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World of Quotes

World of Quotes

What is that stuff You might ask yourself... What's That Stuff? Ever wondered about what's really in hair coloring, Silly Putty, Cheese Wiz, artificial snow, or self-tanners? C&EN presents a collection of articles that gives you a look at the chemistry behind a wide variety of everyday products. Sort: Alphabetically (Text Only) | Most Recent

Pysiology, Medical Reference Sources Online Literature Wikipedia Quoteland YGYDE Language Names of letters and scientific constants are 2 letters long. Names of variables are 4 letters long compound words. Proper nouns are 6 letters long compound words except for names of people and some geographic names, which are 8 letters long. Names of complex chemicals and proteins are proper nouns made of two words. All other words have odd number of letters. Ygyde is the Linux of conlangs. Andrew Nowicki invented all the tables of the Ygyde language except preposition table. Although Ygyde text can be written with English glyphs, Ygyde glyphs are preferable because the English glyphs are ambiguous: 0 looks like O. l looks like 1 and I. 5 looks like S. rn looks like m. Ygyde's alphabet consists of 32 glyphs: 6 vowels a e y o u i, 15 consonants b p d t g k w f z s j c m n l, full stop, 8 digits, octal point, and space. The Ygyde glyphs listed in the alphabet table are optimized for handwriting. If the last letter (phoneme) of Ygyde word is a or i, the last syllable is stressed.

Wheeles Textbook of Orthopedics
