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Code couleur CMJN
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Émoticônes Facebook 2016 : voici la liste ultime des smileys ! On vous présente ici la liste ultime de tous les émoticônes, smileys et emojis que vous pouvez ajouter à vos publications sur le réseau social préféré des Français : Facebook ! Cette liste comporte tous les émoticônes compatibles avec Facebook en 2016. Facebook, tout comme Twitter, Instagram et Google Plus, accepte l’ajout de smileys sur son réseau social pour enrichir ses publications, quelles soient personnelles entre amis ou professionnelles par l’intermédiaire des pages notamment. Nous avons compilé ici la liste la plus exhaustive et à jour possible des emojis, émoticônes et smileys que l’on peut vous proposer d’ajouter sur Facebook en 2016. Concrètement, l’ensemble de ces symboles peuvent être ajoutés à tous les types de publications qu’il vous est possible de faire sur Facebook : Tous les émoticônes ne s’affichent pas sur tous les navigateurs, Mozilla Firefox semble être celui qui les affichent le mieux dans l’ensemble, Google Chrome est aussi très bien placé.

Charlotte et le design textile! - lje-alumni Ancienne Mini-Entrepreneuse de « Bag to the Future », Charlotte Simonis se lance dans l’aventure de l’entreprenariat. Son projet lors de sa participation au programme des Mini-Entreprises consistant à la création de sac à partir de vieux vêtements. « Tout ce que j’ai appris lors de ma participation aux Mini-Entreprises est intéressant pour ma vie actuelle ». En effet malgré le fait qu’elle ne l’ait pas pris au sérieux pour laisser de la place aux études, Charlotte assistait aux conférences, toujours très intéressantes, aux ventes et toutes autres activités. Après avoir suivi un cursus humanitaire basé sur les sciences-économiques, Charlotte s’est rendue compte que ce n’était pas sa voie. Elle s’est donc inscrite à l’Académie des Beaux-Arts dans l’option design textile, ce qui était encore à ce moment là un mystère pour elle. « J’ai succomber à la magie de commencer un tissus de rien ». Son projet est né lors d’un voyage au Burkina Faso, en se promenant dans les marchés. Sur Facebook

7 conseils incontournables pour construire votre pack papeterie corporative Tout projet d’entrepreneuriat un minimum professionnel doit penser à sa papeterie corporative. Dans une grande entreprise, cela suppose un investissement important, mais pour les petites et moyennes entreprises, 2 ou 3 éléments de communication papier seront suffisants. Le premier élément est la carte de visite, indispensable pour tisser des liens et créer de nouveaux contacts. De simples cartes de visite ne seront pas suffisantes si votre projet implique des visites vers d’autres entreprises ou des envois personnalisés d’informations. Voici quelques rapides conseils pour vous faciliter la tâche et que vous sachiez à peu prés ce qu’il faut prévoir comme supports, ainsi que les notions de base sur les quantités et les formats. Créez un aperçu de votre papeterie avant impression. Pour commencer et avoir une idée du rendu final de vos supports imprimés, vous pouvez utiliser ce modèle de présentation de papeterie corporative. Téléchargez le Mock Up de présentation >> ICI

Color theory: a beginner's guide for designers You have a whopping 16.8 million colors to choose from when designing a website. And when you start combining them to form a palette? Your array of choices instantly becomes practically infinite. To get you started with color theory, I’ll dive into the following topics: Vocabulary: from tints to saturation to warmth and more, we’ll cover the lingo designers use when talking color Color wheel: a powerful tool for visualizing the relationships between colors Color schemes: how to use the color wheel to choose your color schemes Color psychology: the feelings and meanings people often associate with particular colors Tools and resources: apps and guides to help you master designing with color Why you should care about color If someone handed you the keys to your dream car, for free, your head would explode with excitement, right? But what if the car was painted in your most-hated hue? You might be a little less excited, right? Colors have meaning. The vocabulary of color Primary colors 1. 2. 3.

7 visual design lessons from Dmitry Novikoff based on Big Sur Icons - Product... My friend, Dmitry Novikoff, has helped me work on a Big Sur icon, and I was honestly surprised by the number of visual design secrets he shared. Dmitry helped me with graphical concepts of Big Sur and visual design techniques. I’ll share my findings below. 1. Cinematic Backgrounds Usually, I automatically put the light on top, which makes sense in most design cases. 2. As in 3D, to make objects look realistic, they need to have bevels that reflect colour. 3. Balance of highlights and shadows is infinitely important. 4. Linear gradients don't look realistic, so it's worth trying radial gradients while shifting their angle to make them look more natural. 5. Many times I miss rhythm in my work while trying to improve each element one by one. 6. The icons in the new version of macOS hold principles. 7. In icons, colour is perceived in the first place, and then the form.

