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115 Useful Websites

115 Useful Websites
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100+ Alternative Search Engines You Should Know If someone asks you, off the top of your head, what search engines you use or know off, chances are you’ll be naming the regulars: Google, Bing, Yahoo. The Internet however is a really big place and there are plenty more search engines out there that can cater to very specific requirements. General Search Engines We’re skipping the search engines that everyone know about so you won’t be seeing Google, Yahoo or Bing in this list. Aol – Aol offers search results combined with content from AOL. MyWebSearch – MyWebSearch is search engine that shows results from Google. Regional Search Engines Search Nigeria – Search Nigeria is a web based portal and search engine. Kid-Safe Search Engines These search engines provide children with a search service that keeps out age-inappropriate materials unfit for consumption for young ages. Social Media Search Engines Pixnet – An online mobile photo sharing and networking service. Image & Icon Search Engines Knowledge Search Engines Private Search Engines

101 Most Useful Websites You Dont Know About 16. – when you wish to share a NSFW page but with a warning. 17. – a simple online timer for your daily needs. 18. – if a site is down due to heavy traffic, try accessing it through coral CDN. 19. – pick random numbers, flip coins, and more. 20. – check the trust level of any website. 21. – Preview PDFs and Presentations directly in the browser. 22. – simultaneously upload videos to YouTube and other video sites. 23. – the best place for searching web videos. 24. – share you email address online without worrying about spam. 25. – now get read receipts for your email. 26. – visualize and compare the size of any product. 27. – quickly determine the font name from an image. 28. – a good collection of fonts – free for personal and commercial use. 29. – find data hidden in your photographs – see more EXIF tools.

Res Old Picture Frame Images part 1 Here are some cool old fashioned classic wooden frames. I enjoyed making the painting for the post image above and it was quite hard to decide which frame to go with. The collection contains 15 high resolution antique frame pictures (widths are around 3000-4000px). There’s a variety of gold plated ornate frames, unique carvings, shapes and sizes – most of them are chipped and worn out with missing pieces, in other words good candidates for design projects. I do have more of these and there will be a part 2; good news if you’re opening an online art museum :).

12 Useful Websites to Help You Search the Web by Johnny Webber 1. – Search the web anonymously. 2. – Search YouTube for unlisted videos. 3. – Search every tweet since 2006. 4. – A search engine that removed the one million most popular websites from its index. 5. – Search sounds. 6. – Search the web for the best online learning resources. 7. – Search the hottest deals from around the web. 8. – Search for streamable movies and television shows. 9. – Search Reddit comments. 10. – Search torrents. 11. – Find content you can share, use, and remix. 12. – Search and summarize Wikipedia articles.

10 sitios web útiles que deberías añadir a tus marcadores Internet es vasto e infinito como el universo, si algo no está en Internet es porque no existe, o está en construcción. Para algunos de nosotros vivir fuera de la red se recuerda como un pasado lejano, tan lejano como la época en la cual no existía la televisión y las familias tenían 16 hijos. Internet puede llegar a ser un gigantesco mar de conocimiento pero de un centímetro de profundidad. Ya que cualquiera puede añadir su propia basura, la red se encuentra sumamente contaminada, pero eso no quiere decir que la web no tenga muchos sitios verdaderamente útiles, sitios llenos de información, o de herramientas que nos pueden facilitar la vida, en especial a los que pasamos el mayor porcentaje de nuestro día frente a una pantalla, y tenemos síndrome de túnel carpiano gracias al mouse. Aunque esta es apenas una muestra microscópica de todo lo que tenemos disponible, decidimos compartir con ustedes esta pequeña lista de 10 sitios web útiles que guardar en tus marcadores. Duck Duck Go Reddit

Chrome Extensions for Educators Massive List of 'HowTo' Sites + 'HowTo' Search Engine Advertisement ‘HowTo’s (HowTos, HowTo’s, or whatever you prefer to call them) are excellent problems solvers: they provide quick, easy-to-follow and non-overwhelming solutions to one or another problem that pop-up during daily routines. People love them, especially when they’re free, regardless whether it’s a step-by-step guide or a couple of minutes long video. Good news, the amount of freely available, user-contributed HowTo’s out there is staggering. eHow (over 35.000 HowTo artciles) We notice you're using an adblocker. I've whitelisted MakeUseOf. Not now. Advertisement ‘HowTo’s (HowTos, HowTo’s, or whatever you prefer to call them) are excellent problems solvers: they provide quick, easy-to-follow and non-overwhelming solutions to one or another problem that pop-up during daily routines. Good news, the amount of freely available, user-contributed HowTo’s out there is staggering. eHow (over 35.000 HowTo artciles) We notice you're using an adblocker. I've whitelisted MakeUseOf. Not now.

Free Old Typewriter Font I know there are many typewriter fonts out there, but I had to give it a shot :) – I found this old letter, so I just scanned it and extracted whatever letters were available. The alphabet was almost complete, but still had to do some myself. The font can be used for both personal and commercial projects (see the ReadMe file included in the zip). 8 Convenient Tools For Creating Animated GIFs The Internet is full of visually compelling content that can quickly capture the attention of any web surfer. Next to memes and JPEGs, GIFs have been a popular image choice for sharing content across the web. No doubt, you’ve seen one before. An animated GIF image file is one in which several image frames are put together and are played in a loop. Ever try making an animated GIF yourself? We put together a resource showcasing some of the most popular and convenient GIF tools out there. 1. A few things about GifMaker earn it the first spot on our list. 2. This popular tool can create a GIF image from different types of content. 3. Picasion is quick and straightforward. 4. GifSoup is perfect for generating quick GIFs with very little hassle. 5. This tool gives you a bit more flexibility for creating a customized GIF from YouTube. 6. If you’re an active Flickr member, then you’ll want to check out Gickr. 7. 8.

Historia(s) de la belleza Los esclavos germanos no tenían derecho a la vida ni a la muerte, pero sí bonitas melenas rubias. La envidia de las mujeres romanas, que mandaban importar cabellos del norte de Europa para confeccionar sus elaboradas pelucas. La élite de la antigüedad imponía su canon de lujo y exotismo mediante prácticas esnobistas que se nutrían de los piojos de los descastados. Las mujeres del Romanticismo del XVIII entraron en una competición suicida por conseguir un aspecto frágil y pálido ingiriendo vinagre y limón. La meta era limar las curvas y tornar sus caras de enfermedad. Protegidas por la vegetación de la sierra de Atapuerca que se recrea a la entrada de la institución, más de 100 piezas reflexionan sobre cómo “la belleza ha ido cambiando a la luz de los acontecimientos culturales”, como apunta Quionia Herrero, comisaria de la muestra. Una bonita y simétrica concha de nautilus recibe al visitante. Menos peligrosas, aunque igual de superficiales, son algunas herramientas de la Prehistoria.

30 Fantastic Websites To Lose Yourself In If you follow me on Twitter you might know that I moved to London last September. You might also know that since then I’ve had nothing but trouble trying to get an Internet connection set up in my home. Fortunately, last week I finally got everything up and running and to mark my triumphant return to the world of the Internet I went a little crazy and shared 30 of my favourite websites on Twitter. The majority of them are single-serving sites. Some are very useful while others, others just plain entertaining. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 500 Letters Artists. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. UK Bonus Tracks As a cheeky extra here’s some extra links I tweeted which are pretty cool for those like me who live in London: Are the any good films on iPlayer? Live Map of London Underground Trains Exactly as the name suggests. The London Bookshop Map A site set up to promote independent bookshops.
