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My Story of Struggle and Innovation - Jyoti Vazirani..#communityhelp, #communitypotlucks, #innovation, #oip, #onata, #onatainsider, #onataneighborhood, #parenting, #parentinginnovation, #rightparenting, #servicecommunities, #socialbridging

My Story of Struggle and Innovation - Jyoti Vazirani..#communityhelp, #communitypotlucks, #innovation, #oip, #onata, #onatainsider, #onataneighborhood, #parenting, #parentinginnovation, #rightparenting, #servicecommunities, #socialbridging

Jyoti's Story of Parenting: Innovation She's Giving to the Community..#communityhelp, #communitypotlucks, #innovation, #oip, #onata, #onatainsider, #onataneighborhood, #parenting, #parentinginnovation, #rightparenting, #servicecommunities, #socialbridging I still enjoy baking whenever I have the time for it. Just that there’s too little time now – I have a company to run, a startup to market, two new products to launch, and what not?. Yes, life’s busy and there’s nothing as satisfying as a busy life. And thank God for that! We just closed our accounts and our companies posted positive returns. To be honest, it’s been a largely upward graph for us since we founded our company in 2010. But I am not here today to share my success story as an entrepreneur. When the four of us (my husband, our kids, and I) came to America, our eyes were filled with dreams, wishes, and hopes. The pleasantries of discovering this great country brought us a million surprises. Raising our kids was a shared responsibility as it should be. When our kids were young, most of my daytime would comprise of regular chores that are typical of any young mother with children. I was educated at an institute that so many people only dream of. Time flew with the wind. Co-founder

Onata, Inc. Made it to the Top 130 out of 7000+ Companies in The 2018 Global Event by Startup Grind #startupgrind #startup #startuppitch #expo #onata #onatainsider #oip #neighborhood #neighborhoodservices #community #safespace #neighborhooddiaries #soci Onata participates at Startup Grind EDISON, N.J. (PRWEB) February 08, 2018 Krishna Vemuri Co-founder and CEO of Onata, stated that “Startup Grind today announced the induction of Onata ([ - An ecosystem for the universe of services) as one among the 130 Companies to the 2018 Class of Exhibiting Startups. Jyoti Vazirani, Co-founder, said ”Startup Grind Startup Exhibition 2018 comprises of an elite group of companies from countries as far away as Mauritius, Japan and Australia and as close as Guatemala, Canada, New York, Virginia, Georgia, Ohio, Wisconsin, Texas, Nevada, Washington, California and more.” Narayan Ravisetti adds “Onata has been given access to Startup Grind's global audience through media and onsite presence at the annual Global Event ( to be held on February 12th through February 14th in the downtown of the beautiful and historic Redwood City. About ONATA For more information, please contact:

Five Reasons You Deserve to Become an Onata Insider....#Refer #Signup #Contest #Giveaways #FreeGiveaways #StockOptions #Neighborhood #TrustedServices #TrustedNeighbors #Onata #OIP #OnataInsider #InsiderProgram If you do not already know it, Onata is building an ecosystem that houses a Universe of Services. What does that mean? At Onata, we are on a mission to empower the last person in the society to give and receive services. To help to comprehend our flagship contest better, here are five reasons to sign up for the Onata Insider Program. 1 You Get Early Access and $5 Onata Credits By just signing up on Onata, you get early access to the app and complimentary $5 Onata Credits redeemable on a future service. 2. Once you are in the Top 100,000, the contest becomes interesting. 3. As soon as you make it to the Top 10,000, we give you a full year of the Onata experience to try out for free. 4. Being in the top 1000 referrers of the Onata Insider Program is a treat on its own. 5. This is where Onata becomes your out-of-season Santa! The #1 Onata Insider gets a damn impressive reward for 100,001 stock options!! So what are you waiting for? Still not a part of the Onata Insider Program?

Looking For the Best Washer Repair Dallas over Here These days, you cannot even think about your life without a washing machine. It helps in cleaning your clothes, and get rid of the harsh stain marks, no matter how hard it gets. Well, these are some of the basic services, which can be performed by a washing machine. The modernized ones can even help in retaining the color of your clothes. Repairing from the core The washing machines are going to be repaired from the core, once you have procured help from experts in Dallas. Not focusing on one Other than washing repair, there are some other mechanical repairing services, which you are likely to get from here. Serving various brand over here The reputed experts from washer repair Dallas companies are known for serving various branded products.