Mastering Iconography: The 3 Do's & Don'ts of Icon Design | Dribbble Design Blog In this guest post, founder of Iconaday Samuel Lee Miller drops by to share the three do’s and don’ts of effective icon design. Though they can be easily overlooked, icons play a crucial role in design—guiding users, communicating ideas and information, and bringing hierarchy to content—to name a few. Yet, creating icons in simple, novel ways remains a challenge. While there are many variables to consider, this article outlines a few things to think through in your icon design process. ✖️ DON’T Design icons without research Conducting research before designing is always important, but with icon creation, it’s crucial. Some of the things that you should consider are: the intended meaning or desired action (think about how you hope people will understand the symbol) and how this concept has been represented in the past. Looking at an icon marketplace like The Noun Project can help you to get a better understanding of how designers have visualized concepts before. Icon design ideas

5 Psychology Tricks for Good UX Design | Designbolts When listing what they consider must-have skills for a UX designer, most people would list things like an understanding of marketing and graphic design skills. These skills are important, but they are not all that is needed. For a website to work effectively, a UX designer needs to understand how people think. When you talk to people about websites they like, they might pinpoint a few design features that catch their attention. For this reason, understanding the science of psychology is key for anyone who wants to become a UX designer. 1. For most people outside of the field of psychology, the term cognitive fluency is not well understood. You have likely experienced cognitive fluency when you visited a website that has a clean and simple appearance. When surfing the web, you may have stumbled across a website that was designed in the early 2000s. You can improve the cognitive fluency of your website by minimizing the text content. 2. 3. 4. Color impacts emotion. 5. Conclusion

27 Exciting New Tools For Designers, March 2021 | Webdesigner Depot Webdesigner Depot » Blog Archive Looking for something new to get you excited about design work? This list is packed with all kinds of goodies to help you feel inspired and ready to work. Here’s what new for designers this month. Top Picks for March Same Energy Same Energy, in beta, is a visual search engine. SVG Repo SVG Repo is a collection of more than 300,000 SVG vectors and icons that you can download and use in projects for free (even commercial use). Penpot Penpot is an open-source design and prototyping platform for cross-domain teams. Directual Directual is a no-code platform for building scalable apps using a visual interface. HTML Boilerplates HTML Boilerplates helps you start web projects by generating a custom HTML boilerplate that you can download. 6 Productivity Boosters Rows Rows is a spreadsheet tool with built-in web integrations that’s made for team collaboration. Form.Taxi is a premium web-based form tool. Verbz Flameshot Flameshot is a tool for grabbing screenshots. Kitemaker This Code Works Core Font

Coverr 3.0: Get Free Stock Videos with No Attribution Required - Joe Tech Rev... Coverr 3.0 is a resource with exclusive stock video footage that can be used for free. It provides stock footage for both commercial and non-commercial use, and requires no attribution to be given for any of the footage used. Coverr 3.0 is the third major iteration of Coverr, and comes with a bunch of new features. Who made it? Coverr began as a project by, a video production marketplace, to fulfill the need for creators that needed high-quality stock footage. Who is it for? Coverr 3.0 carries the tagline of “videos for everyone”. Key features What does it cost? Coverr 3.0 is completely free to use. What are the makers saying? “Since releasing Coverr 2.0 two and half years ago, Coverr gained a lot of traction, in the past year with the pandemic that hit almost every sector, and the fact many productions couldn’t really happen ,we’ve experienced even greater traction with more needs for free high quality video footage. What are people saying? “Such a great product! Go Coverr!”

Font Psychology: Here's Everything You Need to Know About Fonts Share Share Tweet Share Pin It There are over half a million fonts in the world. While most of the web is built upon a handful of popular font types, there’s lots of room to pick a unique path. Since fonts are also visual elements, you can use them as psychological elements to paint a narrative that supports your site’s efforts. Like other design elements, fonts influence how readers perceive the text, a product, or even the entire website. Therefore, proper font choices fuel your site’s user experience and ultimately affect the design side of your conversion rate optimization. Nailing the font choices isn’t an easy feat. Let’s take an in-depth look into how fonts work on a psychological level and how you can choose the right font for your design. Basics of Typography Typography is the art and technique of arranging type to make written language legible, readable, and appealing when displayed. Fonts are visual elements used to pass information or display a message to the reader. Serif Script
