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Barefoot College

Barefoot College

Home Page | Blackfoot Indians (Blackfeet, Siksika) Blackfoot chief Father and son Is the name of the tribe "Blackfoot" or "Blackfeet"? Where did this name come from? Where do the Blackfeet Indians live? How is the Blackfeet Indian nation organized? In the past, the Piikani, Kainai, and Siksika Nations were each led by a council of chiefs, one from each clan. What is the population of the Blackfoot nation? What language do the Blackfeet speak? What was Blackfoot culture like in the past? Sponsored Links How do Blackfoot Indian children live, and what did they do for recreation? What were Blackfoot men and women's roles? What were Blackfoot homes like in the past? What was Blackfoot clothing like? What was Blackfoot transportation like in the days before cars? What was Blackfoot food like in the days before supermarkets? What are Blackfoot arts and crafts like? What other Native Americans did the Blackfeet tribe interact with? Plains Indian customs regarding war were different than European ones. What kinds of stories do the Blackfeet tell?

Barefoot Collège (Inde) Gandhi’s legacy lives on | Education The Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development (MGIEP), to be inaugurated in New Delhi later this year, will be the latest in a long line of initiatives reminding us that Gandhi’s legacy endures. “If we are to reach real peace in this world and if we are to carry on a real war against war, we shall have to begin with children”. These words were taken to heart by the two followers of India’s Bapu (“Father”) who founded City Montessori School – recipient of UNESCO’s 2002 Prize for Peace Education – which stands as one of many incarnations of the Mahatma’s words: the school’s core philosophy is to make “a good human being, a good member of a family, a good member of a community, a good citizen of a country, a good citizen of the world” out of their pupils via the broadest possible education for tolerance and peace. With powerful backing and an extensive mandate, the Institute will carry Gandhi’s legacy forward, leading the new generations along the way.

Wall of Silence - Women's Aid This November Avon UK and GLAMOUR magazine teamed up to launch the Wall Of Silence, a campaign created by GLAMOUR reader Charli Bailey who took up the magazine's challenge to its readers to create a campaign for Women's Aid and Refuge. The Wall Of Silence is made up of real people who have posted "shhh" selfies tagged #wallofsilence on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook or uploaded them directly to the site. It has also been supported by some of Women's Aid's celebrity supporters, including Ambassadors Jahmene Douglas and Charlie Webster (below). "As a survivor myself, I know how hard it is to open up," says creator Charli. "Anyone who posts a picture will be saying that we all need to talk about it to break the taboo and empower victims to get help." Between November 3 and December 10, Avon will donate £1 to Women's Aid and Refuge for every brick (proceeds split between Refuge and Women's Aid).

Age Exchange - Internationally Renowned for Work in all Areas of Reminiscence Quest to learn : l’école où l’on joue à apprendre Malgré les multiples de tentatives de réformer l’éducation en France et ailleurs, le rapport entre l’élève, le professeur et la connaissance n’a guère changé : l’enseignant reste l’unique diffuseur du savoir. Quant à l’intégration des technologies, elle se limite souvent à la salle d’informatique où l’on apprend péniblement quelques fonctionnalités de Word. Ne parlons même pas des jeux vidéos, qui restent le grand Satan. Image : Katie Salen lors de la conférence Hacking Education organisée par l’Union Square Ventures en 2009. Autant d’attitudes dont Katie Salen prend le contrepied. Dans le cadre des rencontres organisées par le CRI (Centre de recherche interdisciplinaire), autour des nouveaux modèles d’apprentissage à l’école et de la place de l’enfant, elle a défendu le rôle de la technologie dans l’élaboration de projets communs dans lesquels l’expertise des élèves est reconnue au même titre que celle du professeur. Image : La home page de présentation de Quest to lean.

M A R G A R E T J. W H E A T L E Y LOST AND FOUND IN OUR BRAVE NEW WORLD Awakening Our Perceptions to Access the Information We Need Sundance, Utah "We're lost, but we're making good time." --Yogi Berra A Buddhist teacher taught that the only thing we can trust in life is that the world always gives us feedback. As leaders, how do we develop the will, discipline and skills to stay open to the messages that are always there? This seminar provides the opportunity to develop skills of curiosity and discernment by working with all our sense perceptions. This will be a very lively and rich exploration of how we sharpen our perceptions as I'm partnering with my long-time colleague and friend, jazz drummer Jerry Granelli. For more information and to register, visit LEADERS AS WARRIORS FOR THE HUMAN SPIRIT Cape Cod Institute For more information and to register, visit:

Fund Science and Explore the World with Renowned Researchers - Global Dynamics Processes: the Pattern which Connects from KaliYuga to Tao Pédagomix – Jeff Tavernier A l’heure du web social et des outils mobiles, le numérique réinvente les pédagogies qui se basent sur les apprentissages collaboratifs. Mais quelle place pour la créativité collective à l’école ? Le but est bien de répondre au défi des réformes des systèmes éducatifs que Ken Robinson tente également de définir dès 2007 dans cette conférence animée par RSA Animate. La question de la créativité était déjà soulevée en d’autres termes par Daniel Pink en 2005 avec son best-seller A whole new mind (pitoyablement traduit en français par L’homme aux deux cerveaux). A l’heure des débats sur l’open data, certains n’hésitent pas à formuler les contours d’une « éducation ouverte » (juin 2012) qui répondent aux nouveaux enjeux éducatifs définis par la tribune de François Taddéi « 6 milliards d’autodidactes » (Libération, avril 2009). J'aime : J'aime chargement…
