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Asset-Based Community Development Institute

Asset-Based Community Development Institute

Peter Block - Welcome Towards a More Transformative Community Economic Development | Practical Visionaries By Ian Adelman, Emily Earle, and Penn Loh [Note: This article is based on Adelman and Earle's 2012 Masters Thesis for the Tufts Urban & Environmental Policy and Planning. To download: Earle Thesis - FINAL Adelman Thesis Final] Why transformative? At the global level, it is easy to see the excesses, if not the fatal flaws, of neoliberal capitalism. For lower income communities (predominantly communities of color) who never enjoyed trickle down, even in boom times, real community economic development remains an enigma. If we believe in the need for deep transformation of the global economic system, then how does that transformation translate down to the local level? This question was taken up by Emily Earle and Ian Adelman, two recent graduates of Tufts Urban & Environmental Policy and Planning’s masters program and alumni of the Practical Visionaries Workshop. Transform from what and towards what? We believe that it is well past time to think outside of the neoliberal box. Regional Equity

The Resonance Project Sustainable Certificate A - University of Colorado at Boulder The University of Colorado Boulder’s online Professional Non-Credit Certificates in Business and Community Sustainability Management are a great addition to any business or sustainability resume. Learn from industry experts with true accomplishment and leadership in sustainability 100% online and in a collaborative, innovative interactive environment. We fuse the principles of business strategy with the burgeoning market demand for sustainable practice to teach the most relevant, useful curriculum for our students, who come from companies and corporations large and small - and who go on to take on leadership roles. Our online non-credit certificates may be taken as a full program or seminars within each can be taken individually. Students earn the professional non-credit certificates by taking three core seminars plus one specialty seminar focused on either business sustainability management or community sustainability management.

Theaster Gates What is asset-based community-driven development (ABCD)? | Sustaining Community Engagement Asset-based community-driven development (ABCD), or just asset-based community development, is a bottom-up way of working with communities that focuses on community strengths and assets. In another post I spoke about two communities. One was a ‘community in crisis’; the other was one with strong community relationships and bonds. Of course these two communities were the same community – it all depends on what we decide to focus on. If we ask people to look for deficits, they will usually find them, and their view of situations will be coloured by this. ABCD focuses on the half full glass. ABCD is built on four foundations (Kretzmann, 2010; Kretzmann & McKnight, 1993; Mathie & Cunningham, 2003): It focuses on community assets and strengths rather than problems and needsIt identifies and mobilises individual and community assets, skills and passionsIt is community driven – ‘building communities from the inside out’ (Kretzmann & McKnight, 1993)It is relationship driven. We can ask: References

Photography in an Age of Smartphones Is photography dying? No, not exactly. Getting a fix on the state of photography demands an improbable combination of the skills of both a social scientist and an aesthete, but people can’t help trying. Courtesy the artist and 47 Canal, New York Michael Abeles. Any attempt to grapple with photography must begin with its ubiquity. The interesting thing about the old Aperture—with a design that was as elegant and ascetic as the new magazine is brash and bold—is that White and an inner circle that included the photographer Ansel Adams and the historians Beaumont and Nancy Newhall were always grappling with photography’s ubiquity and how they might discover within that ubiquity something unique. Jason Bailey/The Aperture Foundation The re-launched magazine features close-up studies by Christopher Williams. The new issue of Aperture is certainly not without its flashes of stirring intelligence.

Sustainability and Contemporary Art RSA Arts & Ecology - Home StreetBank - Sharing in your Neighbourhood Community Cultural Development in Australia
