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TypeLink. Your own cloud-based wiki notepad, accessible anywhere TNW Quick Hit TypeLink (free) is a cloud-based personal wiki notepad. One types on an iOS device or the service’s site, and it syncs information entered across each device. Hits: Minimalist design, allowing one to organize information easily, share it with others and access it at any time. Misses: No Android app, yet. Overall: 4.5/5 The Details: For the most part it’s safe to assume we are all note takers in some form, composing them on sticky notes, paper, one’s hands, smartphones, computers, and now tablets. It’s also safe to assume, with the rise of e-mail, document sharing over e-mail has grown, with individuals e-mailing documents back and forth, back and forth, and so on, each time the document requires a revision or is lost by one of the parties. TypeLink, created by Joshua Justice, is a dead simple method of creating a personal, cloud-based, wiki with limitless potential. To begin, create a free account on TypeLink’s site, then download the free iPhone and iPad apps.

About : You don't need to write any code to create a simple story with Twine, but you can extend your stories with variables, conditional logic, images, CSS, and JavaScript when you're ready. Twine publishes directly to HTML, so you can post your work nearly anywhere. Anything you create with it is completely free to use any way you like, including for commercial purposes. Twine was originally created by Chris Klimas in 2009 and is now maintained by a whole bunch of people at several different repositories. Wiki tutorials, documentation Forum get help, share your work Twine has been used to create hundreds of works. To have your work listed here, add it to the IFDB. A new tool has emerged that empowers just about anyone to create a game. Carolyn Petit, Gamespot The simple beauty of Twine is this: if you can type words and occasionally put brackets around some of those words, you can make a Twine game. Kitty Horrorshow Richard Perrin Anna Anthropy Twine is the closest we've come to a blank page. Porpentine

Showcase - ZuluPad Wiki From ZuluPad Wiki Do you have a nifty ZuluPad file or web page to share? Post it here: (Of course, you can run ZuluPad Free examples in ZP Pro. ZuluPad Free Examples Personality Profile Test - - Self-scoring, even! ZuluPad Pro Examples (put your example here!) ZuluPad-Built Web Pages Personality Profile Test - - Personality Test file pulled into ZuluPad Pro and exported as HTML zuHelp - - "How to Zulu" file pulled into ZuluPad Pro and exported as HTML

MonkeyGTD - MonkeyGTD asdf config.options.chkHttpReadOnly = false;\n <!--{{{-->\n<div class='toolbar' macro='toolbar +saveTiddler -cancelTiddler deleteTiddler'></div>\n<div class='title' macro='view title'></div>\n<div class='editor' macro='edit title'></div>\n<div class='editor' macro='edit text'></div>\n<div class='editor' macro='edit tags'></div><div class='editorFooter'><span macro='message views.editor.tagPrompt'></span><span macro='tagChooser'></span></div>\n<!--}}}--> <<tiddler MainMenu>>\n\nAuthorMainMenu\nMainMenu\nDefaultTiddlers\nPluginManager\nPresentationIndex\n /***\nPlace your custom CSS here\n***/\n/*{{{*/\n\n\n[[StyleSheetCommon]]\n/*}}}*/\n ! Story.prototype.refreshTiddler_activelink = Story.prototype.refreshTiddler;\nStory.prototype.refreshTiddler = function (title,template,force)\n{\n var theTiddler = Story.prototype.refreshTiddler_activelink.apply(this,arguments);\n if (! config.options.chkAnimate = false;\nconfig.options.chkSinglePageMode = true;\nconfig.options.chkTopOfPageMode = false; ! ! ! <!

Digital Digressions: A Procrastinator&#039;s Guide to Getting Things Done So there we are, a week into a new job and my head is buzzing with trying to get a hang of all the things that have been done, will need doing (probably by me) and may be nice to do once I get that far into the job. If you wonder what I'm doing - that is a fair question and this post may hopefully illuminate a few things or then not, as the case may be. More on that later as I get around to updating my profile page on this blog and all that jazz. Back to this post - I thought that starting afresh with a new job would be a brilliant opportunity to start a crash course into the 'Getting Things Done' methodology avidly debated and evangelised the web over and originally devised by David Allen in a book bearing the same name. all the stuff in your life that isn’t in the right place (close all open loops) the stuff that isn’t yours or you don’t need right now a right place that you trust and that supports your working style and values your stuff in the right place, consistently and mercilessly

ZuluPad Instiki tiddlyspot - announcements OutWiker - the tree notes organizer | Софт, исходники и фото Description OutWiker is designed to store notes in a tree. Such programs are called "outliner", personal wiki, or tree-like editors. OutWiker's main difference from the other similar programs is keeping the tree of notes in the form of directories on disk, and encouraging changing the base by external sources and programs. Also any number of files can be attached to the page. The program uses some sets of free icons taken from sites, and OutWiker distributed with source code under the GPL 3. Downloads Current version - 1.9 OutWiker for Windowsoutwiker_1.9_win.exe (installer, 19 МБ).outwiker_1.9_win.7z (7z archive, 19 МБ) (zip archive, 26 МБ). OutWiker for Windows with all (архив 7z, 30 МБ).outwiker_1.9_win_all_plugins.7z (архив 7z, 21 МБ). For Linux users created PPA-repository. sudo apt-add-repository ppa:outwiker-team/ppasudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install outwiker Screenshots 1.
