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Seven JavaScript Things I Wish I Knew Much Earlier In My Career - Smashing Magazine Advertisement I’ve been writing JavaScript code for much longer than I care to remember. I am very excited about the language’s recent success; it’s good to be a part of that success story. Shortcut Notations One of the things I love most about JavaScript now is shortcut notations to generate objects and arrays. var car = new Object(); car.colour = 'red'; car.wheels = 4; car.hubcaps = 'spinning'; car.age = 4; The same can be achieved with: Much shorter, and you don’t need to repeat the name of the object. The other handy shortcut notation is for arrays. var moviesThatNeedBetterWriters = new Array( 'Transformers','Transformers2','Avatar','Indiana Jones 4' ); The shorter version of this is: var moviesThatNeedBetterWriters = [ 'Transformers','Transformers2','Avatar','Indiana Jones 4' ]; The other thing about arrays is that there is no such thing as an associative array. var car = new Array(); car['colour'] = 'red'; car['wheels'] = 4; car['hubcaps'] = 'spinning'; car['age'] = 4; Event Delegation

CSS Style Switcher: A quick and dirty how-to Before you begin to start switching CSS styles on your web site, it is very important that you have already developed it using structural XHTML. It is also necessary that you have created at least 1 style sheet, and for the purposes of this tutorial, 1 alternate style sheet. Let's begin. There are many ways to attach the style sheet to your web page, but the method we’re going to use here is the linking method. Begin by first linking your default style sheet in-between the <head> tags of your web page: <head><title>Your Web Page Title</title><link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”yourdefaultstyle.css” title=”default” /></head> Now, you wouldn't be able to switch your style if there was nothing to switch to, so we must specify an alternate style sheet. <head><title>Your Web Page Title</title><link rel=”stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”yourdefaultstyle.css” title=”default” /><link rel=”alternate stylesheet” type=”text/css” href=”youralternatestyle.css” title=”alternate” /></head>

jQuery Quicksand plugin Quicksand Reorder and filter items with a nice shuffling animation. Activity Monitor 348 KB Address Book1904 KB Finder 1337 KB Front Row 401 KB Google Pokémon 12875 KB iCal 5273 KB iChat 5437 KB Interface Builder 2764 KB iTuna 17612 KB Keychain Access 972 KB Network Utility 245 KB Sync 3788 KB TextEdit 1669 KB Demo seems sluggish? Disable CSS3 scaling and try again. Isn’t it cool? Download Version 1.4 Demos & Docs Fork on GitHub Powered by jQuery – Made by @razorjack from agilope, icons design by Artua Design by @riddle Add subdomains to your local web server with apache | Edward A. Webb (.com) <div class="greet_block wpgb_cornered wpgb_shadowed"><div class="greet_text"><div class="greet_image"><a href=" rel="nofollow"><img src=" alt="WP Greet Box icon"/></a></div>Hello there! If you are new here, you might want to <a href=" rel="nofollow"><strong>subscribe to the RSS feed</strong></a> for updates on this topic.<div style="clear:both"></div></div></div> This will walk through the process of adding sub domains to your local server ( onesite.localhost , twosite.localhost, etc ). To understand this need you are liekly working on multiple sites at once on your local development machine. First off I will be be clear that this is instructions for a Linux device. First thing to do is choose a subdomain for each folder, in my case I have two sub domains; These are in additions to my usual localhost path; localhost - /srv/www/htdocs/ Restart Apache

Loupe plugin First you need to include the jQuery library, since ClassyLoupe is a plugin. You can download it from the jQuery website or link it directly from the Google CDN. Also, you'll need the jquery.mousewheel and jquery.easing plugins, and those files are already in the package ready to be included. Secondly, you need to include the jQuery ClassyLoupe javascript and the css file into your page. Next, you implement the actual image(s) that will be magnified/zoomed by the Loupe. As the last step, you trigger the ClassyLoupe() function on the element you just created. 20 Fresh JavaScript Data Visualization Libraries There are plenty of JavaScript libraries out there for rendering your otherwise plain and boring numerical data into beautiful, interactive, and informative visualizations. The beauty of using JavaScript for data visualization is that, if created correctly, your data will be highly accessible (usually via HTML tables). A long time ago (2008), I wrote about JavaScript solutions for graphing and charting data and this article revisits the topic with twenty more JavaScript libraries that you can use to bring your data to life. 1. Highcharts Highcharts is one of the most promising JavaScript charting libraries to hit the scene recently, with its large array of features including seven charting types (line, pie, and bar among them), the ability to zoom in and out of charts, and tooltips for offering more information about data points. 2. gRaphaël gRaphaël is a charting library based on Raphaël, a vector graphics drawing JavaScript library. 3. 4. jQuery Visualize Plugin 5. moochart 6. 7. dygraphs

Aho/Ullman Foundations of Computer Science This book has been taken out of print by W. H. Freeman. --- Al Aho and Jeff Ullman Index The Book | Materials | Gradiance | Errata PDF's of the Book PrefaceTable of ContentsChapter 1 Computer Science: The Mechanization of Abstraction Chapter 2 Iteration, Induction, and Recursion Chapter 3 The Running Time of Programs Chapter 4 Combinatorics and Probability Chapter 5 The Tree Data Model Chapter 6 The List Data Model Chapter 7 The Set Data Model Chapter 8 The Relational Data Model Chapter 9 The Graph Data Model Chapter 10 Patterns, Automata, and Regular Expressions Chapter 11 Recursive Description of Patterns Chapter 12 Propositional Logic Chapter 13 Using Logic to Design Computer Components Chapter 14 Predicate Logic Index Supplementary Materials Gradiance Package Available Gradiance is offering a free trial of its automated homeworks for the topics covered by this book. Errata Sheet We are going to try to maintain errata.

Blog » Blog Archive » Ruby on Rails - Multiple database connections 21 Apr Found a need for this information while answering questions on railsforum. So, let's say that we want to use two databases and let's even say that we want to use an Oracle database and a MySQL database. How can this be done? To start, we must decide which database will be our default database. In this scenario, I chose MySQL. So we have all seen that before. But, I need to use data from an oracle database, so let's setup that connection: Neat, we have two development connections. The line we need to add is this: Even better, we can make this dynamic, so when we are in the test or production environment, we don't need to change the establish_connection line. So the final product could look something like this: database.yml Oracle model example That should be it. ShareThis

jQuery Plugin: Tokenizing Autocomplete Text Entry | James Smith • This Project Has Moved! For the latest version and awesome documentation, please head over to: Overview This is a jQuery plugin to allow users to select multiple items from a predefined list, using autocompletion as they type to find each item. Features Intuitive UI for selecting multiple items from a large list Layout controlled fully in CSS, easily customisable Result caching reduces server load No images required, just the plugin’s .js file and some CSS Handles json search data for autocompletion Smooth animations when results load Select items using the mouse or keyboard Screenshots Vertical list style item selection Facebook style item selection Demo A live demo of the token input is available here. Usage Latest documentation can be found here: License This plugin is released under a dual license. Quick Download Please don’t use these links directly in your scripts, I might change their location at any time. Github Project About the Author

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