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3d-Plugin 3D Ripper DX 3D Ripper DX Overview Download Links Quick start guide Maya import Pre- and Post-TnL cache efficiency measurementForum Overview With 3D Ripper DX you can: - capture all geometry, textures and shaders, rendered during single frame; - import captured geometry into 3D Studio Max or Maya; - see what exactly has been drawn by each individual draw call; - see renderstate, textures, vertex streams, index stream, vertex declaration, vertex and pixel shaders (including HLSL source code if available) of each individual draw call. 3D Ripper DX supports only DirectX 6.x, 8.x and 9.x applications. Download Current version is 1.8.2, download. Version history Links Quick start guide - Start 3D Reaper DX Objects in Maya will appear distorted.

Learning Concept Art and Matte Painting The Area :: Tutorial :: Focke-Wulf Crash in the Snow -- Making o The idea for this project was born while watching the movie The Golden Compass, which has scenes on ice and snow that are really fantastic. I added to that the fact that I like old airplanes and then started to develop the idea. For a long time I wanted to make a scene that involved ice and snow, and my greatest difficulty for that is the fact that I have never seen snow. After watching the movie I began to sketch a scene, and with the sketches defined, I made a simple model to use as a guide for the work. Following that I began to work on the creation and composition of materials to be used in the scene. Even though this is a stage that is performed further into the process, I decided to bring this to the beginning of the process, because the main focus of this work was actually the materials. To mix the materials the shader “Top/Bottom” could also be used (it substitutes the world Z technique). Let`s see how that works: And finally a new subdivision to leave the mesh uniform.

3D Ripper DX Tutorial 3D Ripper DX is a tool for capturing geometry and textures. This is very useful for machinima because it allows you to export models from a huge selection of games. You will need a 3D program for this. 3D Studio Max is recommend, but other programs that can import OBJ files may work as well. Capturing a scene with 3D Ripper DX1) Open 3D Ripper DX and locate the game exe. Make a mental note of your capture key, then press launch. - If using a Steam game, make sure steam is running first. 2) You will see a "Ready to capture" message in the top left corner of your screen if the program is running. 3) Press the capture key when ready. Problems and Fixes1) The skin color or clothing doesn't look correct. - Many games use dynamic materials which allows them to easily change the appearance or characters. Links3D Ripper DX Compatibility ChartConverting a 3D Ripper DX Scene to SourceConverting a 3D Ripper DX Scene to UDK

Making of the Futuristic City Hi everyone. This is Sourav Dhar and here I present a brief description of the making of my matte painting “Futuristic City”. As this is not a video tutorial, I could not express all the detailed painting and adjustment processes which I used. However I have covered as much as possible with the key steps involved in the making. I have not made this painting from scratch. I have a passion for photography and I take a lot of references from photographs for matte paintings with realistic textures that can be incorporated into live action footage’s. Next, I went for a quick scribbling to fix my composition. Before starting the detailing process, I settled the overall final structure of my futuristic buildings. Then it was time to add the details of the far background, the distant building.

Contrôler un train d'atterrissage avec la Mise en relation des p Dans ce tutoriel nous allons apprendre à animer plusieurs objets en même temps en utilisant des assistants la hiérarchie et la mise en relation des paramètres. Pour gagner du temps et surtout partir sur la même base, j'ai modélisé vite fait un train d'atterrissage à trois pieds. Cliquez ici pour le télécharger. Bien, maintenant ouvrez train_01.max, vous voyez plusieurs choses : déjà, il y à les 3 pieds, chaque pied étant composé d'un vérin, d'une tige et d'un pied mais vous voyez aussi 3 assistants glissières + 1 assistant factice. Ne vous préoccupez pas des glissières pour le moment, nous y reviendrons plus tard (ne les supprimez pas, si vous voulez qu'elles ne soient plus affichées, allez dans l'onglet affichage et cliquez sur "Masquer sélection"). La première chose à faire c'est de créer la hiérarchie, faites comme vous avez appris dans le cours, liez chaque pied à sa tige, chaque tige à son vérin et les 3 vérins au factice. Pour commencer, qu'est-ce qu’une glissière ?

r a m y h a n n a . c o m
