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Reality is an Illusion

Reality is an Illusion

Big Bang Theory and Religion by Ron Kurtus - Succeed in Understanding Religion SfC Home > Religion > Explanation about the Big Bang Theory and its relationship with various religions. Key words: scientific concept, Universe, galaxies, expanding, oscillating, Fundamental, Evangelical Christian, Jewish, Islam, Hindu, Buddhist, Roman Catholic, Holy Book, Bible, Qu'ran, atheist scientist, Ron Kurtus, School for Champions. Copyright © Restrictions by Ron Kurtus (revised 3 May 2013) Various religions have ideas about when and how the world was created. The Big Bang Theory is a scientific concept that says that the Universe was created about 13.7 billion years ago when a concentration of mass exploded. This theory has great religious implications. Questions you may have include: What are the religious implications of the Big Bang Theory? This lesson will answer those questions. Note: This is an educational website. Big Bang Theory implications The Big Bang Theory came about after astronomers observed that the galaxies in the Universe seem to be moving outward. Theory Islam Books
