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Zazie Online » Vidéos.url

Superbus LOVA LOVA.url Debout sur le Zinc Toute l'actualité de Jean-Jacques Goldman Les instruments du monde - Encyclopédie virtuelle Steve Jobs’ Advice to Freelancers | Freelance School We all know Steve Jobs, the genius who has brought us our most beloved gadgets for the last decade. From the immense success of the iPod to the hysteria over the iPad, Steve Jobs’ innovation has changed the world forever. The world’s biggest tycoons can only dream of seeing half the success which Steve Jobs enjoys every year. For me it is not his monetary success which makes him admirable but rather the way he is shaping the world. Steve Jobs can therefore be a role model for freelancers, but if you analyse him closer, he can be a role model for anyone in business. 1. Jobs said “Do what you love”. I had a friend called David whose father wanted him to study to become an accountant. Steve Jobs enjoys his field of work and that drove him to change his field. The majority of freelancers are freelancing because of their passion. I think Steve Jobs would say: Do it because you love it, not because you have bills to pay or a living to make. 2. CLICK HERE to SUBSCRIBE to our RSS feed 3. 4. 5.

Jennifer Lopez Music Videos and Movies The Back-Up Plan Movie News The Official Jennifer Lopez Site.url Aldebert - Enfantillages - Nouvel Album - déjà disponible Chemempa Audiophilie : Quel format choisir ? Au­dio­phi­lie : Quel for­mat choi­sir ? Voilà bien long­temps que je n’avais pas écrit quelques lignes pour Cuk.​ch, qua­si­ment dix ans en fait. Cela fai­sait quelque temps que j’avais envie de pré­sen­ter une ou deux choses à la com­mu­nauté et c’est en li­sant l’ap­pel de Fran­çois que je me suis dit que c’était l’oc­ca­sion par­faite pour re­ve­nir. Pro­ba­ble­ment peu de gens se sou­viennent de moi et au final, ce n’est pas l’im­por­tant. Pour mon re­tour, j’ai eu l’en­vie de pré­sen­ter une pe­tite série d’ar­ticles consa­crés à l’au­dio­phi­lie et à la mu­sique dé­ma­té­ria­li­sée en gé­né­ral, car dans le monde 2.0, la mu­sique sans sup­port phy­sique prend de plus en plus de place… Mais qu’en est-il de la qua­lité? Ar­rive-t-on à ob­te­nir une res­ti­tu­tion so­nore par­faite? Comme vous pou­vez le voir, il va y avoir pas mal de ma­tière à pré­sen­ter et je m’ef­for­ce­rais de le faire le plus sim­ple­ment pos­sible. Ré­sul­tat? Éton­nant? N. FLAC, ALAC ou AIFF ?

18 ways to do things Apple doesn't want you to do Apple produces incredibly capable computers, but with a little tweaking, you can boost their functionality further still. If you have a video format you wish you could play in QuickTime, sound files that are beyond iTunes or a peripheral that doesn't work under OS X, there might well be a means of getting around the problem. Here we look at 18 interesting ways of taking control of your Apple device, giving it exciting new capabilities that aren't available out of the box. 1. iTunes FLAC and Ogg Natively, iTunes is capable of playing five types of audio file: MP3, AIFF, WAV, AAC and Apple Lossless. To play FLAC files in iTunes, you need to download an app called Fluke, which installs new components for QuickTime. To play Ogg Vorbis files, download a QuickTime component from here. 2. There are several Terminal commands that lift Apple-imposed restrictions on how you can use your OS X applications. Safari defaults write IncludeInternalDebugMenu 1 Address Book iCal 3. 01. 02. 03.

