend development framework fits your company best. First off, how easy is it to source for learning resources? What options do you have? Compactness and a lightweight build Community and support

Working with Vue.js in WebStorm | WebStorm Blog Vue.js is a popular framework for creating user interfaces. Its core functionality is focused on building UI components, which is quite similar to React and Angular. In 2017 Vue.js gained real momentum: according to the recent results of the State of JavaScript survey it’s one of the most used frameworks at the moment, and many developers are interested in learning it. WebStorm introduced support for Vue.js at the beginning of 2017, and since then we’ve added lots of improvements. Let’s take a look at how WebStorm (or PhpStorm, IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, GoLand, or RubyMine with the Vue.js plugin) can help you to work with a Vue.js app written in JavaScript. Create a new Vue.js project One of the best ways to create a new Vue app is using the Vue CLI. In this post, we are going to use a project created using the webpack template with configured vue-router. Just install the dependencies and open the project in WebStorm and then we’re ready to go! Run the app Working with the code Like this one:

Vue CLI 3 Le nouvel utilitaire de développement pour Vue.js vient de sortir sa troisième version. À l'instar d'Angular CLI pour Angular et Spring Initializr pour Spring Boot, Vue CLI (pour Command Line Interface) permet de générer des applications Vue.js. Ce client a été entièrement réécrit par rapport à sa version précédente. À travers cet article, je vais vous présenter quelques unes de ses fonctionnalités, pour en savoir davantage, l'excellente documentation de Vue CLI sera votre meilleure alliée. Le client s'installe comme une commande système avec votre gestionnaire de dépendances Node.js préféré : npm :npm install -g @vue/cli Yarn :yarn global add @vue/cli Il suffit de lancer la commande vue pour avoir le résultat suivant : Créer Ensuite, la commande vue create, avec en argument un nom, permet de créer un projet Vue.js. La console va maintenant devenir interactive, voici les 9 étapes de vue create sur une base TypeScript et des tests Jest : ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? Analyser Les Tâches Derrière tout ça

Thinking in React | React Edit on GitHub React is, in our opinion, the premier way to build big, fast Web apps with JavaScript. It has scaled very well for us at Facebook and Instagram. One of the many great parts of React is how it makes you think about apps as you build them. In this document, we'll walk you through the thought process of building a searchable product data table using React. Start With A Mock # Imagine that we already have a JSON API and a mock from our designer. Our JSON API returns some data that looks like this: Step 1: Break The UI Into A Component Hierarchy # The first thing you'll want to do is to draw boxes around every component (and subcomponent) in the mock and give them all names. But how do you know what should be its own component? Since you're often displaying a JSON data model to a user, you'll find that if your model was built correctly, your UI (and therefore your component structure) will map nicely. You'll see here that we have five components in our simple app. And That's It #

Why should you use Vue.js when using Laravel In this guide, we are going to look at what Vue is, how it works with Laravel and why you should use it. If you have used a recent Laravel version, you would notice it usually comes with Vue bundled in with other tools like Bootstrap and jQuery. You would also notice in Laravel documentation that they gave a small introduction to using Vue components. Is this a sign that Laravel loves Vue? Prerequisites Basic knowledge of PHP and LaravelBasic knowledge of JavaScriptHave PHP setup on your local machineHave Composer installed on your local machine What is Vue.js? Straight from the horse’s mouth, “Vue is a progressive framework for building user interfaces”. How does Vue work? If you have programmed for the web before the era of event-driven frontend JavaScript frameworks, you would understand there are considerable difficulties and inefficiencies that arise from trying to update the Document Object Model (DOM). Vue provides reactive and composable view components. Single Page Application [...]

Overview | Vue CLI 3 This documentation is for @vue/cli version 3.x. For the old vue-cli, see here. Vue CLI is a full system for rapid Vue.js development, providing: Interactive project scaffolding via @vue/cli. Zero config rapid prototyping via @vue/cli + @vue/cli-service-global. Vue CLI aims to be the standard tooling baseline for the Vue ecosystem. There are several moving parts of Vue CLI - if you look at the source code, you will find that it is a monorepo containing a number of separately published packages. The CLI (@vue/cli) is a globally installed npm package and provides the vue command in your terminal. CLI Service The CLI Service (@vue/cli-service) is a development dependency. The CLI Service is built on top of webpack and webpack-dev-server. The core service that loads other CLI Plugins; An internal webpack config that is optimized for most apps; The vue-cli-service binary inside the project, which comes with the basic serve, build and inspect commands. CLI Plugins

Lucy | How does React decide to re-render a component? React is known for it’s performance. Because it has a virtual DOM and only updates the real DOM when required it can be much faster than updating the DOM all the time, even to display the same information. However, React’s “smarts” only go so far (at the moment!), and it’s our job to know it’s expectations and limitations so we don’t accidentally hurt performance. One of the aspects we need to be aware of is how React decides when to re-render a component. 1. A re-render can only be triggered if a component’s state has changed. Component changed? In this (massively contrived) example the Todo will re-render every second, even though the render method doesn’t use unseen at all. Well, but re-rendering all the time isn’t helpful... I mean, I appreciate that React is being super careful. But re-rendering seems expensive (and your example is melodramatic) Yes, re-rendering unnecessarily does waste cycles and is generally not a good idea. How can we tell React to skip re-rendering? It can be.

Replacing jQuery with Vue I’m willing to bet that there are a lot of developers out there who still reach for jQuery when tasked with building simple apps. There are often times when we need to add some interactivity to a page, but reaching for a JavaScript framework seems like overkill — with all the extra kilobytes, the boilerplate, the build tools and module bundlers. Including jQuery from a CDN seems like a no-brainer. In this article, I’d like to take a shot at convincing you that using Vue.js (referred to as Vue from here on), even for relatively basic projects, doesn’t have to be a headache, and will help you write better code faster. We’ll take a simple example, code it up in jQuery, and then recreate it in Vue step by step. What We’re Building For this article, we’re going to be building a basic online invoice, using this open-source template from Sparksuite. I’ve modified the template so that the HTML for a single (empty) row now looks like this: jQuery Here’s the completed jQuery demo: Downsides Data Filters

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