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Art History Resources for Students, Enthusiasts, Artists and Educators - Artist Biographies - Art Timelines - Images and Picture Galleries

Art History Resources for Students, Enthusiasts, Artists and Educators - Artist Biographies - Art Timelines - Images and Picture Galleries

Famous Paintings Reviewed Audubon Prints at the New York Historical Society Posted by Susan Benford An art history blog post from Famous Paintings Reviewed. The New York Historical Society show, Audubon's Aviary: Parts Unknown, showcases a breathtaking display of Audubon prints. f you've ever had the slightest interest in birds or the work of John James Audubon (1785-1851), this show will stoke it. The New York Historical Society functioned until 1870 as both an art and a natural history museum. John James Aububon. priceless John James Audubon book, The Birds of America, engraved by Robert Havell. John James Audubon was America's first famous watercolorist whose efforts to preserve wildlife are belatedly being appreciated. ornothological illustration by showing all birds life-sized. His astonishing mastery of watercolor is reason alone to see this show, which lasts until May 26, 2014. Right: John James Aububon. Modern Art in Nazi Germany by the chancellor himself. Adolf Ziegler. Right: Max Beckmann. Vasily Kandinsky.

André Breton Da Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia libera. André Breton André Breton (Tinchebray, 19 febbraio 1896 – Parigi, 28 settembre 1966) è stato un poeta, saggista e critico d'arte francese. Noto come poeta e teorico del surrealismo, che favorì con la stesura dei manifesti e curando riviste, mostre e incontri. Biografia[modifica | modifica sorgente] Nel 1900 la famiglia si trasferisce a Pantin (al 33 di rue Étienne-Marcel) e André frequenta l'Istituto religioso Sainte Elisabeth fino al 1902, anno in cui entra a far parte della scuola comunale di Pantin dove si dimostra un ottimo allievo. Nel 1907 si iscrive al College Chaptal di Parigi come esterno e continua ad ottenere buoni risultati soprattutto in tedesco. Nel 1913 si iscrive alla facoltà di Medicina e continua a comporre versi, alcuni dei quali saranno pubblicati sulla rivista "La Phalange", e nello stesso anno si mette in contatto con Paul Valéry al quale sottopone le sue composizioni per avere un giudizio critico. "Surrealismo, s.m.

Excel Tutorials Excel - Spreadsheet Help Spreadsheet - Tips and Tutorials Plays / Drama Introduction - Writing About Art Introduction This text is intended to help students improve their ability to write about visual things. I explain the most common types of analysis used by art historians and a little bit about how these methods developed. This is not a history of art history, however, nor is it an introduction to the theory and methods of art history. Major scholars are not mentioned and complicated ideas have been presented only in terms relevant to their practical application. It also is not a guide to learning how to look at art. Almost all of my examples come from texts written in English. Painting, sculpture, and architecture have been considered the major forms of the fine arts during much of the Western tradition. I have not included any reproductions, in the hope that more attention will be given to the passages quoted. Another editorial decision I made was to cite the names of the authors quoted within my text. This is a guide to writing about art, not to writing itself.

Mario De Micheli , Alberto Sughi, Per un'immagine non illusiva dell'uomo Mario De Micheli, Alberto Sughi, Per un'immagine non illusiva dell'uomo Alberto Sughi, Personaggio immaginario, acrilico, 1969 " ... M. Tratto da M. © 1997-2005 questa pagina e' esclusiva proprieta' di La copia e distribuzione, anche parziale, richiede autorizzazione scritta di Please ask's permission before reproducing this page. Bestselling Books - Reviews and Resources on Bestsellers About Poetry - Poets, Poems, Poetics, Contemporary Poetry and Poetry History Index Bruce Nauman Bruce Nauman (born December 6, 1941) is a contemporary American artist. His practice spans a broad range of media including sculpture, photography, neon, video, drawing, printmaking, and performance. Nauman lives near Galisteo, New Mexico. Life and work[edit] Confronted with “What to do?” in his studio soon after graduating, Nauman had the simple but profound realization that “If I was an artist and I was in the studio, then whatever I was doing in the studio must be art. Nauman began in the 1960s with exhibitions at Nick Wilder’s gallery in Los Angeles and in New York at Leo Castelli in 1968 along with early solo shows at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and the Whitney Museum in 1972. His Self Portrait as a Fountain (1966) shows the artist spouting a stream of water from his mouth. Selected works[edit] Some of Nauman's best-known works include: Exhibitions[edit] Collections[edit] Truncated Pyramid Room (1982/1998) in Lörrach, Germany Recognition[edit] Influences[edit] Nauman cites

Free Cross Stitch Patterns and Lessons from Cross Stitch - Free Counted Cross Stitch Patterns and Lessons Quotes Quotations Understanding Formal Analysis The principles of design describe the ways that artists use the elements of art in a work of art. Below are a few examples of principles of design, which are illustrated in works of art in the Museum's collection. Learn about the elements of art here. Download a student handout containing a list of the principles of design and their definitions. Balance is the distribution of the visual weight of objects, colors, textures, and space. Symmetrical balance conveys a sense of stability. Asymmetrical balance often conveys a sense of movement since the elements of the composition are unbalanced. Emphasis is the part of the design that catches the viewer's attention. In this sculpture, the central figure stands out due to his relative size and position above the other figures. Movement is the path the viewer's eye takes through the work of art, often to focal areas. In this photograph the diagonal lines lead the eye into the space to the point where the lines converge.
