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RTS (London) HOME Assistance for injured and refugees in Libya - Emergency Aid, Bengasi, Libya In Libyen wird der Kampf um die politische Macht mit Waffen geführt. Doch die meisten Opfer sind Zivilisten. Bengasi, Tobruk, Misrata, Adschdabija, Sawija – überall gibt es Kämpfe mit Toten oder Verletzten. Nach Angaben der Vereinten Nationen beläuft sich die Anzahl der Flüchtlinge mittlerweile auf mehr als 180.000 Menschen. Etwa 30.000 Menschen harren an den Grenzen aus und warten darauf, ausreisen zu können. In den Krankenhäusern kommt es zu Engpässen bei der Medikamentenversorgung. Ein Hinweis in Sachen Transparenz: und PAYBACK-Spenden werden zu 100% an action medeor weitergeleitet. Unternehmenspartner: Ort: Benghazi, Libyen Weiterlesen

Account for Haiti Nine months after the earthquake, Haiti is now shelled with another crisis: a cholera outbreak in the western region. More than 300 people have died so far, and aid organizations of all sizes are working to provide rapid support to contain it. We’re intrigued by the new Red Cross Twitter account, @kwawouj, which was created specifically for this outbreak to send updates in Haitian Creole that direct locals to the resources they need on the ground. Thanks to the support this weekend from Voila, one of Haiti’s leading wireless communication providers, locals using their service were encouraged to follow @kwawouj’s cholera updates via SMS through our fast follow function. This new feature is the quickest way to begin receiving updates from a Twitter source on your mobile phone without having a Twitter account of your own. Since the launch of @kwawouj, over 1,000 people without accounts have opted to receive important Tweets relevant to this particular crisis through the Fast Follow feature.

About Us | The Aston CRISIS Centre Why the Aston CRISIS Centre? Since 2001, members of the Aston Centre for Research Into Safety and Security (The Aston CRISIS Centre) at Aston Business School have been researching and consulting to safety and security related organizations. Our range of projects have had widespread impact on policy and practice including: the writing of new law, informing high-level policy advisors, working with a wide range of governments on evacuation preparedness, training groups of international emergency managers, transferring research findings to international governments, running a UK seminar network on safety and security. Given the heightened focus on safety and security (in its broadest sense), the Aston CRISIS Centre emerged from a need in government and private organisations for high quality support in preparing their operations and their people for new global challenges. We welcome enquiries on new projects. Please contact Dr. Our mission Achieving the mission Staff Past staff

International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies Henry Pomeroy Davison, founding father of the League of Red Cross Societies.(Picture from: The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies reaching 160 million people each year through its 189 member National Societies.[1] It acts before, during and after disasters and health emergencies to meet the needs and improve the lives of vulnerable people. It does so with impartiality as to nationality, race, gender, religious beliefs, class and political opinions. Guided by Strategy 2020[2] – the IFRC’s collective plan of action to tackle the major humanitarian and development challenges of this decade – the IFRC is committed to ‘saving lives and changing minds.' The IFRC’s strength lies in its volunteer network, community-based expertise and independence and neutrality. The seven Fundamental Principles that guide the work of the IFRC and its members are: humanity, impartiality, neutrality, independence, voluntary service, unity and universality.

rat haus reality: celebrating JFK's Jubilee Message at American U. calling for an end to the Cold War Earthquake in Haiti The American Red Cross is continuing to rebuild what the earthquake destroyed in Haiti. In the quake’s immediate aftermath, we worked side by side with our Red Cross partners to provide lifesaving relief supplies. Since that time, we have helped nearly 4.4 million Haitians to get back on their feet. We are still in Haiti, working alongside local communities so they are safer, healthier, and better-prepared for disasters. Thanks to the generosity of donors, we have ensured that more than 108,900 people live in safer conditions, improved access to clean water and sanitation systems, helped construct hospitals, provided grants for education and development of small businesses, taught communities how to prevent the spread of disease and be better prepared for future disasters, and supported the delivery of healthcare. These efforts are making a difference in Haiti. How do we know? Because Haitians tell us about our positive impact every day.

Program on Corporations, Law & Democracy

Tunisian Red Crescent account for #libya: Agence STB Jazira IBAN GBAN. TN 59 1000 2001 0151 6117 8801 Code BIC GSTBKTNTT by tonvoisin Mar 1

Compte Croissant Rouge pour la Lybie: Agence STB Jazira IBAN GBAN. TN 59 1000 2001 0151 6117 8801 Code BIC GSTBKTNTT by tonvoisin Mar 1