Black Panther and the Magical Neighborhood of Wakanda #afrofuturism #blackpanther #blackpantherreview #communitytalk #marvel #marvelcinematicuniverse #neighborhoodservice #onata #onatainsider #onatainsiderprogram #onataneighborhood #safe #communities Wonder Woman in 2017 and Black Panther in 2018 – we are finding new and colorful reasons to celebrate superheroes every year. The first worldwide releases of Black Panther are out and viewers are threatening to build houses inside multiplexes. Make no mistake – Black Panther is the best looking Marvel movie yet. Black Panther has almost everything that you could demand from a superhero movie. That was pretty much the consensus of opinion that we, at Onata, had about Black Panther, the movie. For the uninitiated, Afrofuturism is the philosophy that combines elements of science fiction, fictional history, and magical realism among other non-western themes. In its entirety, Afrofuturism helps rekindle hope in a race that originated in the birthplace of humanity itself. The fictional land of Wakanda epitomizes Afrofuturistic philosophy to the hilt. From a larger, social perspective, Black Panther has come to a couple of decades too late. Yes, we are recreating Wakanda, here in America!

Top 50 Volunteer/Activism Blogs Whether you’re interested in volunteering or working at a deeper level to effect policy change, the following blogs will offer you some information and guidance. You can find opportunities for ways to get involved, read about others’ experiences, or learn more about the underlying cause of some of the problems that need to be addressed. Voluntourism Blogs Travelanthropist Want to combine your travels with volunteer work? This blog offers news, inspiring stories, destination spotlights, tips, guides, and resources in travel philanthropy and voluntourism. Voluntourism Gal Alexia Nestora is a voluntourism industry consultant, and her blog offers tips and advice for those interested in combining their travel with volunteer opportunities. GeoVisions This extensive blog offers thoughtful discussions about volunteering abroad, including how you can make your experience count, how to find placements, and how to prepare for the work. Volunteer Logue Volunteer Vacations Blog AZ Mac

Check out Kansas City's best home security companies Van Services to Newark & JFK Airport, New York - New York Van Service Van Service to Newark Airport There is nothing worse than waiting for a Van service after experiencing a long flight and arriving at Newark International airport. New York Van Service to Newark airport is the most reliable and convenient service for medium sized groups and families. Van Service to Newark airport provides pick-up and drop-off service to residences, hotels and all other major airports. Van Service to Newark airport offers the most latest fleet of Vans, SUVs and Mini Buses. Chauffeurs will assist you with your luggage or belongings. Newark airport Van Service provides the best van service to and from New York Metro and Long Island area. Van Service to JFK JFK Airport also known as the John F Kennedy airport is one of the most popular and busy airports. The Van Service to JFK provides transportation from hotels as well as residences in New York metro area. New York Van Service also provides group transportation to groups of all sizes.

The Future of Home Services: an Evolutionary Analysis...#blog #image #program #Contest #Giveaways #FreeGiveaways #StockOptions #Neighborhood #TrustedServices #TrustedNeighbors #Onata #OIP #OnataInsider #InsiderProgram $600 billion. That’s the size of the US home services sector. Coming from ad tech — with a US market size of $60 billion and 1800 companies fighting for those marketing dollars — I was amazed by how few technology companies in home services there were. As a first-time home owner and long-time renter, and just realizing the pains of home ownership, I gleefully jumped into the home services sector for my next business, seeing all the consumer pain first-hand. That’s the story for a lot of entrepreneurs who got into the space. Yet, there are name brand companies in home services who are standing tall. But there is still no Google-level company in home services. Pre-digital: Yellowpages was obviously the pre-digital favorite advertising solution, dating back to 1883. Ratings Sites: Twenty years ago, digital alternative rating sites clearly focused on ratings to democratize those who theoretically were providing the best service. Today’s digital home services sector is just beginning.

How to Run a Contest that Grows Your Email List - KickoffLabs Everyone says it: the money’s in the list. If you really, truly want to build your business in the 21st century, you’ve got to create and maintain an active email list. That’s because having an email list of engaged subscribers allows you to nurture leads into customers and turn customers into rockstar referrers. It’s permission-based marketing at it’s finest: People sign up to get relevant, exclusive news (and especially coupons) from you. You get their attention and a chance to market your product. Everyone gets something out of the deal. But you’re not here for me to share with you the virtues of building an email list, right? Contest marketing is an incredibly easy and effective way to grow your list with warm, relevant… Click To Tweet If you’ve never thought of running a contest before or you have but think that it’s too hard to conceive and manage, you’ll be happy to know this: Contest marketing is an incredibly easy and effective way to grow your list with warm, relevant leads.
