Bienvenue sur le site de Cognosco - Cognosco The Fourth Dimension App for iPad and iPhone Le Plaisir de Transmettre Apprendre la physique en dessin ! Neutrino, trou noir et voie lactée ! Bonjour ! 🙂 Bon, ce matin je voulais vous présenter le travail du chercheur en physique Sean Caroll qui tente de rendre la science un peu plus « cool » ;-) Il illustre ainsi parfaitement la citaton d’Einstein : « If you can’t explain it simply, you don’t understand it well enough« , autrement dit : « Si vous ne pouvez pas expliquez quelque chose facilement, c’est que vous ne l’avez pas assez comprise » 😉 Ainsi, au travers de courts-métrages dessinés, Sean Caroll reprend des thématiques classiques de la physique et tente de nous les expliquer en les illustrant. Voici ma petite sélection : Qu’est-ce qu’un neutrino ? Pourquoi le passé différent de l’avenir ? Temps, trou noir et voie lactée : Football, physique et symétrie : Et il y a encore des dizaines de vidéos qui expliquent la physique sur sa chaîne Youtube.
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Chapter Formation PMI Chapter Formation Chapter Formation Summary Form Chapter Formation Application Chapter Reorganization Summary Form Chapter Reorganization Application Members interested in forming a new chapter must complete and submit a chapter formation application. Individuals interested in forming a new PMI chapter must be a current member of PMI in good standing. Applications will be reviewed by PMI staff and volunteers to assess the request against identified member needs, alignment to PMI strategy and potential impacts to existing PMI chapters. Inquirers should be aware that completion and submission of an application does not guarantee that PMI will form the requested chapter. Before completing the formation application, PMI recommends that you review the following checklist and relevant application summary form to ensure that you have the information you need to begin this process:
Tunisie Travail, recrutement web 2.0, emploi, intérim, international jobs, concours fonction publique, Mémoire : Les principaux facteurs d'échecs des projets Join top Silicon Valley investors, hear their fund-raising secrets | Bootstrap See that giant building above? That's the headquarters of CBS Interactive, home to CNET, in San Francisco's SoMa neighborhood. And if you've ever wondered what's inside--keep reading out-of-towners, this is for you too--now's your chance to find out. On Thursday, March 29 at 6 p.m. In addition to the staples--wine, beer, and light grub--we'll have three longtime Valley players--Dave McClure of 500 Startups, Naval Ravikant of AngelList, and George Zachary of Charles River partners. If you're in San Francisco, you can sign up here: Startup Funding: Strategies and Opportunities. Take McClure.
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