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Drivers taking the Amador Causeway en route to the Panama Canal may be forgiven for taking their eyes off the road when Frank Gehry’s new Biomuseo comes into view. A raucous extravaganza of color, devoted to showcasing and preserving Panama’s rich biodiversity, Biomuseo is Gehry’s first building in Latin America, — Continue reading Anyone confused by the term ‘environmental graphics’ need only pay a visit to England’s Royal London Hospital’s Children’s Trauma Center where the creative team at Studio Myerscough has created a graphically joyful environment as a welcome counterpoint to the dreary business of pain and sickness. The British designer Morag Myerscough’s — Continue reading

blog déco & design Inspiré par le tourbillon d’une jupe de flamenco, QisDesign a créé Flamenca, une série de lampes design, décoratives pour égayer votre décoration d’intérieur. Elle est disponible en trois couleurs (rose, orange et vert). Un autre détail intéressant est que ces lampes sont interactives, il suffit de les toucher pour les éteindre. Pour plus d’infos :

No. 582 - 2013.0821 Brooklyn is a hub of innovative architecture and design, with dozens of young professionals commissioning or undertaking their own eco-sensitive renovations to existing brownstones and low-rise attached buildings throughout the borough. Tighthouse, a Passive House brownstone retrofit, sits at the end of a string of two-story buildings constructed in 1899 that share a tree-lined block with larger brownstones built around the same time, centrally located off Fifth Avenue in the neighborhood of Park Slope. It is the first certified Passive House in New York City and meets the standards for new construction, surpassing the EnerPHit certification. Remodeling Approach The unique retrofit of a 110-year-old house by the Brooklyn-based firm Fabrica 718 could serve as an important model for the many urban and suburban residences that need energy-saving renovations.

No. 570 - 2012.1024 Trees are fundamental to urban landscapes and natural ecosystems. Wood from trees is a fundamental material for architecture. The tension between wood in living trees, and wood in buildings and other products, is arguably at an all-time-high on planet Earth. This is especially true in North America, where primary harvest of irreplaceable primeval forest, having swept across the continent during the last 300 years, is still underway. In the Pacific Northwest of the United States and Canada, even as fierce political battles rage over the logging or conservation of the last few percent of older forests on public lands, vast acreages of once-vibrant forest in private industrial ownership is being stripped and scoured rapidly.

orgon-design Tengbom Architects est une des agences d’architecture les plus influentes en Suède, et plus généralement en Scandinavie. Tengbom ne pèse pas moins de 550 salariés répartis sur une douzaine de bureaux en Suède, en Finlande, mais également au Cambodge. Depuis 1906 (déjà), Tengbom s’efforce de combiner le design moderne et l’habitat traditionnel, avec une attention sur l’écologie et l’humanisme. C’est avec ces principes que l’agence s’est penchée sur les appartements d’étudiant, avec à la clé cette élégante boîte de seulement 10 mètres carrés, tout en bois, exposée au Musée d’Art Virserum dans le comté de Småland, en Suède. Cet appartement est donc conçu pour être très abordable, respectueux de l’environnement et intelligent dans sa façon d’utiliser des matériaux. كتب الهندسة المدنية والمعمارية - Civil and architecture مكتبة تحميل مجاني 2014 PDF ? كتب PDF الابداع > مكتبة تحميل الكتب مجانا > كتب الهندسه > كتب في كتب الهندسة المدنية والمعمارية - Civil and architecture مكتبة كتب الهندسة المدنية والمعمارية - Civil and architecture ركن خاص بكتب مجانيه للتحميل في ركن الهندسة المدنية والمعمارية - Civil and architecture مكتبة كتب في كتب الهندسة المدنية والمعمارية - Civil and architecture للقراءة بصيغة PDF مجاناً. كتب في مكتبة كتب الهندسة المدنية والمعمارية - Civil and architecture

The Best Architectural Websites The Top Architectural Websites in the World That sounds pretty important doesn’t it? At the very least it sounds comprehensive … it suggests an extensive and exhaustive collection of the best architecturally themed websites in the world. I’m not sure if that is this list but it is my go-to list of websites. Compiling a list of the top architectural websites is far more difficult than it sounds, particularly if there isn’t any particular manner of evaluation employed other than these are the sites that I go to the most often. I don’t have a blog roll on my site, something that I struggle with continually for excluding.

ressources histoiredesarts Avec la chute de l’Union des républiques socialistes soviétiques (URSS), une nouvelle donne se met en place. Sans concurrent, le monde occidental renforce pour un temps sa domination économique, technique, financière et culturelle. L’informatique engage une mutation profonde du design. Tout est à repenser aussi bien les usages que les fonctions, autant la conception que la production et la commercialisation. business + design

Autodesk 123D Design: 3D Modeling for the Masses Autodesk123D Design is a new free 3D modeling tool that allows users to create a digital model and then 3D print or fabricate their idea whether on the iPad, Mac, PC or via their web browser. Autodesk 123D Design helps users get their projects started by providing base shapes and example models that help move past a blank screen and into the design quickly. Using natural interactions to add objects to the canvas and assemble parts together, users can enjoy the design process and create amazing 3D-printable designs. "For the first time ever, users can create sophisticated, precise 3D models of real objects on their iPad, Mac, PC or via their web browser.

brève histoire du design L'après-Guerre marque le renouveau du design, pour des raisons économiques car les trente glorieuses voient la naissance de la société de consommation, mais aussi grâce à de nouveaux matériaux de synthèse inventés dans le cadre de l’effort de guerre (!) : le Polystyrène, le Vinyle, le Plexiglas, le Polyester armé de fibre de verre,.... Certains designers s'emparent des nouvelles possibilités offertes par ces matériaux : Charles Eames (voir en haut à gauche son celebre fauteuil) et d'Eero Sarineen. swissmiss
